🔍10 strategies to learn to control your emotions – Online Psychologists

Our emotions are often capable of controlling our minds without us being able to stop them. Taking emotional control is essential to avoid potential problems such as anxiety or stress, and this depends on the emotional intelligence of each individual. Knowing the necessary strategies to control our emotions and avoid being prisoners of uncontrollable thoughts allows us to have more positive mental health.

Importance of emotions in our lives

Emotions are a physiological and psychological response to a stimulus or situation. They are an automatic and natural response of our body and mind that help us process and understand what is happening around us. In other words, they are absolutely necessary for humans, but despite this, they are sometimes responsible for our suffering.

When we interpret the emotions we feel negatively, it causes us pain. To prevent that from happening We must accept and understand our emotions.

Emotions are important in our lives, as they are able to help us in decision-making, alert us to danger or help us in interpersonal relationships. The problem arises when their impact is significantly negative and triggers mental and physical health problems.

How do they affect our health?

The way we interpret our emotions varies from person to person. Lifestyle, previous experiences or personality can transform the way we react to an emotion.

The same experience can be interpreted by two people in totally opposite ways. The amygdala, the part of our brain responsible for triggering emotions automatically, can treat an emotion as something positive or as a potential threat.

The problem arises when the emotional response is not properly regulated.: The brain can be put on alert in situations where there is no real threat and trigger anxiety, affecting our well-being. When the brain is unable to interpret these situations correctly over a long period of time, even bigger problems such as depression are triggered.

10 strategies to manage your emotions

Knowing how to control our emotions requires a degree of emotional intelligence. This quality allows us to develop more effectively in all areas of our lives, and can be developed to a greater extent if we work on it.

There are various strategies that help us control our emotions and enjoy a full life:

1. Understand your emotions

Reflect on what you feel, and why you feel it. Trying to understand the background of why we react in a certain way to an event can help us modify this behavior. If we understand what is happening to us and assess calmly whether it is as serious as we think it is, it will give us a new perspective.

2. Active listening

When you talk to others, pay attention to what they are actually saying. Many times we think we understand something but that is not really what they are saying to us; we rely on personal interpretations. Taking on the task of actively listening to our interlocutors will help us focus on the reality of the message.

3. Physical exercise and good nutrition

To have good mental health, we must acquire good habits. Eating correctly or exercising daily is essential. There are certain foods that have been shown to help our body feel better. In addition, exercise helps us release tension that can build up in our body if we experience frustrating, stressful or anxious situations.

4. Take criticism

Learning to accept what others say is essential. Criticism is often not so negative, and can be a great lesson to improve negative aspects of our personality or our behavior. Feeling angry is not the solution.

5. Work on self-acceptance

Accepting ourselves is sometimes complicated; the level of self-demand can prevent us from understanding that no one is perfect. Adopting a defensive attitude towards ourselves does not help in controlling emotions.

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6. Adopt a positive attitude

Having the will to face challenges with a positive mindset is up to us. Working to foster this attitude will make us more resilient and less prone to conflict with others.

7. Think about the good and not the bad

When something bad happens to us, we often spend hours bringing it back to our minds, while the positive is more easily forgotten. Insisting on bringing back the positive will help us reduce our stress levels.

8. Practice relaxation techniques

Having time for ourselves and knowing how to relax helps us to escape from external problems. Having the ability to know how to apply relaxation techniques in our lives takes time, but its benefits are immense.

9. Retire at the right time

When you have an interpersonal conflict, learn to control your emotions. Don't let yourself be guided by what you feel at that moment, and much less by external provocations. Learn to know how to withdraw.

10. Think before you react

When faced with complex situations or stressful events, think before you act. Be patient and think rationally about what is happening.

Online therapy to learn to control your emotions

The online therapy It is a very effective tool for working on problems related to emotions. Being able to count on a expert psychologist Dealing with your problems individually will allow you to get to the root of your emotions and identify why you react to certain stimuli or events in a negative way.

At we have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career We have helped more than 1,600 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking help from an online psychologist, you can request a free first session.

The importance of emotional communication

Emotional communication is essential to building healthy and meaningful relationships with others. It is how we express our feelings and how others interpret these feelings. Effective emotional communication involves being able to identify, express, and respond to one's own and others' emotions.

To improve our emotional communication, it is important to learn to recognize and express our emotions clearly and assertively. It is also important to learn to listen and understand others.

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