How to roll up a burrito? Learn to do it correctly

We all wish we could make tortillas like they do in restaurants or in the movies. If you want to know how to roll a burrito like a professional, this note is for you.

In the following video we will be able to see what the technique of its preparation is, so that they are well pressed and the filling does not come out on either side.

How burritos are wrapped

For its preparation you must take into account the type of cuisine you want, this is to define the ingredients in this case we will learn how to do Mexican burritoswho dares to make one at home?

The sauces can also be prepared at home, you just need to have condiments on hand to mix with mayonnaise, yogurt sauce, hot sauce… or make a special sauce.

Inward, the first step to rolling up a burrito

You must fold the sides of the tortilla inward, as this is how the filling will be collected and will not come out when you are going to eat it.

drag and press

You must drag the filling with the tortilla and press towards you, pressing the filling and having more free tortilla on which to turn and finish forming the roll.

If you are more audiovisual and do not want to miss a single detail to roll up a burrito correctly, do not miss the following video:

since you know wrap burritos the right way, tell us what other delicious dish you want to learn how to make with us. Do not forget to share this note on your social networks, your friends will appreciate it!

Taken from Gastronomy and Co.