Phrases to say when someone dies – Online Psychologists

When someone dies, we always find ourselves in a kind of dilemma. It could be someone you don't have much of a relationship with or the opposite. However, we always It's hard to know what to say to the family and friends of the deceased.

It is completely normal since it is a difficult situation. A moment when you never quite know what to say. We are used to offering our condolences, accompanied by the characteristic phrase “I’m so sorry” and two kisses.

The person who is going through the duel The person who has lost a loved one needs to feel relief. Giving condolences can help the person feel supported. But what they really need are words and support. support from the people who really matter to him.

We often feel self-conscious when we approach a loved one who has suffered a loss, because we don't know what to say to make them feel better.

That's why we offer you a series of phrases that can help you cope with that situation. With them you can lift the spirits of the person or people who are suffering.

Sometimes, to overcome grief, something more is needed. The support of your loved ones is not enough. If after some time the grief does not stop, you can always go to a online psychologistA professional can help you overcome it and live fully again.

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Overcome the pain of losing a loved one and take care of your mental health with the professional help of a psychologist.

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This is how you can show support when someone dies

We leave you some phrases that can be of great help to support that friend or family member who is going through the death of a loved one:

  • Remember that wherever you are, you will always be with him.
  • Only those who are forgotten die.
  • Saying goodbye is the greatest sign of love.
  • Cry and let it out, but then dedicate every smile to him.
  • Every achievement you make will make him/her proud of you.
  • Death is the law of life, Your path has ended. Now you have to continue building yours.

“Sometimes I think that loneliness will kill me, but then I look at the sky and remember that I'm not alone“I have an angel watching over me from above, although I still can’t understand his departure.” – Jairo Guerrero.

All of us, at some point in our lives, have or will go through a moment as painful as loss of someone we love. We are also going to have to face having to accompany the person we love when they lose someone. A moment in which we have to feel strong so that they can feel protected.

Life is like that, a kind of airport. There are arrivals but also departures, farewells that hurt as if a part of you were torn away.

But we have to know that time does not stop, life goes on. Learning that death is part of the journey will teach us to live intensely and, above all, to enjoy the little details and the people we love. And when someone leaves, we will continue to enjoy them in their honor.

We can't always do everything, much less alone. If you need the aid Ask for it from a friend or family member when someone dies. No one better than someone who knows you can give you the push you need to “get back on track.”

However, if you see that no matter how much time passes, your motivation does not return, ask a professional for help.

If you are struggling to regain motivation, you should know that at we can help you. We are experts in online therapy since 2012.

If you wish to contact a psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.