Which Greek Gods Were Considered Evil?

Greek mythology is full of divine characters, some considered benevolent and others evil. Among the Greek gods, there were figures who caused fear and whose behavior was not entirely moral.

Hades, for example, was the god of the underworld and was considered ruthless and terrifying. Most people feared entering his kingdom after they died, as they believed they would be judged and condemned by him.

Kronos, the father of the gods, was also seen as evil. According to legend, Kronos devoured his children, believing that this would prevent one of them from dethroning him. This violent act caused many to consider him a sinister and cruel figure.

Another god that caused fear was Ares, God of War. He was described as a violent and sadistic being, who enjoyed fighting and bloodshed. Ares was feared by both mortals and the gods themselves, as his unpredictable and aggressive behavior could wreak havoc on the world.

Other gods like Dionisio and Heliosalthough they were not considered evil in the same sense as the previous ones, they also had a reputation for being capricious and reckless, which could lead to dangerous situations.

Despite their evil reputation, these gods were just as important as the benevolent ones within Greek mythology. Its role in the legends and beliefs of the time helped us understand the complexity of human existence and the gods themselves.

What gods were evil?

In the mythology of various cultures, there are gods who represent both good and evil. Although most deities are usually considered protectors of humanity, there are also some who carry out cruel and merciless actions.

One of the most evil gods in Norse mythology is Loki, who is characterized by his cunning and constant deceit. In several legends, he is shown performing dishonest and treacherous actions, such as when he was guilty of the murder of Balder.

Another evil god from Egyptian mythology is Seth, who is associated with chaos and destruction. In many stories, he is presented as a violent and ruthless being, who even fought against his own brother Osiris to establish dominance over him.

In Greek mythology, one of the most malevolent gods is Hades, the lord of the underworld. He is considered a dark and cold god, who delights in death and hopelessness. Furthermore, he is accused of kidnapping Persephone, Demeter’s daughter, to make her his wife in the underworld.

Although these gods are considered evil, their importance in the mythology and culture of the civilizations to which they belong cannot be denied. Its presence in legends and myths serves to represent a duality between good and evil, and to better understand the complexity of human nature.

What is the name of the god of evil?

When we talk about religions or mythologies, we usually find that there is an evil god. In different cultures and at different times, he has been known by different names.

In Greek mythology, the god of evil is known as Hades. He was in charge of governing the underworld, the place where the souls of the dead went.

In Egyptian mythology, the god Seth is considered the god of evil. He was a chaotic and disturbing god who became known for the violent and ruthless acts of him.

In Abrahamic religions, the god of evil is called Satan or Lucifer. In the Bible, he is described as a fallen angel who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. He is also known as the devil or the prince of darkness.

In Chinese mythology, the god of evil is called Gong-Gong. He was a water god who became angry with the emperor of heaven and caused a flood that caused great damage.

In short, throughout history and in different cultures, a name has been given to the god of evil. Although he may have different appearances or names, his essence has always been associated with evil, darkness and death.

What bad things did Hera do?

Herathe Greek goddess of family and marriage, is also known for her choleric and impulsive temperament and her role in Greek mythology as an antagonist.

One of the bad things Hera did was pursue her husband, Zeus, and her lovers throughout her life. She gave birth to Hephaestus, son of Zeus, but she threw him into the sea because he was born lame. Besides, Hera He attempted to thwart the birth of Hercules, an illegitimate son of Zeus.

Another bad thing Hera did was to take revenge on Leto’s children, Apollo and Artemis, by forbidding her from giving birth in any land on Earth that received the sun of Helios. Furthermore, Hera tricked her own mother into loving her so that Hera could be born.

Finally, Hera is known for her envy of other women and her determination to surpass them. When Io, a priestess at Hera’s temple, caught the attention of Zeus, Hera transformed her into a cow and constantly watched over her to ensure that she would never be with Zeus again.

What bad things did Zeus do?

Zeus He is known as the king of the gods in Greek mythology, but he is also remembered for some of his evil actions. One of the bad things he did was trick his wife Hera and other women into having sexual relations with them. This caused a lot of pain and suffering for those involved, and demonstrated his lack of respect for women.

Furthermore, Zeus also had many children outside of his marriage, which caused a lot of problems in the kingdom of the gods. These children were often jealous and envious of the legitimate children of Zeus, which led to fights and conflicts between them.

Another bad thing Zeus did was display egocentric and arrogant behavior. He often made decisions without thinking about the consequences, causing harm to other gods and mortals. He also used to punish those who dared to challenge his authority, causing many to fear and distrust him.

In short, although Zeus was a powerful and respected god, he also had a dark side and committed many evil deeds. These included cheating on his wife, having children out of wedlock, displaying arrogant behavior, and punishing those who dared to defy him. These actions show that even gods have imperfections and are not infallible.