Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

On many occasions we use the resources of enchantments and White magic To achieve or get closer to our goals, we are people with goals, feelings and aspirations and it is not frowned upon to use a few gentle prayers, non-aggressive spells or witchcraft tools to achieve our goals. But when the above does not seem enough or we need more aggressive methods To achieve what we want, only the most risky people can become familiar with black magic to learn black magic to dominate someone, black magic to dominate a boss who is treating you very badly and does not let you progress or use black magic rituals to dominate your partner or find love.

Before delving into the knowledge of black magic for our own benefit, it is necessary to read the spell very well, the opinions, if they have worked very well, among other recommendations that can help you avoid making mistakes.


First of all, we must know that magic is a style of art for the people who practice it and this practice is used as in all trades, both for good or evil, for help others or for one’s own benefit, or simply that we want something good but to have consistent results we are willing to risk much more in order to obtain the expected consequences. This is how black magic works, with darker intentions than the others, with more oriented or aggressive purposes than the others.

Learn to Use Magic to Master



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As previously said, black magic can be used for many purposes, the most sought after is to dominate a partner, your boss, your competition, we are looking for spells to dominate men, women, co-workers, etc. We have in our repertoire many black magic rituals and spells to master that have been verified and they have been very effective.



  • Prepare an infusion that your husband likes, chamomile, passionflower, tea, whatever you like.
  • 3 Drops of your urine and 3 of your menstruation.
  • Drops of cinnamon essence, Jamaican rose extract, or any reddish spice to mask the smell, flavor and color.


  1. Step 1: The first step to take is tea, chamomile, passionflower or any infusion that you can give your partner to drink whole. Try adding a few drops of cinnamon, Jamaican rose or something to excuse its color.
  2. Step 3: Place all the ingredients in a cup and you will repeat the following sentence

    “My heart belongs to that person that I love and desire so much and that she recognizes the love that I am willing to give so that no one interferes or gets in the way of our hearts.”

  3. Step 4: Give him the infusion to drink and make sure he drinks it all.



  • Urine or menstruation of the person to be dominated.
  • A white candle.
  • Rose thorns.
  • silver dagger


  1. Step 1: We light the white candle, we must be very serene and calm at the time of the enchantment.
  2. Step 2: We are going to anoint the dagger with the urine or menstruation of the person to be dominated, then we will pass the silver dagger through the fire.
  3. Step 3: We will bury the silver dagger along with the rose thorns in a nearby place where you plan to make an approach. It must be midnight.

There is an idea that the ancient kings of the medieval era used it to marry women who were denied to them.



  • Two candles of masculine color and masculine shape (blue, green, brown) if you want to dominate a male lover or of feminine color and shape (pink, red, violet) if you want to dominate a female, one candle must represent you and the other to your lover (if you don’t want to go to the store you can try buying a candle according to the color and carving it yourself, it may even be more powerful).
  • Lime or almond oil (necessary amount).
  • Spoon or silver or metal object.
  • A drop of your blood.


  1. You must wait for a new moon friday To carry out the ritual, as the day arrives you can carve the candles with the name of the lover you want to dominate. You are going to rub the candles with the lime or almond oil poured on one of your fingers and you will say

    “I dominate you, I dominate you (full name of the person)”

    . The candles must be completely impregnated with the oil.

  2. Place the candles about 15 centimeters away and light them for a period of 7 minutes while you concentrate your energies. At the end of the time, you will pour a drop of your blood on the candle that represents your lover. You are going to perform the ritual every night for 7 days, in the same way, each day bringing them approximately 2 centimeters closer. On the last day you will let the candles burn out completely and you will bury the residue in your backyard. You can try an approach after the ritual performed and you will realize that you will find it much more responsive.



  • This spell is a bit… Particular, the ingredients they will use are the drink that the man orders, your saliva and 3 red apples and three tablespoons of honey.


  1. You are going to invite the man you want to dominate to your house, you are going to offer him a drink and whatever he asks for you are going to drink it but without swallowing, then you are going to return it to the glass. You give it to them to offer. After a while you are going to offer him a juice of 3 apples and honey to sweeten it, without him seeing you you are going to add a little of your saliva and you are going to stir it very well. You will have it at your feet in no time.
  2. Yes, it is a somewhat disgusting and particular spell, but There are many opinions saying that it completely works, that is where we can observe that saliva and some body fluids have properties for domination if ingested. This spell is very simple and should take very little time, make the most of it.


One of the sorcery methods to dominate men is through toys, tools or implementations voodoo. Next, we leave you a voodoo doll ritual to dominate men.


  • Cotton, the amount you consider necessary to make a doll in resemblance to the man to bewitched.
  • Hair and hair of the man to bewitched, to make the voodoo doll in the same way. You must make a doll that closely resembles the man you want to dominate.
  • Red ribbon to make three ties to the doll.
  • White chicken blood, the amount you consider necessary to smear the doll.


  1. Step 1: You must wait for the lunar cycle to pass and do it two days before the full moon, for this you can research on the internet or with the help of a lunar calendar.
  2. Step 2: We are going to proceed to make the doll according to the physical resemblance of the man to bewitched, you must put all your skills possible to make the doll so that it looks similar, with the help of cotton, hair and the person’s hair.
  3. Step 3: (two days before the full moon) Once the doll is finished, you must soak or bathe it in white chicken blood. Try to ensure that it has been killed on the same day or that the blood is as fresh as possible.
  4. Step 4: While you are carrying out these processes, you are going to talk to the doll, as if it were the same man you want to cast a spell on, tell him what bothers you about him, what you don’t like him to do, the things you would like him to do, how you would like him to do you. I will try, among other things, this step is completely up to your imagination.
  5. Step 5: Next, with the red ribbon you are going to tie the following areas so that it is a little tight, the neck of the voodoo doll, the abdomen and the feet. Place the doll in a dark area of ​​your house, talk to it continuously, express your wishes, treat it well or badly depending on your intentions.



  • A bottle of cheap champagne.
  • Wax to make an image of your enemy.
  • Mixture of water and beer (enough).
  • A lock of the enemy’s hair.
  • An axe, knife or metal weapon.


  1. Step 1: Create an image of your enemy with wax and a mixture of water and beer. You can use all the resources you need and place the lock of hair inside the head.
  2. Step 2: Bury the image in your patio, nearby square and wait for a night where the clouds won’t let you see the moon.
  3. Step 3: Unearth the wax image (It doesn’t matter that it has deteriorated a little), place a glass with cheap champagne in the 4 corners of your patio or square and leave them there all night.
  4. Step 4: With the help of the axe, knife or metal weapon you are going to destroy said head and you are going to transport it in a bag away from your patio or square, as far as possible. Throw them anywhere.


It must be done on an altar or an image of the holy death.

“Holy Death, no one has defeated you yet, tame those people who want to harm me. Turn them into small lambs and leave them as rosemary flowers. By the strongest word you have, I want you to bring me (name of the person who wants to dominate) and for him to be humiliated and defeated. Step on his head like a snake. I want him to come and kneel before me and try to fulfill what he promised me, the harm he wanted to do to me. “Holy death, today I beg you to help me.”


“O Lord of the Most Holy Death, you who are powerful, show me how I should do things, make that person (woman’s name) come to feel what the intensity of love for (your name) is. I am not begging you to erase my failures, I am only asking you for the opportunity to make (name of the woman) notice me and want to please all my whims and we can start a relationship in your name, oh holy death help me.”

If possible, try to perform it under an image of the Holy Death, since it is said that it is present in its images and your prayers will be more likely to be heard.


“Raindrops begin to fall that cloud my soul, the rainbow is hidden, the diversity of its colors I don’t see, the trees and the seas, the birds and the sleighs. A lightning bolt scares me, I tremble with chills, I come humbly, come to my aid. I need to dominate the man that you know is in my heart, that being that causes me harm today, that being that I have given my life to, touches the deepest part of his soul and his heart, help him to fall into temptations, to get away from bad influences, That he can have a good relationship with me, so be it.”


There is no doubt that the use of this dark magic has its degrees of dangerousness. So, it is inevitable to know how you can handle this…