What is jamais vu and how is it different from déjà vu – Online Psychologists

Contrary to what many people seem to believe, memory is not an exact copy of reality, but a reflection of what we have experienced. Perhaps that is why phenomena such as memory appear. never seen before or the déjà vu.

Memory is a cognitive ability, a set of processes that allows us learn, remember and work at a mental level, but it is not perfect, which explains the appearance of certain distortions of memory as the never seen before.

He never seen before It is related to the fact of knowing certain situations, but not experience any sense of familiarity with them. The opposite happens in the déjà vuIt is as if we were experiencing for the first time something that we have already experienced or known.

What does it consist of? never seen before

He never seen before It is a phenomenon that can be defined as a anomaly of the recognition Since it is a paramnesiathat is, a distortion of memory.

The term never seen before comes from French and means «never seen» and is usually described as the opposite of déjà vuIt refers to the moment when a person has the feeling that he or she is not able to recognize a place, a person or a situation even though rationally it seems familiar to him or her.

The most common way to experience this phenomenon is when a person is unable to recognize another person even though they are aware that their face is familiar.

Another phenomenon related to the never seen before is the loss of meaning of the wordsin which the word becomes a meaningless jumble of sounds. One way to check this is to write or say any word out loud repeatedly, in this way you will get the feeling that it has lost its meaning, even if it is a real and familiar word.

Although it is a phenomenon less frequent in the population that déjà vu, the never seen before It has sometimes been linked to certain types of amnesia or even epilepsy.

How is it different from the famous déjà vu?

As we have already mentioned, the never seen before It is usually related to the déjà vua phenomenon that we have more assimilated. But do we really know what it consists of?

Surely more than once you have had the feeling of living through something that you have already gone through before. Even if you are in a new place and with people you do not know, it is possible that this sensation appears that makes you believe that you have already gone through this at another time in your life. It is what is known as déjà vua French term that literally means «already seen».

It is a mental condition that is more common than we think, in fact, around 70% of the population have you had this feeling at some point in your life?

It appears spontaneously and is usually a brief and fleeting sensation.

Possible causes

Although it is quite It is difficult to know the causes and origins From the field of neurology, this phenomenon is explained never seen before like a impaired coordination of the different brain areas in charge of memory.

This alteration would be responsible for causing a kind of imbalance between the neural networks, which distorts the ability to understand with respect to the external environment.

Although the never seen before It may appear without any associated pathologyit is common that it manifests in people with neurological diseases such as epilepsy.

In addition, certain cannabinoid drugshallucinogens or nicotine from tobacco can cause side effects. never seen before.

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Phenomena related to Jamais Vu

In addition to the already known déjà vuthere are other phenomena that are also related to certain alterations in the perception of the external environment and memory failures:

  • As seen. This phenomenon refers to the sensation of having something «on the tip of the tongue.» The person who experiences it feels that wants to remember somethingwhich is about to do it but does not arrive to remember it.
  • Let it be felt. This phenomenon refers to that which is «already felt.» That is, the person who experiences the let feel has a sensation what do you find? familiar but can't relate it with no concrete memories.

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