The gift of the «San Marino University» for Peliteñida

The actress marked not only the hearts of Colombians with her character from «Peliteñida», but also the public worldwide. For this reason, she received a creative gift from a follower of hers that left her delighted.

Lorna Cepeda undoubtedly played a character that more than one fell in love with, not only because of her beauty, her hair and her long legs. If not also because she never stopped repeating an emblematic phrase that made her famous, «I did 6 semesters of Finance at San Marino».

During the tour before starting a performance in El Salvador, one of his fans wanted to give him a gift that he will surely never forget. It is a black t-shirt where you can read “I did 6 semesters of finance. San Marino University”.

For that reason, the actress wanted to have a gesture of gratitude with her follower and published a photo with the shirt on and this message on her Instagram account:

The maximum!!! We were going to start a function in El Salvador and suddenly a blonde, super loved, came in to take pictures with us and quickly gave me this gift. I didn’t have time to thank him, and to tell him that I love this shirt!! A thousand and a thousand thanks.

instagram comment

How about the creative gift with which the follower made Peliteñida return to the year 99?

Share this note on your social networks, we want to know which is Betty’s favorite character, the ugly one.

With information from: Pulse