What is behind unfaithful men? – Online Psychologists

The Infidelity is a betrayal of trust and the commitment established in a relationship. When we talk about unfaithful men, we are referring to those who exceed the limits that had been agreed upon at the beginning of the relationship.

However, it must be taken into account that, within each couple, different limits are established and, therefore, each relationship has a different concept of infidelityFor some people, sexual intercourse is required, while for others, just flirting is enough.

Unfaithful Men: What is considered male infidelity?

For centuries, infidelity has been associated with men. However, there are also women who are unfaithful, because infidelity does not depend on the gender of the person who commits it.

The fact that men are unfaithful can be due to many reasons and of a very varied nature. But there are some situations or attitudes and behaviors that are repeated and they are quite common in men who commit infidelities.

Some experts point out that, today, male infidelity has less to do with sexual motivations than previously believed. It is more related to satisfy your self-esteem or their ego and improve their emotional state.

Unfaithful men look outside their partner for a emotional connection with another person. Many people seek to feel loved and to be seen as worthy.

However, this does not justify the harm caused to the other person. If you are considering being unfaithful, or if you have already committed infidelity and feel guilty, it may be time to contact an online psychologist.

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What are the main reasons why men are unfaithful?

These are the most common reasons for male infidelity:

Communication and trust problems in the couple

There are times when there are already problems in the relationship with the partner. There are many arguments, there are differences of opinion or problems in living together. All this will create a tense atmosphere and negativityThat's why returning home causes great anxiety and becomes the opposite of a relaxed and positive environment.

As a consequence of this hostile environment and the scarce presence of pleasant moments, it can cause many men to be unfaithful. They may feel undervalued and they believe that their partner does not pay them enough attention. That is, their partners focus more on their life and their daily things than on them.

The truth is that having clashes either small discussions It's normal to do so with your partner. After all, you're living together and each of you has a set of values ​​or customs that you don't necessarily have to share.

However, if these problems are already becoming frequent, you can enter a couple crisis. Faced with this situation, many men may decide to look for other environments or contexts that are more pleasant for them with other people outside the relationship.

Sexual problems

It is true that sex is not the most important factor for a relationship to work. However, it is an essential element to keep the spark in the relationship. Many men, when they experience sexual discontent In the relationship they turn to other people.

One of the reasons that unfaithful men justify their actions is the fact of the lack of sex in their relationships. When we have been living with our partner for a long time, the situation may arise that the sexual activity decreases.

You don't feel the same attraction as you did at the beginning because there is no novelty anymore and therefore the excitement is lost. This is something normal that is part of most relationships. But many men may feel that sex is the most important thing and feel the need to look for in another person what they do not have with their partner.

To avoid this, it is important that in the relationship seek privacy. Spaces to practice the sexual act that allow you be alone. In everyday life it is very difficult to dedicate time to your partner with the stress and the hustle and bustle of routine. Hence the need and interest in planning activities or spaces so that you can be together and connect physically.

Lack of self-esteem

Some unfaithful men have a low self-esteem which could explain this search for affirmation through pleasing and seducing other women. Self-esteem is the concept used to describe how we see ourselves. That is, the self-concept we have of how we are and whether we love ourselves.

Socially the cliché has been created successful and valuable flirt with women to seduce them and show their worth. However, many men do this because they do not have enough self-esteem or self-love and need to feel valued constantly. That need to feel reinforced and flattered for other people can lead them to cross the line and commit infidelities.

Boredom and sensation seeking

There are unfaithful men who are so for the simple fact of seek new experiences. They are tired of the monotony and the routine with your partner and they need feel new emotions.

Being unfaithful means that your partner doesn't find out, you do things behind his back with the tension that he can't notice. This generates adrenalinwhich means an increase in pleasure. Therefore, they continue doing it.

There may be times when men decide to be unfaithful for revenge. Either because his wife has committed infidelity or because they believe that have been disappointed for other reasons. They give themselves confirmation that they can have a relationship with another person because they feel it is justified.

What do I do if someone is cheating on me?

Infidelity can be committed for many reasons, the only thing that is clear is that none of these justify such action. It is one of the most painful moments that a couple can face. A immense pain in the faithful person because he or she feels disappointed by his or her partner, he or she has been let down.

Nowadays, infidelity is a problem that is very presentIf you think your partner is being unfaithful, you should talk to him.

The communication In a relationship, it is essential for everything to flow in the best way. It is not easy to talk about it, but you must do it. If you feel that you are not able to talk about it alone with him, there is always the option of going to couples therapy.

Poetry is born from pain. Joy is an end in itself.

Pablo Neruda

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