What is emotional management and what are its benefits? – Online Psychologists

Psychological problems are often talked about as if their origin depended on poor practice when it comes to managing our thoughts and everything that goes through our heads. However, the real key to why these psychological problems sometimes arise is found in the emotional management.

What are emotions?

In order to define what emotional management is, you must first be clear What are emotions?It is difficult to define exactly what they are, since each author defines them from a different point of view. However, what is clear is that they are reactions to stimuli which can be internal or external.

Emotions differ from feelings in that they have a very short duration. They are also from a high intensityEmotions affect both humans and animals. They generate a predisposition to action in both and can cause significant physiological changes.

Emotions are a tool that helps us adapt to the environmentIf there is one thing that characterizes most living beings, it is the ability to relate to the environment.

Therefore, emotions will give different responses depending on the context in which we find ourselves. They help us to communication of affective states and allow other people to know what is happening to us. Therefore, they promote social interactions.

In addition to helping us relate and be aware of what surrounds us, we also They help us ourselves to know what kind of reactions we have to different stimuli. This is possible thanks to memory, since save reactions and in this way we can know how we are going to behave in similar situations.

In this way we can plan, reason or prepare ourselves in a controlled manner. Therefore, emotions help us to get to know each other better and also to better understand the world around us.

If you have trouble managing your emotions and notice that emotional imbalance is affecting your daily life, it may be time to put yourself in the hands of an online psychologist.

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What is emotional management?

Emotional management is defined as a set of psychological processes that allow us to identify and regulate emotionsIt is important to note that this is not about controlling emotions as much as possible, as that would be impossible. Emotions are one step ahead of our consciousness and our voluntary actions. That is why we can only influence them partially.

Because of this, having a good capacity for emotional management or not having it is quite subjective. No one manages their emotions perfectly, nor can they be above them all the time. In fact, if this were to happen it would be somewhat contradictory to the reason for the existence of emotions, since if they exist it is to warn us of what is happening around us.

After all, they are mechanisms that alert us quickly and intuitively, without us having to deliberately think about it.

What is the use of emotional management?

If we have developed our emotional management well, we will notice that many areas of our life will be affected for the better. Among them, we can find:

  • It helps us avoid unnecessary confrontations. When we learn to manage emotions, we approach conflicts of interest with a constructive mindset and assertive. This allows us not to be carried away by the desire to win the discussions. That is, we acquire a global vision of what happens, which does not focus solely on what the other does.
  • It helps us learn to empathize. Emotional management helps us be more sensitive to the nuances of the emotional states that we see in others. That is, we learn to put ourselves in the other person's place to know what or how they feel. In this way we can see them from our perspective and thus understand them better. Empathy will allow us to get closer to or even understand the positions of people with whom we do not have much in common.
  • It helps us guide our actions toward our goals. When we do not know how to manage emotions, we tend to give priority to the most primary impulses. However, when we know how to manage them, we can compensate the influence of these impulses with the sources of motivationThese are linked to the goals we set for ourselves both in the medium and long term.
  • It helps us learn from the mistakes we make. Good emotional management allows us to have a more positive view of our actions, based on the acceptance of our imperfections, which will allow us to learn from what we have done wrong.
  • It helps us express what we feel. When we have good emotional management, we are able to better recognize and identify our sensations and feelings. Likewise, we will also be able to express how we feel more fluently. We will be able to use the right words to perfectly express what is happening to us.
  • It helps us to have greater concentration. Emotional management greatly influences our ability to focus on the important things. It allows us not to be distracted in the slightest so that we are not harmed, for example, at work or at university.

What do I do if I think I don't know how to manage my emotions?

Emotional management is a set of skills that we develop over the years thanks to learning.

Since we are children we acquire this ability to managing emotions unconsciously. We learn to let go when we understand what we feel and express it both in our actions and in what we say.

In fact, no matter how old we are, we will continue to learn about this.

As we have already mentioned, no one is able to control their emotions one hundred percent. It must be clear that this is normal since they are a defense mechanism to external and internal stimuli. However, we must learn to manage them, otherwise we may experience problems.

If you feel that you are never able to manage your emotions and feel that they control you, perhaps it is time to ask for help. Poor emotional management can be the result of a possible psychological disorderwhich should be treated by a mental health professional.

You can also go to a psychologist when it is necessary to strengthen this management that may have been affected by other problems such as low self-esteem, lack of social skills or anxiety, among others.

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