How to make a tie in foami for children, it’s very simple!

If you’re needing to know how to make a tie in foami for children, you will realize that you can do it quickly at home and maybe, you will save some money too.

Another one of those crafts that is never too much to learn is to create a tie. Maybe knowing this sooner would have saved you headaches and late nights when you had to make those Halloween costumes. Halloween or for school presentations of your son, nephew, cousin, etc.

Don’t worry about searching the internet for ways to make angel wings or learning how to make colorful carnival ties for children, because at Vibra, we show you how easy it is:

How to make a tie in foami

Prepare all the materials, let your creativity fly and make the best tie you have ever imagined in your life… suddenly you dare to set up your own business:


  • foami
  • Paper tape
  • rubber thread

Implements necessary

Time required

30 minutes

Estimated cost

$4,350 (COP)


Step 1. Draw

Draw on the foami the shape of the tie that you usually recognize and then cut it with scissors. Once you have the figure, bend the top end of the tie a little to make a kind of tab.

Step 2. Make

Next, you’ll need to make a separate bow, so take a rectangle of foam in a different color and crumple it in half to make it. Glue in the center with silicone so that it does not come loose and also adhere a strip of paper tape, wrapping the center of the bow. You can also cut pieces of foami in the way you want (numbers, geometric figures) and adhere them to the tie.

Step 3. Paste

Now, stick the bow to the tie with the help of the silicone, about 3 or 4 cm below the upper end. Also, glue the figures or numbers you cut out to decorate the tie.

Step 4. Adjust

So that the ties can be hung around the neck, take rubber thread and pass it through the tab that you left at the top of the tie. You can adhere it by opening a hole with a stapler or putting a silicone dot inside the tab and tying a knot to hold the thread. Done, your tie will be ready to liven up any event.

Since you are entering the world of crafts, you may want to learn how to make a tutu with a super easy technique.