Heartbreak: What is it? What are the 3 stages? How to overcome it? – Online Psychologists

Heartbreak is one of the most intense and painful feelings that can be experienced. When you start a relationship, you give it your all with the intention and certainty of loving that person, without dates in between. But many times that relationship breaks down and this is when a difficult moment begins, very similar to falling apart, because it is the loss of your partner.

What is heartbreak?

Heartbreak is a state of sadness that we experience when a relationship has ended.

It is normal to experience intense despair after a breakup, but it does not last forever. On the contrary. It is a process that, although hard, can serve as a healing process. learning.

It is also possible that, depending on the situation and the causes of the state of your relationship and the breakup, it may make you feel relieved to leave that relationship that was not good for you, although you may still suffer from the heartbreak for the love you once felt for that person.

For example, your relationship may not have been healthy, the other person treated you badly, or had pathological jealousy that prevented the relationship from developing in a healthy way. In cases like these, the person may feel that relief from leaving a relationship that was taking away from you and could significantly affect your mental health. Although, as we have said, this It doesn't mean that the person who has suffered in the relationship doesn't experience that pain. and sadness because he has also felt love for the other person.

Just like the love or infatuation that exists when you start getting to know a person or starting a relationship, Heartbreak is a process that also has an evolution and little by little that feeling will pass.. So we can say that it has different stages.

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Stage 1 – Breakup

This first stage corresponds to when You have just broken up and the suffering and sadness are more intense than ever. You are constantly thinking about your relationship, you think that you will never get over it, that you will never find another person like that, and you find it difficult to move on with your day-to-day life (at least the first few days/weeks).

Stage 2 – Assimilation

Once some time has passed You have managed to assimilate that this relationship is over and you may even start to get over it. At this time, there is usually a certain tendency to remember the good times as a couple, remembering them fondly, even if there were times when your relationship was not healthy.

The opposite can also happen, and once the first phase of suffering has passed, a phase of hatred towards your ex-partner and reproaches begins.

Stage 3 – Time

This is the most important stage, it has been a while since the end of your relationship and it is important how you feel emotionally at this moment. You may have already managed to get over that relationship or it may be costing you a little more.it is completely normal, each person needs their time.

Tips to overcome heartbreak

Getting over heartbreak won't be easy, but there are some tips to help you handle, confront, and overcome this situation better.

  • Accept the situationYou must be aware that the relationship is over and accept it, this way it will make the rest of the processes you are going to experience much easier.
  • Allow yourself to be bad. You have just broken up with someone, it is normal to feel sadness and emotional pain. Do not avoid these feelings, denying or avoiding them will only make the process longer. You must be able to accept and manage these feelings.
  • Keep a positive outlookAlthough it may seem complicated at first, try to see the positive side of the situation, and try to see the future with the most positive perspective possible.
  • Set goals for yourself. Focus your mind on something else, set goals that help you prioritize personal and professional objectives and don't constantly dwell on a past relationship. This doesn't mean that you should ignore the situation or avoid it, that's not the solution. But setting other goals and keeping your mind occupied with other priorities can help and encourage you.
  • Lean on your loved onesIt is very important that you receive the support and love of your family or friends. At the same time, you must also be able to overcome this process by yourself, but their help will be very useful to you. It is important to be aware that, although they are there for you, it is not good to talk about the same thing all the time. Make other plans with them, talk about other things.
  • Don't hate your ex-partner. Many times after a breakup, we tend to hate the other person, this may also depend on the situations that caused the breakup or how your relationship went. However, forgiving people is a good step to be able to overcome it and forget it once and for all.
  • Time. Give yourself time to accept and overcome heartbreak, it is not a process that happens overnight. Also, it may take you more or less time than other breakups or other people, this is normal, each person is different, we have a different process and we can live and experience it in different ways on many occasions.
  • Distance. Putting distance between people is another of the measures that are most often used when trying to overcome a breakup or heartbreak.
  • Not keeping in touch with the other person.Leaving and maintaining contact with the other person, at least for a while, is a good option to get over him or her and get over the other person.
  • Manage your emotions. You must accept the situation, listen and manage your feelings in a way that allows you to overcome them.
  • Go to therapy on-lineIf some time has passed and you are not able to overcome these feelings, it is best to go to a professional. A psychologist has the skills to work with you, with your emotions, and will be able to help you gradually recognize and manage them. He or she will help you to know yourself better and reform your self-esteem and self-love. In addition, this will help you to overcome heartbreak, as well as future conflicts that may arise.