Diogenes Syndrome: What it is and how to deal with it – Online Psychologists

Diogenes syndrome is a behavioral disturbance characterized by asocial and unsociable behavior, and the storage of large quantities of garbage and waste at home by the person who suffers from it.

Who suffers from this syndrome and what are the causes?

This disease usually affects people over 65 years old and it is more common to diagnose it in women, especially if they have been widowed. At least 50% of patients suffering from Diogenes syndrome suffer from some type of mental illness. Usually: personality disorders, dementia or psychotic depression.

Therefore, it is an alteration that sometimes arises as a consequence of previous pathologies, such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or other aggravated behaviors, such as collecting.

It is also suffered by people in their old age who have economic problems, isolation and loneliness, who experience the loss of a loved one, etc. Patients must be thoroughly evaluated by professionals to determine if they suffer from this syndrome.

Symptoms suffered by people with Diogenes syndrome

  • Social isolation
  • Self-confinement at home
  • Zero personal and household hygiene
  • Poor nutrition
  • Storage of waste, objects, unusable items, and garbage in large quantities
  • Life in a state of poverty and misery by one's own will
  • Alteration of social and cognitive functions
  • Loss of awareness of the money they have, which is usually large amounts of accumulated money, as well as material goods. Thoughts of lack of resources that encourage them to save and keep objects and waste.
  • Refusal of help

Brief history of this syndrome

This syndrome came to light in the 1960s after the study of this pattern of behavior. In 1975 it was named Diogenes syndrome, in relation to Diogenes of Sinope, also known as Diogenes the Cynic.

He was a Greek philosopher who was born around 412 BC and died in 323 BC. The story tells how this man, belonging to the Cynic school founded by Antisthenes, lived in poverty. He spent his days in a jar surrounded by dogs. There he ate, did his business, etc.

How to act in a case of Diogenes syndrome?

First of all, it is essential monitor diet and hygiene of that person, in order to take care of and finally overcome those bad lifestyle habits. It is important to follow-up of the patient to monitor his or her behavior pattern.

He social and family support, like the home care, They are essential, since these people tend to isolate themselves, feel alone, or have other types of problems as we mentioned previously, although it is true that they usually reject this help, and avoid attention to themselves.

There are people with Diogenes syndrome who require drug treatment, or antidepressants, but always with a medical prescription. In the 5 years following diagnosis, Diogenes syndrome has a 46% mortality rate.

The help of a psychologist

Highlights the cognitive behavioral therapy guided by a psychology professional, the patient learns to decide about the objects he accumulates and the emotions he has for them.

It is a disorder that, in almost all cases, cannot be prevented, but timely help can ensure that this disease does not get worse. It is essential to surveillance and the control by relatives, especially if they are Elderly people, who live alone, tend to isolate themselves or begin to show neglect and carelessness. towards themselves and their surroundings. Psychologists will also try to address the mental health of patients, so that this disorder does not lead to other problems such as depression.

Treating a patient with this syndrome is a process that wants a lot of time and effort. Therefore, a psychologist who can guide that person and their family throughout this long period is essential.