Wrinkled Abdomen After Pregnancy Makes These Moms Proud

Many mothers are ashamed of their wrinkled abdomen after pregnancythat’s why these women show it with pride.

Although pregnancy transforms the female body, especially the abdominal area, it is now expected that we will go straight out of childbirth onto the catwalk, partly because of how many celebrities appear «perfect» after giving birth.

It doesn’t happen to everyone, because each body is different, but in many cases the skin stretches so quickly that, in addition to stretch marks, the abdomen after childbirth can look like a deflated bomb.

Mothers show their wrinkled abdomen after pregnancy

When the numeral #postpartumbelly came up, it didn’t take long for it to go viral; Although many joined him to show other images, we share messages and photos of the brave ones who decided to show themselves without shame.

1. “Saggy bellies are cute.”

2. «What a beautiful gift to give.»

3. “I will always shower myself with love and flowers”

4. “Motherhood is still the most exhausting job in the world”

5. “Not a fancy look here today,” this mommy wrote as she showed off her wrinkled post-pregnancy tummy.

6. “I have found peace in appreciating what these aftermaths of stretch marks and loose skin represent.”

7. “Do something today that brings you peace”

8. “Postpartum is postpartum,” this mom wrote, showing off her wrinkled post-pregnancy tummy.

What do you think? Write what you think in the comments of this note on our Face fanpage, and share it on your social networks! Also, dare to share your abdomen if it is similar to that of these girls.