Karen’s photo that revealed an open secret

In many social network publications it is very common to find some details that cannot be ignored and Karen’s photo is no exception.

Karencita who is used to participating in radio programs from anywhere in the world must adapt to the conditions it finds there.

In his recent Instagram post, Karencita shared with her followers what she and her husband have to do to be able to do your job.

This is the ‘radio magic’ that we have heard many times.

But beyond, she made it clear that even from the bathroom she had to do the Program of Vibra in the Mornings.

What Karen also revealed in her photograph is that she, like many other women, also hangs her underwear to dry in the shower.

This is an open secret, because it is very common for many women to do the sameregardless of whether they are single, married, young or old.

This is Karen’s photo

It must be clarified that Karencita herself was exposedbut some followers they mistook his underwear for a mask.

claupmemo Me looking for the cuckoos 😂 you can say it’s a mask 🤭😷🤪

dianajpineda It looks like a mask!! She wouldn’t have said it and they went unnoticed 😂😂😂

jen_rm2008 How funny is that way of working 😂😂😂😂 the magic of radio 📻, nobody notices it 🤷 😐… they are the best 😍❤️😍😂😂😂👏

Comments from Karen’s followers on her Instagram post

After seeing Karen’s photo tell us if you are one of the women who does the same thing and it seems normal to you or if you put these garments on the clothesline.