Nymphomania: what it is and its treatment – Online Psychologists

Sexual activity is never linear. Throughout life, libido is more present at some stages than at others. Therefore, it is normal that there are times when you have a greater sexual appetite.

However, the nymphomania It is not a one-time increase in desire, but rather a serious problem classified and considered as an illness.

What is nymphomania?

The word nymphomania comes from the Latin terms «nymph» and «mania», whose meanings are respectively «labia minora on the vulva» and «madness».

Violent and insatiable desire in women to give themselves over to copulation


This is a addiction to sex. Although it may seem funny or amusing to you, it is not, as it causes great dissatisfaction and affects the different areas of life. In women, this type of insatiable dependence is also known by the name of female hypersexualityIn men, nymphomania is called satyriasis.

In the field of psychology, nymphomania is classified as a sexual disorder.

In nymphomania, sexual thoughts dominate your thoughts, making it impossible for you to think about other things and making typical everyday situations more complicated.

This obsession It implies, in turn, the Active pursuit of sexual experiences so that you can find the satisfaction you need. Other areas of your life are put on hold or you simply forget about them. In fact, common physiological signs of sexual arousal will be inopportune and will end up overwhelming you.

Symptoms of nymphomania

These are some of the symptoms that can indicate whether you or people around you are nymphomaniacs. Pay attention to the following clues:

  1. The main symptom is the compulsive sexual desireinsatiable, intense, tireless. Having sex has become a necessity. It is a desire that you cannot control, so you will turn to sexual relations, masturbation or pornography.
  2. Sexual fantasies. Thoughts that will make you feel uncomfortable because you cannot control them because they are involuntary. In addition, these fantasies appear constantly, so you cannot dedicate yourself to other activities or pay attention to other things.
  3. Putting your life aside. Since you spend more time than necessary on these sexual experiences, you forget about everything related to your work, social, and family life. Even your afflictions or hobbies are affected.
  4. Dissatisfaction. No matter how many sexual relationships you have, even though you may seem to have a fulfilling sex life, you feel unsatisfied both sexually and emotionally. After each encounter, you realize that it was not what you were looking for, so you continue to seek sex. The result is a vicious circle from which you cannot escape.
  5. Untimely excitement. Obsession causes simple stimuli to be loaded with sexual connotations for you.
  6. Shame. Since you are not able to control the desire you feel, what you will experience after having sex will be regret or shame. Even so, these feelings are not able to stop you from saying «no» the next time.

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Causes of nymphomania

Multiple factors can lead to the appearance of nymphomania:

  • Biological factors that influence obsessive-compulsive disorders. It cannot be ruled out that there is an imbalance or problems at the brain level that affect the regulation and control of desire.
  • Stress It may be the main reason why you feel this obsession with having sex.
  • Traumatic experiences. If you have suffered from one, it is normal that it has left an emotional imbalance that you try to cure by resorting to sex. A clear example of a traumatic experience would be sexual abuse.
  • Couple relationships They also take their toll. The loss of a partner or a very painful break-up can push you to have sex or masturbate to overcome that lack of love, affection and to end the feeling of loneliness. But, as explained, you only manage to enter into a vicious circle that ends up worsening your addiction.
  • Emotional emptiness and low self-esteem It can lead to an uncontrollable desire to try to get attention or feel valued. Low self-esteem makes you seek security and recognition in sex. If you feel desired, it seems that you feel valued and you put a curtain on that problem of self-esteem and confidence.

Consequences of suffering from nymphomania

  • Inability to concentrate. When you are obsessed with something, it is difficult to direct your attention to other topics that are not related to sexuality. This is compounded by a decrease in attention span. Your work productivity or academic performance may be affected.
  • Conflicts in interpersonal relationships. Your lifestyle will not be easy for your family and friends to digest. Arguments will arise, and with them, distancing. You will feel misunderstood and you will end up being excluded socially.
  • Risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This craze for having sex can lead you to have sex without the necessary precautions. Unprotected sexual addiction combined with promiscuity can only mean one thing: contracting an STD such as AIDS (HIV). Another option for women is the possibility of unwanted pregnancy.
  • DepressionNymphomania is related to mood disorders. It is normal to feel depressive symptoms due to this feeling of social isolation, loneliness and a sense of meaninglessness in life. These are problems that are not solved or hidden by sex.

Treatment of this sexual disorder

In any situation, the first step to overcoming a problem is to recognize that you have one.

Generally, a treatment that combines the following is used to treat nymphomania: medication and psychological therapy. In this case, anxiolytics or antidepressants are usually prescribed (always under medical prescription) to reduce emotional distress.

The cognitive behavioral therapy will guide you in terms of behavior, thought and emotion. dialectical behavioral therapy will focus on the emphasis of your emotions and the practice of mindfulness, including meditation, to manage your problems. At we help you take the step with a first free online therapy session.

In addition, you can resort to the support groups led by expert psychologists. Sharing your problems and listening to those of others is therapeutic.

He psychological treatment It is very important if you want to get rid of nymphomania. It will help you change those irrational thoughts, help you return to having a satisfying sex life, work on your self-esteem and address feelings of guilt (among many others).

As you get older, your interpersonal relationships (family, friends, work) will improve considerably as your life regains balance. Not to mention that the obsession with constant casual encounters and viewing pornography will end.

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