This is how the actors of «And where are the blondes?»

And where are the blondes? is one of the most watched comedies around the world and therefore one of the most successful, here we tell you how its actors are today.

Without a doubt, this comedy movie has brought out a lot of laughs, since the occurrences of its characters were unique. And that’s why thousands of viewers laughed to see how two clumsy FBI agents posed as two girls from high society to investigate a series of crimes. If you were a fan of And where are the blondes? here we show you how its protagonists are today.

Marlon Wayans

He brought Marcus and Tiffany Wilson to life.

Shawn Wayans

He played Kevin and Brittany Wilson.

James King

The actress played Heather Vandergeld, one of the sisters who was quite unfriendly.

Busy Phillipps

The actress gave life to Karen Googlestein, the best friend of the Wilson sisters.

Terry Crews

Latrell was without a doubt one of the funniest characters and the eternal crush of Tiffany Wilson.

And you, Did you enjoy this movie where the characters got laughter with their occurrences? Leave us your comments in this note and share on all your social networks.