Dizziness and stress, what should I do? – Online Psychologists

He stress It is one of the most common psychological disorders in today's societies. Everyone is in a hurry to do everything quickly and with the greatest possible precision.

The accumulation of stress can transform into psychological illnesses or physical discomfort. Surely more than once you have had to deal with strong migraines, due to suffering from a prolonged period of tiredness and exhaustion. Another of the possible consequences is the dizziness due to stress. In the following lines, you will be able to learn why this phenomenon occurs and how it can be remedied.

What is stress-related dizziness?

Stress-related fainting spells are yet another clear sign that psychological difficulties have impact on physical healtha. Being stressed at a given moment is not going to cause you to faint instantly.

The feeling of dizziness can appear even without having an apparent reason behind it. The problem is not a concrete fact that makes you feel defensive and not have control over what is going to happen. The real difficulty is in the stress and the anxiety disorders due to all the accumulation of fatigue from various situations.

Dizziness from stress is not classified as a pathology. However, they can be part of a series of symptoms of a disease. It is true that experiencing dizziness or fainting is not pleasant. However, should not set off alarm bells on delicate health.

The intensity and frequency of these dizzinesses will determine whether we should seek professional help, whether it be purely psychological or medical help (consulting with your family doctor) to specify the reasons for your specific case.

What are the causes of this discomfort?

  • Modifications in hormone secretion

One of the consequences of the appearance, or accumulation, of stress and anxiety are abnormal changes in the production of different hormonesFor example, some of the best-known stress hormones are cortisol and the adrenalin. Weak regulation of these two hormones by the endocrine system can lead to a increase in blood pressure or difficulties in falling asleepeither.

  • Intrusive and catastrophic thoughts

The perpetual idea that everything is going to be resolved in a disastrous way is devastating for the mental health of any person. Living in a constant state of Murphy's Law: «If there's something that can go wrong, it will go wrong,» is a gateway for anxiety to take over your mind and thoughts.

The flooding of the mind, full of negative thoughts that are constantly repeated, will only create a vicious and self-destructive circle which will only deepen the problem. If you are caught in this cycle, seek the help of an online psychologist.

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  • Problems in the circulatory system

As mentioned above, hormones related to suffering periods of stress lead to alterations in the circulatory system. The organs most delicate to suffer the consequences of this are the brain and the heart.

How can you fix stress vertigo?

The solution to all problems, physical or mental, is through achange of focus about the situations you will have to face and a learning constant on how to manage emotions. No one knows better than yourself the best ways to relax and keep your brain from going off the rails due to the obstacles that anxiety and stress represent.

Some recommended steps are:

  • Sleep enough hours at night to give your nervous system a rest.
  • The meditation It has been proven to work as a relaxation method, as well as being a great introspection exercise.
  • Face itprogressively and gradually, to all those situations that may be of interest to you violent or uncomfortable. That inexperience in the face of your personal obstacles is one of the faults through which anxiety comes into your life.
  • He chaos only calls for chaos. Organizing yourself and setting schedules for what you are going to do during the day will reduce your stress levels. However, keep in mind that there may always be some event that disrupts your plans.

Dizziness and fainting can be caused by different factors that combine at the same time, including stress or poor nutrition, for example. If you are sure that your fainting spells have psychological reasons, perhaps it is time to start therapy.

At we have been helping patients from all over the world find their well-being since 2012. We were pioneers in offering online therapy and that is why we know that it is an economical, but equally effective, alternative to traditional therapies.

To date, more than 1,600 people have turned to us to find an online psychologist. If you also want to try our services, you can request a consultation First briefing free by clicking the button below.