What does the Gebo rune mean? [Vertical, Invertido y Usos] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

The Gebo rune is a wonderful rune that can help us work in our daily lives with fresh positive energy and radiant high vibrations. Do you want to know more about it?

Read this article about the meaning of the Gebo rune and discover its origins, meanings and messages.

What does the Gebo rune mean?

The Gebo rune means sociability and freedom. If during divination the Gebo rune assumes an important position, it means that the consultant will receive a gift that could be a harbinger of eternal joy in the immediate future.

It can be a marriage, a strong relationship, a greater depth of feelings or the improvement of economic conditions through a business. However, something must be sacrificed in the name of all this and lifestyle changes also occur.

The final result will still be marked by positivity and harmony; in fact, Gebo is one of the most positive runes.

It speaks mainly of freedom, but also of hope, love, wishes coming true, new relationships and renewed enthusiasm for life.My homemade Gebo rune.

This renewed interest in life will favor social and personal relationships, which from this moment on will certainly be richer and more rewarding.

After the transformation with Kenaz, the gift, Gebo, comes to us with communication, relationships and the mutual exchange of concepts and ideas. It is inhaling and exhaling, giving and receiving, finding and separating, the intertwining of destiny summarized in the X that this rune symbolizes: the paths that cross, the meeting point where there is no longer an I or a you, but only a we. .

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The name comes from the Indo-European root ghebh, a term indicating something that is transmitted from one person to another, from which the English words give, to give and gift are also derived. The rune is dedicated to Vjofn, goddess of harmony, reconciliation, brotherhood, friendship, solidarity and alliance.

Gebo is the rune of relationships, family, friendship and love, united by constant mutual exchange, not necessarily in a material sense. Whether it is a look, a caress or a smile, there must always be a balance between the parties, otherwise, whoever receives the most, sooner or later will feel uncomfortable, and the same will happen to whoever gives the most. Balanced exchange means respect and consideration of the fact that you and I are equals and therefore both are expected to contribute equally.

Reflecting on this rune, we should not stop at the relationships between people or at most between people and animals, it is necessary that there is a balance also with the nature that surrounds us, the Mother Earth that welcomes us, that feeds us, and that we exploit with too often.

Our relationship with the planet at the moment is not working very well and this is leading us to a major environmental disaster. Just as between the two families of gods, between the Aces and the Vani, it is essential to find balance and mutual exchange to strengthen a bond that is vital for us.

The clash between the gods began when a goddess, Gullveig, Golden Drunkenness, of the Vani lineage, trod the sacred ground of the Aces to attract greed and corruption. The Aces gathered against this plague by her people, attempted to kill the bringer of misfortunes, but three times she was resurrected, making all her efforts in vain.

However, the peace between the two divine lineages was already hopelessly compromised and the clash was inevitable: Odin led the armies of the Aces and threw his javelin against the enemy forces, but this did not prevent the Vani from destroying the walls of Asgardhr. and crossing its walls with impunity.

In reality, the fight always seemed to maintain a substantial balance and therefore, the two factions finally decided on a conference to smooth out the differences that had arisen up to that point.

The central point of this meeting was the exchange of hostages to ensure mutual loyalty: the Vani sent the Aces the most influential figures in their community, namely Njordr and his children Freyr and Freyja, and in return, the Aces offered them as a pledge. the wise men Hoenir and Mimir. The exchange was beneficial for both families who have since found the right balance in the new bond.Freja Looking for her Husband, Nils Blommér

Mead is the drink that best represents Gebo. Once the families were united, all the Aces and Vani spat into a cauldron to seal the new pact. From his saliva was born the wisest creature in the universe, Kvasir, who was immediately killed by two dwarves.

These dwarves, dividing the blood into three parts and mixing honey with it, created the sacred drink of the gods, mead. Honey, the masculine principle, is combined with pure spring water, the feminine principle, giving life to a perfect drink to seal balanced and lasting unions.

A popular drink throughout the ancient world, mead was served to kings and heroes, able to guarantee the immortality of the gods along with nectar and ambrosia. The poetic imaginative capacity can only be acquired by drinking the sacred mead, therefore only as a result of a divine gift.

Mead is the drink of the afterlife, of bards and druids, and of wise men. For us, relationships are important, between friends, between lovers, between parents and children, in which case there is always a debt that is impossible to pay off, that of life.

Nothing can be worth more and the only way to repay parents for this gift is to live better, fulfill one’s destiny, create values ​​and, if desired, give another spirit the opportunity to reincarnate and be born.

Meaning of Gebo if it is upright

Gebo cannot come out face down. This characteristic symbolizes the greatest gift that has been given to men: freedom, from which everything beautiful in life derives. Therefore, Gebo’s message, standing or upside down, will always be the same.

The launch of Gebo means that a new acquaintance is on the horizon that can be related to work or family, friendship or relationships. It will be a key experience, without a doubt very positive. However, the Gebo cross, the archetypal symbol of suffering, reminds us that you can only receive it if you have given it: only if you are generous can you be rewarded.

We must learn to accept the gifts with which we are welcomed by nature (divine or earthly) and the people around us, but we must also get used to using our virtues for the benefit of others. Gebo reminds us that above all we are independent and free beings and that in any relationship (professional, sentimental or friendship), we are only happy if we know how to maintain our independence.

He also warns you, however, that you should not settle or annul yourself in this union. In fact, the only true association is that formed by complete and independent people who retain their individuality even when united with each other.

Whatever the level of the relationship (love affairs, business affairs or bonds of various kinds), remember to let the winds of Heaven blow between you. Then there is another type of association that we must consider now, and which may cause you to discover, as it is realized, an even greater union: union with the Super-elf and union with the Divine.

The final gift of this rune is the realization of the Divine in all we do: God is only in right relationships.

Meaning of Gebo in love, work and health.

Love : love is certainly reciprocated. One is attracted to a person who shares the same passions, tastes and desires. We must take advantage of the present moment and perhaps decide to seriously consider the possibility of marriage.

Job : Until now they have worked hard and with a lot of commitment. Now you will reap the rewards of your efforts. If unexpected possibilities open up, Gebo advises taking advantage of them, leaving aside fears, if you are convinced of the possibility of success in the new venture.

Health : You are in good health and you need to make sure it is maintained. It’s time to «treat yourself» with some special care. Maybe a weekend at the spa, a change in diet towards a healthier diet or a general medical check-up. When it comes to health, prevention is better than cure.

When mining Gebo, the meaning of union, balance and exchange must be analyzed. Spiritually, the rune indicates that something within us has been reconciled, two opposites such as good and evil, man and woman, or past and present.

We are ready to relate to others, join a person in love, make a friendship or start a project with other people.

This rune cannot be overridden.

On the emotional level, it could indicate an imminent marriage, a new relationship, deeper feelings and closer emotional ties. At an economic level, improvements, new employment contracts, new companies, agreements and mergers are expected.

You have to know how to adapt to change, not oppose it, and the result will surely be positive. As for health, if you are in good health, you only need to take some precautions to maintain it and take time for yourself, while in case of illness, recovery will be quick.

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How to work with the energy of the Gebo rune?

  • Use it as a love or friendship talisman.
  • Amazing to connect with someone we love.
  • Use it during intimate dates to increase your sexual desire.
  • Powerful talisman to honor the blessings in your life and get rid of curses
  • Bring it when you sign an important document

Gebo rune’s special message…