🚫 Emotional blockage: Is it possible to help those who suffer from it? – Online Psychologists

Have you ever felt your emotions so strongly that they have overwhelmed you, for better or worse? So much intensity can play tricks on you and, as a result, you may have met the dreaded emotional block.

The name may not sound familiar to you, but you surely know the feeling of block your emotions to the point of not feeling anything.

What is emotional blockage?

Emotional blockage is a mechanism that the mind uses when faced with difficult situations. That is, when faced with a certain situation that can cause you pain, stress, or anxiety, your mind reacts by ignoring your emotions and you become mentally paralyzed.

There can be many situations that can lead to an emotional blockage. It will depend on each person. Remember that each person has a personality, a different vision and different ways of dealing with things. What is easy for you to accept may be complex for others.

The fact that experience a traumatic eventsuch as a robbery or an attack, a breakup, the death of a loved one or even a failure at work or school, can cause an emotional blockage.

How can I identify an emotional block?

When a person suffers from an emotional block, it is because their mind reacts intensely to a difficult situation. This situation generates a series of feelings that they cannot manage and, so that they do not get in the way, the mind decides to ignore them. Some symptoms that can give you a clue as to whether you or someone around you is suffering from an emotional block:

  • Lack or absence of emotions. When faced with a situation, a person stops feeling and showing emotions. This is because by not being able to face them, they block them.
  • Denial of the fact. After blocking these emotions, the person tends to deny or ignore the event that caused the emotional block.
  • Lack of motivation. Blocking often makes you lose the desire to do things.
  • You neglect self-care. That is to say: you neglect your hygiene, you don't rest well, you don't eat well…
  • Fatigue. Lack of rest and the state of alertness in which your mind is immersed make you feel tired all the time. This can affect your daily life.
  • Difficulty expressing yourself. You cannot, nor do you want to, express your thoughts and emotions because you are emotionally absent.
  • Addictions. In order to deal with a traumatic situation and find something that makes them feel better again, some people turn to external substances to help them cope. Before putting your health at risk, it is best to go to a professional. An online psychologist can help you deal with emotional blockage.

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Tips to help people who suffer from emotional blockage

If you think that you or someone around you is suffering from an emotional block, the best advice you can give is to go to a professional. A psychologist has the knowledge and skills necessary to help you overcome this blockage.You will be able to work on yourself, your emotions and experiences so that you yourself can overcome the emotional blockage at your own pace and in the best way possible.

We still leave you Some tips to manage emotional blockage:

  • Know yourself. It is important that you know yourself, know and understand your emotions if you want to overcome a blockage.
  • Accept your emotionsThe first step is to recognize and accept the situation that has led you to generate this blockage and, subsequently, to recognize your feelings in order to be able to recognize them, accept them and manage them in the best way.
  • Express your feelingsExpressing your feelings out loud or putting them on paper is a good way to be aware of the situation and try to overcome it.
  • Lean on your loved ones. Receiving love and support from your friends and family will be beneficial for your mental health. At the same time, it is important that they show that they are close to you, that they are with you, but without going overboard. Do not harass the person who is suffering from emotional blockage, they also need time and space to recognize and overcome their emotions.
  • Look for the positive. That is, turn things around. The situation you have just experienced has caused you to have negative feelings, which cause you a certain anguish and stress. Think about the possible good things it can have and, if you can't do it, try to learn something from it. Finding the good side of things in situations that cause fear or tension can be a mechanism to make things easier.
  • Seek professional helpThe best option to overcome an emotional block is to go to a psychologist. A professional can help you get to know yourself, to be able to identify your emotions, know how to express them and overcome the block.

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