Pennyroyal, benefits of consuming it every day

If you are not clear the benefits of pennyroyalmaybe you do remember when your mom gave it to you in preparations to alleviate respiratory problems.

Popular wisdom is one of those things that continues to accompany us to this day, no matter what stage of life we ​​find ourselves in. Perhaps your mother and grandmother went to the market place to buy all kinds of healing plants, including pennyroyal. This matic would be used to treat the common cold and raise the body’s defenses; It would also have properties to combat pneumonia, fatigue and even to repel insects.

We want to show you what moringa is for and how it is taken, in addition to telling you about the benefits that pennyroyal would have in various home treatments that will take care of everyone’s health at home:

benefits of pennyroyal

Due to its high menthol content, this plant could be indicated to combat colds, cough up the chest and open the airways in the face of nasal congestion. Its anticoagulant properties would be of great help to improve blood circulation, which is why women usually take it when they have menstrual cramps. Also, this plant would become effective in cooling wounds, bites and skin burns.

What is pennyroyal or mint?

Taking an infusion based on mint pennyroyal or using its essential oil could help you de-stress and relax, in those moments when you suffer from anxiety or stress attacks. Additionally, it would be a good way to combat halitosis. The scent of this plant is also widely used in aromatherapy sessions to stimulate blood circulation to the brain and to allow the body to relax so you can sleep better.

Properties of pennyroyal tea

Drinking a tea made from pennyroyal leaves would be a good way to get rid of severe headaches and those associated with migraines. In other cases, it would be widely taken by pregnant women to reduce nausea and general discomfort in the gestation process. To prepare this infusion, boil a couple of leaves in water for about five minutes. Let the tea steep for another five and drink it slowly.

What is milk with pennyroyal for?

There is no cold that cannot be cured with milk pennyroyal. This powerful mixture would be the best way to eradicate dry cough and allow painless expectoration of phlegm. Likewise, it would have many powers when it comes to reducing the discomfort caused by fever in children and adults. To make this drink you only have to boil 5 grams of pennyroyal leaves in a cup of milk (of your choice). Let it cool, add 1 teaspoon of honey and drink it at night to improve its effect.

Benefits of pennyroyal in babies

This plant could be very good for relieving problems linked to common viruses. Pennyroyal would become important to relieve fever, soothe coughs, reduce colic in breastfeeding babies, stimulate correct teething without pain in children and even eliminate skin allergies. Remember that in case of any pathology that does not have a homemade solution for the baby, you should go to the pediatrician immediately.

Who can’t drink pennyroyal?

According to Colombian tradition, pennyroyal can be abortive in certain animal species, therefore it is not advisable for pregnant women to consume it, nor for those who
they are lactating

Now that you know the benefits of pennyroyal, at Vibra, we teach you the paico, what is it for? These are its main benefits.