Cameron Díaz and the adventure of being a mother at 47 years old

A happy, blessed and grateful life, that’s how Cameron Diaz she feels in her new stage as a mother.

Cameron Diaz is one of those women who turn heads every time they appear on the big screen. However, in her new stage as a mother, she wanted to share with her followers that she feels full, radiant and very happy.

Cameron Diaz in her new stage as a mother

The Hollywood actress and Benji Madden, her husband, were released as parents last December 2019. Although since then they had kept their private life quite private, since they did not share many details about their daughter or anything that involved Cameron Díaz pregnant, much less the moment she gave birth.

However, Cameron dared to talk to his followers about his new stage as the mother of the beautiful Raddix. In the midst of the words that she dedicated to her public, she assured that being her mother at 47 years old meant that she had to live more than 100 years. In addition, she added that being a mother after 40 kept her motivated but it was also a way in which she felt happy, blessed and above all very grateful.

Finally, Cameron Diaz confirmed to her followers that being pregnant made her change her routine completely, but that it was a sensational stage. Since he not only spends time with her baby, but also with herself, her husband and her four dogs. In fact, the protagonist of «Women on the attack» mentioned that she feels younger and that her daughter arrived at the perfect time, because “After dedicating more than half of her life to the public, now she is doing it for her daughter and it feels good”.

And you, What do you think of being a mother after 40 like Cameron Diaz? Tell us in the comments and don’t forget to share this note on all your social networks!