Jaw pain due to anxiety: what to do – Online Psychologists

One of the physical symptoms of anxiety is jaw pain. The nerves associated with this mental condition cause tension to build up in this area of ​​the mouth.

Anxiety also manifests itself in the jaw

The The relationship between anxiety and jaw pain is closesince many experts already point out that jaw tension can be caused by mental conditions such as depression, stress or anxiety.

These problems increase jaw pain and teeth grinding, known as bruxismwhich consists of involuntary and regular clenching and grinding of teeth both throughout the day and night.

Jaw tension and its symptoms

Nerves and anxiety cause it to build up temporomandibular joint (TMJ) tension and the muscles surrounding it. The latter are responsible for controlling movements such as opening and closing the mouth, chewing and yawning.

The mandibular tension that is caused has a series of symptoms as:

  • Jaw pain.
  • Limitation of mouth opening.
  • Discomfort when chewing.
  • Premature wear of teeth and molars.
  • Premature loss of teeth
  • Jaw noises when opening and closing the mouth.
  • Tenderness in the ears, face or neck.
  • Even frequent headaches.

What does science say about jaw pain from anxiety?

According to a study conducted by German researchers, Yes, there is a relationship between the symptoms of anxiety and depression and pain. temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). This disorder affects the muscles and joints that connect the lower jaw to the skull.

The eleven authors worked with 3,006 patients with an average age of 49 years who underwent medical and oral health examinations, as well as TAT ​​pain assessments. In this research they discovered that the TAT pain could be a physical symptom of depression or anxietysince these mental disorders can generate increased activity in the jaw muscles. This would cause inflammation and pain in the area.

In the same way, this pain can also be blamed on the chemical imbalances in the brain that people with depression and anxiety have. These are the ones that can cause them to have a feeling of pain.

For all these reasons, the German researchers finally point out that There is a moderate to strong relationship between anxiety and depression and TAT pain..

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Guidelines for relieving jaw pain from anxiety

There are a number of basic guidelines for relieving jaw pain caused by anxiety. Physiotherapists recommend monitor the condition of the tongue when at rest. Proper placement of this is supported by the upper palate behind the teeth.

Likewise, it is advisable avoid contact between the upper and lower incisors. It is also important check how much your mouth openssince it is normal for three fingers to fit between the upper and lower incisors.

Some Remedies to relax and reduce pain are:

  • Open your mouth imitating a yawn several times throughout the day.
  • Speaking out loud vocalizing softly each syllable and opening your mouth wide.
  • Sing a song loudly vocalizing and pronouncing each word clearly.
  • Imitate crying. By making ourselves cry we move the muscles of the face, which is beneficial for the jaw.
  • Give a facial massagefocusing on the area of ​​the mandibular joint.

The pandemic increased cases of jaw pain

Because the mouth can be a reflection of our mood and one of the ways to release accumulated nerves, the number of patients with jaw pain, bruxism and even broken teeth has increased after the pandemic.

The harsh months of confinement have caused a series of consequences, including the Increase in visits to dental clinics to relieve these symptoms. Dentists advise go to the consultation at the moment in which it appears first annoyance: toothache, gum pain and even headaches. Intervening in time prevents further damage.

For all these reasons, if you suffer from any of the symptoms mentioned above, it is best to you go to a specialist. If these physical ailments are the result of anxiety and stress, We can provide you with help from A network of psychologists is at your disposal to take action and stop this condition. Don't hesitate to act and request your free appointment.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 2,000 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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