Types of jealousy: the most common and their characteristics – Online Psychologists

The jealousy They are an emotion that we cannot explain from a single definition that encompasses all the situations in which it can be felt. Therefore, it is necessary to talk about types of jealousyor ways in which this emotion can express and shape oneself through behavior.

There are several types of jealousy according to the characteristics and manifestations that we can feel in different situations and for different causes and reasons.

Types of jealousy

Jealousy classified in this type are those that they sit with specific people. It is the lattice that has its origin, normally, by the belief that there are factors that prevent a more intimate and private relationship with a specific person. This type of emotion is significantly influenced by self-esteem, both as part of the cause and as a consequence.

Childhood jealousy

Within the jealousy of a specific relationship are childhood jealousy, those felt by children and adolescents. They are usually jealousy between siblings, cases in which it is believed that a sibling prevents the relationship with at least one of the parents.

In these cases, jealousy has a intention to attract the attention of an authority figurewhether father, mother or any other adult in the family environment.

Jealousy in a couple

Couple jealousy is those feelings in which One of the partners distrusts the other person or their own ability to maintain the attraction and make the relationship last.

At first these jealousies have the following purpose: reason for a very specific factbut, as they feel continuously the reasons are increasingly less well-founded. This causes the situation to start to worsen rapidly.

Jealousy in a couple develops a possessive and objectifying component towards the other person who turns out toxic.

Vital jealousy

The jealousy that falls into this category does not have so much to do with access to an intimate relationship with a specific person, but with the belief that other people have a greater ability to create a good self-image with little effort and at the same time, they are more attractive to oneself than one's own self-image. That is, one is jealous of another person for himself or herself.

In this sense, jealousy exists because Every success of other people affects one's own self-esteem. This category includes job jealousy and self-actualization jealousy.

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Workplace jealousy

Workplace jealousy is that which is based on the part of the self-image that affects the value that one has as a worker compared to the rest of one's colleaguesTherefore, if a person feels that he or she is at a disadvantage in relation to his or her employment, he or she may experience these jealousies.

The reason for the latter is that He considers the success of his fellow colleagues to be an injusticeas they believe that they have more opportunities. Some examples of possible causes of jealousy could be a promotion or positive evaluations of the work of other employees.

This type of jealousy can lead to a passive-aggressive attitude This makes it more difficult to advance in the workplace, since it gives others an image of hostility, resignation and little desire to put in the effort they need to do.

Jealousy of self-actualization

This classification includes jealousy that appeals to a set of abstract ideas about personal development, happiness and self-realizationPeople who feel these types of emotions believe that others enjoy and live their lives more intensely than they do, which leads to comparison.

When feeling jealous, the person He can't help but compare his own life project with that of other people whom he considers an example to follow. The result is regret for not having achieved the same life.

These jealousies revolve around a series of prejudices that define what a full and happy life should include, such as, for example, trips to exotic places, access to high culture, extreme sports, the possibility of meeting famous people, etc.

Pathological jealousy

All types of jealousy mentioned above They can vary from a moderation of emotion to a pathological point.. And the thing is, jealousy can be barely perceptible or be so extreme that it can cause a serious problem in the quality of life of the person who suffers from them and of the people around them.

An example: jealousy in a couple. They can be considered a momentary emotion resulting from a specific event that has happened in a couple or may be continued feelings towards a person with whom one does not even have a relationshipintending to retain a person who has no interest in maintaining a more intimate or close relationship.

Jealousy is a cruel teacher who teaches us the value of trust and the power of self-esteem.

Rebecca Summers

As an example of the latter case, the so-called “fan phenomenon”that feeling towards a famous person who is not known in person but which leads to reckless or even homicidal behavior. In addition, pathological jealousy can be one of the factors involved in domestic violence.

If you have identified with some type of jealousy and consider that it has a harmful influence on your life, you can make an appointment at and have your case evaluated by an expert. Psychia We have been experts in online therapy since 2012. Throughout our career we have helped more than 1,900 patients overcome various emotional problems. If you are interested in seeking the help of an online psychologist, you can request a free first session by clicking on the button below.

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