What is an emotional hangover? – Online Psychologists

Surely you have gone through some kind of emotional hangover and you didn't realize it. It is a sensation very similar to the hangover caused by alcohol consumption, but caused by strong emotions that cause us a lot of psychological fatigue.

What is an emotional hangover?

Emotional hangover is a a state that can cause headaches and stress caused by intense emotions or situations.

It is common for it to appear if you have experienced moments that have stressed you out or 'loaded' your head a lot, such as events, trips, a lot of work, etc.

When we talk about emotional hangover it doesn't mean that it only affects our psychological state but also affects our physical state. When you feel stressed you may also feel a physical fatigue. This is completely normal, your mental state is related to your physical state, so you have to take care of both.

It must be taken into account that emotional hangover is not only caused by negative situations, that is, although they can cause you stress, a state that we consider negative, Very intense positive emotions can also cause emotional hangovers..

Going on a trip with your friends where you spend all your time doing things, working on a project of your own or something you like… we tend to suffer from an emotional hangover when faced with these types of experiences.

Although most of the time this condition disappears on its own, you can also treat it with a professional. The stress, mental fatigue, and anxiety that it can cause may lead you to magnify all these emotions, which can lead to chronic stress. To avoid this, contact an online psychologist.

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Why deal with an emotional hangover?

Emotional hangovers affect us both physically and psychologically, and this also has repercussions on your day. Stress and fatigue cause bad mood, exhaustion and irritability, and this will make your relationships and even your professional performance worse.

In addition, emotional hangovers can last a long time and affect your daily life for a considerable period of time. In this case, it is best to see a specialist.

A psychologist has the necessary tools to help you manage your emotionsso that you can accept and overcome them without them limiting your life.

Emotional hangover symptoms

The easiest example to explain emotional hangover is its comparison with a hangover from alcohol consumption, so the symptoms are similar, although the causes are completely different. Some symptoms are:

  • HeadacheYou are facing a stressful situation, in which you have to be very psychologically focused, which causes you stress. This can cause a headache, as you know that body and mind are connected.
  • Fatigue. When faced with stressful situations in which you give a lot of yourself, it is normal to feel tired, and psychological exhaustion also affects your body.
  • Lack of sleep. All the emotions caused by those days where you have had to do many things mean that, despite being tired, you cannot sleep peacefully.
  • Physical problems. Headache, backache, leg pain, the appearance of herpes… An emotional hangover can affect your physical health.
  • It affects your moodThe stress of an emotional hangover can affect your mood and cause sadness, anxiety and demotivation.

How can I manage an emotional hangover?

  • Relax. When faced with stressful situations or overwhelming emotions, take a break and relax. If you see that you are very stressed, the best thing to do is to stop and rest for a few minutes, breathe and get back to work. This will help you work and make better use of your time.
  • Get to know yourselfIf you know yourself well, you will know what your limits are, you will be able to listen to yourself and know how to better manage your feelings and know when you have to take a break.
  • Distract yourselfIf you are very tired, it is best to spend your time doing something else, such as reading a book, watching your favourite film or listening to music. This can help you to distract yourself and help your brain to escape from that stress. Doing sport is also a good option, although it may seem contradictory, releasing energy makes you feel much better and happier with yourself, even though you are tired.
  • Go to a psychologist. Finally, if you don't know how to manage an emotional hangover, it's best to go to a professional. At , more than 1,600 people have contacted us. Get in touch with one of our psychologists and schedule your session. online therapy. Remember: the First briefing is free.