Meet & Greet and sound tests Morat

(Delivery of simple tickets for M&G and sound checks + ticket for the Morat concert on March 18 and 19 at the Movistar Arena).

Read the following terms and conditions carefully, since by receiving the benefit you will agree to them in their entirety. So, if you do not comply with all the points included in this document or do not accept the terms and conditions, you will not be able to be a beneficiary of the activity.

  1. Activity

Movistar wishes to deliver 5 tickets for Meet & Greet and 20 sound checks with the Morat band for the concert days of March 18 and 19 at the Movistar Arena in Bogotá to people who correctly participate in the dynamics with the Vibra Station and with our influencers.

  1. The participation mechanic for 5 M&G tickets with Vibra: (concert March 19)
    1. Follow us on IG @movistarcolombia and
  1. Like the post on the account and answer the question that we will leave in the post, including the #MoratEnElMovistarArena and the key to your heart that can be 4 or 5 digits.
  1. Get the most likes on your comment.
  1. The 5 comments with the most likes will have access to the Meet & Greet with the band + a ticket for the concert. Important, you must comply with all terms and conditions.

*You will have until March 18, 2022 at 10:00 am to participate and get your ticket to the Morat concert on March 19

  1. The mechanics of participation for 10 sound checks with Vibra: (concert March 19)
    1. Follow us on IG @movistarcolombia and
  1. Connect to the Live that will be held on the account at 12:00 pm this Friday, March 18
  1. Comment the live correctly including #MoratEnElMovistarArena and the key to your heart that can be 4 or 5 digits.
  1. For the 10 comments that the Vibra announcer chooses, they will be the ones that receive the simple tickets for the sound checks. Important you must comply with all terms and conditions.

* The beneficiaries will be chosen in the space of the live on March 18, 2022 12:00 pm to participate and get your ticket to the Morat concert on March 19

  1. The participation mechanics for 10 sound checks with influencers (concert March 18):
    1. Follow us on IG @movistarcolombia
  1. Like the mechanic’s post on the @movistarcolombia account and comment correctly, including the #MoratEnElMovistarArena and the Emoji confirmed by one of our influencers.
  1. Get the most likes on your comment.
  1. For the 10 comments that have the most likes, they will be given simple tickets (ticket for the concert + access to sound proof). Important you must comply with all terms and conditions.

*You will have until March 17, 2022 at 5:00 pm to participate and get your ticket to the Morat concert on March 18

Applies nationwide.

Participate in IG

There will only be one beneficiary profile per dynamic, so choose very carefully the one you want to participate in.

  1. Gift Description

Access to Meet & Greet + single ticket to the Morat concert on March 19 at the Movistar Arena.

sound tests

Access to sound proof + single ticket to the Morat concert on March 19 at the Movistar Arena.

  1. General Policies:
    • Natural persons of legal age may participate. 18+
    • The beneficiaries must be followers of the Movistar and Vibra social network in which they are participating.
    • Valid nationwide.
    • Does not include travel, lodging or transportation.
    • The beneficiary may not redeem the gift in cash or something else, nor transfer it to third parties.
    • Workers of Movistar or Vibra, personnel contracted for services, personnel contracted by Movistar outsourcing, their spouses, or permanent companions may not participate in this activity; nor their parents, children, and/or siblings if they live in the same property; nor the employees of the Movistar advertising agencies.
    • The beneficiaries will be chosen based on compliance with all the terms and conditions set forth above.
    • The participants by entering this activity, unless legally prohibited, grant Movistar exclusive permission to use their names, photographs, voices, portraits, videos and testimony in relation to the dynamics in the media and in ways that Movistar deems appropriate. Entrants hereby waive any and all claims to royalties, rights, or remuneration for such use.
    • Movistar reserves the right to terminate or modify the activity, or disqualify one or several participants, in the event of fraud or suspected fraud, technical difficulties or any other factor beyond Movistar’s control, which could compromise the integrity of the activity. activity or that attempt against the promotional, competitive and recreational spirit of the activity, such as mistreatment, bullying, inappropriate language, coarse, rude, between contestants or against Movistar.
  1. Delivery of the gift:
  • Movistar will be the one who validates all the conditions mentioned in clause 2 – 3 and 4 of the mechanics
  • Movistar will be the one who contacts the beneficiaries to inform them that they have been beneficiaries of the gift through an internal message on IG.
  • Once the gift is accepted, the beneficiary accepts it without any other obligation on the part of Movistar. The beneficiary releases and exempts Movistar from all liability, among others, for loss, injury or other damage of any kind to his person and/or property that may be caused by the gift delivered.
  • They will be announced to the beneficiaries in the social network where the activity is carried out.
  • In the event that Movistar cannot deliver the promised gift due to force majeure, it may unilaterally decide to replace it with others with equivalent or similar characteristics.
  • Movistar reserves the right to monitor and oversee the mechanics of the activity.