Neurosciences: the future of psychology – Online Psychologists

Although many may think that neuroscience is the end of psychology, for others it means a advance that will allow to complement psychologysince both disciplines can be unified to know much more and explain the origin of mental disorders and injuries that can cause effects on normal psychological processes.

Do you want to learn about these topics? It is common to confuse both terms and their concepts, which is why this Official Master's Degree in Clinical Neuropsychology offers international projection based on the guidelines of different international organizations.

Psychology and neuroscience, especially cognitive neuroscience, are responsible for analyzing everything about the functioning of the central human organ, the brain, composed of millions of interconnected neurons, capable of controlling the activity of the nervous system, organs, muscles and more.

If you are wondering why it is important to know about these sciences, it is because both disciplines aim to guide professionals in this field to have a better understanding of How people's thoughts and actions are capable of generating great changes in humans.

How are neuroscience and psychology related?

Starting from the fact that psychology is the science that analyzes the mind and behavior of human beings, neuroscience for its part is a discipline that, used by psychologists, will study the biological and chemical processes that affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Although neuroscience, due to its studies and great advances, has become the greatest tool of psychology, it is evident that it cannot leave aside psychology and its proven theories.

What some researchers suggest is that neuroscience could complement psychology and provide a grand unifying theory, since through it psychological procedures can ultimately be explained in terms of brain processes.

In this regard, Dr. David Ludden, in cognitive psychology, explains that, “If we want to understand the mind, we must first understand the brain, because in the end, the brain produces the mind.”.

Importance of neuroscience in psychology

When there is some kind of problem in the nervous system, psychology specialists use methods to obtain emotional responses and prevent psychological disorders. Neuroscience in particular has become a tool implemented to better understand brain function.

Psychologists mostly use the disciplines of neuroscience to determine to what extent the brain presents plasticity, which is the capacity of cerebral adaptation (functional and structural) to the environment, which can affect people's behavior.

Currently, neuroscience together with the support of Artificial Intelligence, can detect problems or patterns in neural activity of people, even from childhood that could manifest in adulthood, so they can be prevented or the corresponding precautions can be taken, which represents a great help and progress for the future.

Neuroscience could be the future of psychology, used together to detect and solve some brain pathologies, never used alone, since they complement each other according to the theories of their creators.

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