The worst of each zodiac sign

Have you ever heard about the low energy of the zodiac signs?… Know your dark side according to yours.

In general, we want to show our best side to the world, our high energy, the best qualities, however, we not only have virtues, but also defects and not so positive characteristics. In this note we will talk about the negative aspects of each sign…

Take note, this is the worst of each sign


  • You can become ambitious, impulsive, restless, and obsessive about many things around you. The end justifies the means? For you, yes.
  • The reality is that you are one of those people who do not usually respect authority, because for you, the law is imposed by you.
  • You do not believe in the consequences of your actions, you tend to take everything to the limit, until the tragedy occurs.
  • You lack patience and are volatile; It’s easy to fall into an angry episode, and you’re likely to snap from time to time over something silly, like forgetting your keys, losing your phone, or being unable to open a can of food when you’re hungry.


  • Stubbornness is one of your main characteristics. You are stubborn beyond measure, arbitrary and when something gets into your head, there is no one to stop you, taking whoever is needed ahead of you.
  • The people around you will have to arm themselves with patience because you are not one of those who give in easily, there is no one who doubts that. Moreover, even if you know that others are right, if you have already made a decision, there is no turning back for you, at least until the rest have given up.
  • You always want more and it irritates you that other people can have more things than you. This desire to possess can lead to resentment, jealousy and envy. You are controlling and excessively possessive; you try to make sure that nothing or no one escapes from your hands, it infuriates you not knowing about those around you.
  • You have a hard time leaving your comfort zone, you don’t like violent changes at all. You like the life you lead and why change it? And in case that is not the case, it is always better to know bad than good to know.


  • Sometimes your communication skills can go to the other extreme, turning you into a gossip and gossip. In a moment of rage or in a confrontation with someone, the first words that come out of your mouth are accusations or inventions; you are capable of being very poisonous and hurtful.
  • You love to discover and inform yourself about everything, you know better than anyone that knowledge is power and you are dying to have it in your hands.
  • You live in a constant stage of adolescence and that falls on your ability to make decisions. You can be quite an immature, carefree and irresponsible person.
  • You are unstable, changeable and inconstant, however, and although it is difficult to admit it, you have a natural charm. Deep down you know you are the life of the party.


  • You are variable and with extreme emotional swings. You can be laughing out loud one second and the next be crying your eyes out and submerged in the deepest depression, this makes you tend to feel irritated and even angry easily.
  • It is likely that you rejoice in other people’s misfortunes, especially when it comes to people you don’t like.
  • You are spiteful, when someone does something bad to you, you do not forgive or forget; you have a hard time letting go of past situations, more than you would like to admit, you cling to the good and bad times and you remember everything that marks you as if you had lived it a few hours ago. You have the habit of reopening a thousand distant affairs, because for you, nothing is definitively closed and everything affects the present.
  • People who have just met you may think that you are introverted and reserved, but you are just cautious, difficult to open up with some for fear that they will know too much about you.


  • You are self-centered, authoritarian, bossy and talkative, like a good fire sign. You love being the center of attention wherever you go; everything that implies more power, more leadership and more authority is welcome in your life, after all, you are the king of the jungle.
  • You live for the drama and all that it implies. If you find out about any disloyalty or infidelity on the part of those you love, the drama and fury of the lion will be unleashed.
  • Those who know you know that you always want to be the boss, imposing authority and influence on your close group. You can become cruel to others, brutal and unassertive. Few dare to challenge you because they fear your impatience.
  • You think that you never make mistakes, you believe that you are never wrong and that you are always right. You despise mediocrity and conformism.

Also vibrates with:


  • You are obsessive with details, no matter how small, you love to judge and criticize, you constantly look at the negative and attack it, no matter if your comments are good or bad, constructive or destructive; your point is to criticize. You can reach the limit of humiliating whoever you want with a single «contribution». You have no tact to explain things, no good manners, no diplomacy.
  • For you, the first impression is the only one that counts, if someone has a bad first moment, you will always remember it for that detail and that person will have to work hard to get a second chance.
  • You’re one to hit and run, but always stay close to make sure you’ve dealt the intended damage.
  • You have an irrational fear of illness, you become obsessed with your health, to the point of becoming a hypochondriac and spending your money on alternative medicine therapies, false witches or food fads.


  • You live for leisure, vanity, contradiction and recklessness.
  • You are changeable and indecisive, you easily change your mind twenty times in half an hour because you never have anything clear, someone offers you a better plan and your doubts multiply by a hundred. You can have the most radical ideas in the world, but if something manages to convince you, you change them just as quickly and without the slightest care. You make people desperate when you have to choose, you don’t like losing, period.
  • Wherever you go you seek to please, you are a sociable person, you like to pretend and even lie to be liked.
  • Any debt they have pending with you has to be paid, yes or yes.


  • You’re crazy about power, even if you don’t want to accept it, you are very intense and can become ruthless; you like that the other signs of the zodiac fear you. Your reputation is difficult, people know that it is better not to mess with you, don’t go and let someone cross your limits.
  • You are passionate, but ironically, you can be the coldest, most calculating, Machiavellian person on the face of the earth.
  • When your energy is low, you are vindictive, enjoy getting even, and are quite spiteful. You know how to manipulate very well, you call it “playing with the mind”. You enjoy secrets and mystery, no one knows you at all and you keep your distance from everyone around you and use this to your advantage.
  • Your jealousy is legendary, you can’t stand betrayal or infidelity, because that means losing, and you are not a loser.


  • You can become petty, greedy and superficial. You know how to deceive perfectly and your voice does not shake when it comes to pretending that you are the safest person in the world, even if it is not.
  • For you, there are no grays, it is or it is not, without midpoints or hesitations. You have established routines in your life that you are not going to change and you cannot stand changes in plans, although sometimes you are a prisoner of monotony.
  • If you make a mistake, you will blame and deny everything, but you will never accept responsibility, because the word mistake is not in your records.
  • If they betray you, you will surely pay with the same coin. You can’t sit back knowing they’ve tried to play you and forget about it. Resentment runs through your veins.


  • You excuse your recklessness and lack of assertiveness with a clumsy and hurtful humor, you tend to make off-color comments trying to be honest, however, you are aware of what you say and do.
  • You are cheeky, insolent, daring and you love to push everything to the limit. You bet whatever, with whoever; you are a fan of risk and adrenaline, so anything that is reckless and violent is welcome in your life, to the point of becoming irresponsible.
  • You don’t wait for anyone to ask your opinion to say what you think, you don’t mince words and you don’t mind hurting with your words either.
  • You love the feeling of freedom, you hate feeling tied down or dependent, that’s why you can’t commit to anything or anyone.


  • You are cold, lonely, distant and quite eccentric. Deep down you think that everyone is less interesting than you, but you would never dare to say it, because few are the times that you are honest with what you think.
  • You love to attract attention within your circle, no matter what you have to do, you and only you can have all eyes on you. You are unique and it is imperative that everyone realizes this. You can become very arrogant.
  • You can’t stand boredom and monotony, you escape from all tedious situations, whether it’s a work meeting or a dinner with your in-laws. You don’t even bother to make up any excuses, you just disappear off the map.
  • Another thing to keep in mind is that you do not care about the opinion that others may have about you. People may call you bohemian, quirky, weird, or quiet. Honestly, you don’t care.


  • You are confused, contradictory and incoherent. You live in the clouds, it costs you too much to focus on reality and live with your feet on the ground.
  • You are empathetic and you give help to those who ask for it, however, that person will be in your debt, and someday, when you decide, they will have to be there to serve you.
  • You have little willpower and you are very inconsistent with your actions, so the decisions you make may not be valid tomorrow. Your promises cannot be believed, usually what you say is not to be trusted.
  • You are jealous, although sometimes it is difficult for you to admit it, you cannot bear the idea of ​​falling into emotional instability, much less losing those you love, so you also become possessive of your things and your people.

And you, do you agree with this list of the worst of each sign? Share and tell us in the comments.

Discover more relevant details of each zodiac sign in our astrology section.