Nerves in the stomach: What are they and how to control them? – Online Psychologists

It is very likely that you have ever felt nerves in the stomach. You have probably heard the common expression “feel butterflies in the stomach”. It is often said that butterflies appear when we are in love. However, they are nerves that appear because a situation is causing them.

On the wall of the digestive systemyou can see a network of nerve fibers and cell bodies well-defined ganglion cells. These form the enteric nervous systemThe enteric nervous system is a subdivision of the autonomic nervous system. The main function of the enteric is control the digestive systemwarns about hunger and satiety and also prevents invasive and harmful substances from entering the body.

It is the most complex part of the peripheral nervous system. For this reason, it is made up of a large number of glial cells and neurons. Due to this complexity, some say that we have a “second brain in the stomach«However, this is false since, as we have mentioned in previous lines, the enteric nervous system is part of the autonomic nervous system.

You may wonder what the relationship is, then, between nerves and the stomach. Well, these neurons that are part of the enteric nervous system are also responsible for send and receive impulses. In addition to record emotions. Hence when we are worried or in love we can feel a knot in the stomach or that it is filled with “butterflies”.

Usually, when we lead a busy life marked by the stresswe have a stomach ache, we have cramps, we feel like vomiting or we feel any stomach discomfort. We are in any place or situation and suddenly our stomach starts to hurt or we feel nervous, for no apparent reason. Nerves in the stomach are, mainly, a manifestation of anxiety.

As we can see, the relationship between the brain and the digestive system is closer than we might imagine. According to the Spanish Society of Digestive Pathology, if we feel a high level of anxietythe pathologies that we may have will worsen. New ones may even be created. With these, we can demonstrate that the body and mind are always connectedand that good mental health will depend on good physical health and vice versa.

What are the symptoms of nerves in the stomach?

The symptoms that accompany nerves in the stomach are varied. They can be pain, acidity, gases, nausea either loss of appetite. The opposite can also occur. In many cases, anxiety results in the stomach not being visible. never satisfiedWe have the need to be eating food at all times.

There is an idea that anxiety is a bad thing. It is true that, on many occasions, if it is not controlled, it can lead to bigger problems. However, it is a natural response of the organism that helps us facilitate escape in an adaptive way.

That is, it is a defense mechanism which, throughout the history of mankind, has helped in survival. Today, it is also of great help because, when we are in a situation and we begin to have any of these symptoms, we know that we are not comfortable, that it is causing us distress. Or, on the contrary, the nerves in the stomach can tell us that what we are going to do generates adrenaline or makes us delusion. The same when we are with people.

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In what situations do nerves appear in the stomach?

There is no specific situation or moment since each person is a world. various circumstances which can lead to nerves in the stomach. Among them, we can find the following:

  • In response to a specific stimulus. We face almost daily situations in which the nerves and the stress can play tricks on us. We are used to living moments marked by tension such as exams, interviews or test results, among others. That we get nervous in these situations is something completely normal and naturalWhat our body does is activate itself as response to a stimulus that worries us. That pain we feel in our stomach will disappear as soon as the situation is over.
  • Chronic anxiety and stress states. The nerves that can do the most damage to our stomach. And, in addition, those that can make us paralyzed in a situation are those caused by anxiety and chronic stress. In many cases, the nerves that cause us to freeze are the ones that cause us to become paralyzed in a situation. negative thoughts They take over our mind and come to light, even if we don't want them to. That is, we no longer control those thoughts and they appear in any situation, generating Constantly botheringIf this happens, it is essential that you take action and carry out actions that improve your state of mind. mental health.

Why does anxiety affect the stomach?

As we already know the stomach and the brain are connectedThere are several explanations for the appearance of a lack of appetite, the need to go to the bathroom continuously or nausea:

  • False signals. Anxiety makes our nervous system more vulnerable. This can cause false signals of urgencyThat is, the body, when faced with a stimulus, sends out a signal that it can no longer handle it, that it needs to evacuate or ingest something immediately. It may also be the case that a signal of blockage is created in the stomach, hence the lack of appetite.
  • Excess adrenaline. When we are in a stressful situation, our body produces adrenaline. This creates a need in our body to send a signal so that our organism gives us relief. Therefore, when we have anxiety, we tend to have the need to compulsively eat, urinate or defecate continuously. In this way, the body feels satisfied and we get the response of relaxation that we need.
  • Muscle tension. When we are very nervous our muscles tense up. This causes muscle discharges that can affect internal organs. These generate a sfeeling of fullness or emptiness. Sometimes, we feel pressure in the chest either strong punctures.

How can we calm nerves in the stomach?

It is a common consultation in . It is not unusual for patients to come to us who attribute the moment to “being very nervous”, “I have always been like this”, “I am impatient”… But these are not answers that we should take for granted, given that Therapy helps us to know ourselves and modify behaviors that will make us feel better. On the other hand, the new resources that we acquire in therapy with the online psychologist will facilitate that let's take back control of our emotions.

There are several tips to calm or eliminate nerves in the stomach:

  • Controlling anxiety. As we have already seen, the main cause of our nerves in the stomach is anxiety. Caused by the stressful situations that we must face. Therefore, we must detect What are the situations that cause us this discomfort? After identifying them we must learn to remove negative thoughts that invade us in those moments. Thus, we will learn to control us and anxiety will not cause us that stomach upset. In the case of chronic anxiety, the best and only solution is to go to a mental health professional.
  • Avoid daily stress. Nowadays, putting stress aside is difficult. However, if we have a daily work organization and we left time for ourselvesstress levels can be significantly reduced. We will be able to spend our days more relaxed, without that constant pressure and things will affect us less intensely.
  • Learning to breathe. It is essential to learn relaxation techniques and breathing to keep calm. When we get into a nervous state, use breathing techniques It helps us control the situation and calm down immediately.
  • Have a balanced diet. A healthy diet is essential. Foods that contain many caloriesexcess carbohydrates or stimulant drinks can be harmful. If we take this in an abusive way we can aggravate our state of discomfort and our gastric pain. Therefore, when we are in moments in which the nerves affect our stomach, it is vital to have a balanced diet. This will help us to have a correct and light digestion.
  • Do exercise. A healthy body leads to a healthy mind. When we are nervous, there is no better way to release adrenaline than by doing physical exercise. Specifically, activities such as yoga either Pilateswhich will help us maintain a calm state of mind and relaxed.
  • Pleasurable activities. That is, doing activities that we like and that distract us from the routine and daily pressures. All kinds of activities that you enjoy and that allow you to disconnect.

To learn to control or slow down the nerves in the stomach you have to find the cause that generates them. That is, anxiety. If necessary, go to a specialist and combine it with a healthy life, peaceful (to the extent possible) and balanced.

Anxiety causes changes in our body on a physical level. It affects our digestive system And that is why we often think we have some kind of illness and find nothing in the tests. That is why we should carry out the activities mentioned above. They will help us to have a full life and to keep gastric discomfort at bay.

In any case, if you notice that this anxiety is chronic, go to a specialist. No one better than a professional psychologist to help you improve your anxiety. It will establish guidelines for your daily life that will help you develop your abilities better and face your fears without getting in the way of nerves.

In Psychia We give you the opportunity to overcome those nerves in your stomach through online therapyIf you find yourself in this situation, please contact us.