The hard story of Endry Cardeño that few knew

Endry Cardeno It has been characterized by its joy every time it appears on the screens, but few know its history before being famous.

Endry Cardeño rose to fame with his character of «Tía Laisa» in the novel The Kings where she was the flirtatious and striking sister of «Beto Reyes» played by Enrique Carriazo. However, the actress’s story was not always rosy and she experienced moments that little was known.

Endry Cardeño and his story before fame

Endry Cardeño revealed that from a very young age she began to dream of being a star. She lived in a humble Cucuteño home but she was constantly judged for her way of being and acting where they considered that she had a problem. In fact, when they found out at the school where she was studying that she was gay, they expelled her from it because she was caught plucking her eyebrows in the women’s bathroom. However, that did not stop her from continuing to dream of being famous. In addition, to be the unconditional support of her mother, who is currently one of her best friends and she is proud of everything the actress has achieved.

She had to leave her Cúcuta to pursue her dream, so at the age of 17 she went to Bogotá because she wanted to be a stylist. However, a few months later she entered a beauty contest in Cúcuta where she came out wearing the queen’s crown and in Bogotá the same thing happened, she won and in this way she began her career as a trans model. .

After several cosmetic surgeries on her body, she went to Italy, a country where she worked as a sex worker for a while. However, things were about to change for her Endry because, while in Rome, she found out about Laisa’s casting, in which she did not hesitate to participate. That is why she sent a 5-minute video and thus managed to convince the producers of Los Reyes that she was the perfect one to play that character. This is how her charisma, charm, humor and the impeccable way in which she played her Laisa made her immortalize herself in the memory and heart of most Colombian homes that are preserved today.

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