Carolina Soto launched a book about the loss of her little sister Sofía

Recently Carolina Soto launched a book about the loss of her little sister Sofía and sent a heartfelt message of strength.

What happened to Carolina Soto’s sister?

In July 2015, the renowned entertainment presenter Carolina Soto and her family experienced one of the greatest tragedies that anyone can face, because during a vacation trip to Turkey her younger sister lost her life due to a serious accident.

Soto’s mother, along with her husband and their two children, were enjoying some dreamy days off at the Hilton Resort hotel in the city of Dalaman. There the little ones were playing in one of the pools of the exclusive place when Sofía (Carolina Soto’s younger sister) was accidentally sucked with great force by one of the ducts.

Despite the assistance of two people who noticed the situation and their efforts, the 10-year-old girl remained underwater for several minutes, which caused her serious damage, for which she was rushed to the hospital. Private Yücelen de Ortaca.

There she remained in the intensive care unit with a rather discouraging medical report, so after several days she was transferred to a hospital in Israel with the purpose of improving her treatment, but unfortunately it was not the case. In a coma, the doctors ruled brain deathfor which he died.

Together with her family, Carolina Soto launched a book about the loss of her sister Sofía

It is a book that I wrote with my mother and my mother’s husband, the three of us are the authors… We have been writing this book for approximately two and a half years, due to the pandemic and others we are behind in many things…

Words by Carolina Soto during an interview with Vibra.

Get to know this and more details that Carolina Soto shared in an interview with Vibra with Nata and David.

Although time has passed and the pain due to the absence of little Sofía is felt as strong as the day of her departure, the presenter and her family have decided to narrate in detail, not only how that tragic experience happened, but also to tell how with Over the years they have learned to live with their pain, all this through their new book story of a duelwhich he presented in networks in the last hours.

“Our book ✨👼🏻❤️ today is a reality, it was not easy to make the decision, as a family we thought about it a lot, we knew that we would have to return in memories to the HARDEST AND PAINFUL moment OF OUR LIVES… losing my 10-year-old sister SOFI 👼🏻 but we still understand that everything has a mission and here we are my mom @jackyelkhoury1 @victor_elkhoury and I in the middle of letters telling you this story and also HOW TO GET AHEAD AFTER THIS «

His book will help those who have suffered painful losses

Also through Instagram stories in which she was visibly moved and at the same time moved by the memory of that bitter moment, Carolina Soto said that with all the love in the world, she, her mother and her stepfather shared this story with him. in order to help others overcome traumatic moments that have divided their history in two.

It should be noted that in his videos, Soto revealed that the funds raised from the sale of his book will be allocated 100% to a foundation, which received all the applause from his followers.

And you, what do you think about it? Tell us in the comments!