Discover the magical properties of nutmeg [DIY] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Easy to find and fantastic to use, nutmeg is something that shouldn’t be missing from a witch’s shelf! Let’s learn more about the magical properties of nutmeg and why it is so good for our craft!

What is nutmeg?

Native to Indonesia, nutmeg is a perennial plant whose fruit produces a hard grain covered with a membrane.

This grain is the spice that we use so much in the kitchen, which is enough to scrape and add to any dish to give it a subtle and pleasant flavor.

However, the most important part is its various health benefits.

The name nutmeg is of medieval origin, dating back to when, without knowing the antecedents of the spice, it was commonly called a nut with a musky smell.

The first mention of the plant dates back to the 1st century when Pliny the Elder in his writings spoke of a tree that had two distinct aromas: a spicy, spicy aroma and an aroma similar to a mixture of cinnamon and pepper.

Pliny the Elder

Although it was widespread in Arab markets for centuries, it became more popular in the 16th century, becoming one of the most sought-after spices in Europe.

So much so, in fact, that it was the subject of bitter hostility among Western countries, which attempted to gain a trade monopoly.

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Esoteric and magical uses of nutmeg

Ruled by the planet Jupiter and the element of Fire, nutmeg was considered to provide money, health, loyalty and has therefore been widely used in good luck and health spells.

  1. An ancient spell indicates that to avoid and combat rheumatism, colds, neuralgia and styes, it was necessary to make a necklace with nutmeg and star anise, and the person had to wear it at all times.
  2. A nutmeg hung on a thread around a child’s neck was even believed to help with the teething process.
  3. According to an ancient method used by European witches to cure warts of male patients, a woman must give them nutmeg and vice versa. The patient should place the nutmeg in his pocket, taking it out from time to time to nibble on it. Over time, both the nutmeg and the wart should become smaller and smaller.
  4. To increase your well-being, spread a pinch of crushed nutmeg on a green candle and then light it when the moon is waxing, and it is in the astrological sign of Taurus.
  5. According to some gypsies, spreading a little nutmeg on a lottery ticket, carrying it for a day and a night will increase your chances of winning.
  6. The following spell, if done correctly, will prevent your loved one from cheating.

    With the blade of your consecrated athame, break a nutmeg into four parts. Offer one piece to Mother Earth, another to the winds, and another to the element of Fire. Boil the remaining piece in a cauldron completely filled with water and then. Once cold, consume the water and carry the piece of nutmeg at all times as an amulet.

Special spells with nutmeg

For good luck (mainly if you are looking for a job)

You should use three pieces of nutmeg, one tablespoon of vinegar, one tablespoon of cod liver oil, six tablespoons of honey and one liter of water.

Add all the ingredients to the water and boil it. Boil for 20 minutes over low heat.

Bathe with this preparation before an important appointment such as a job interview.

See a list of other spells to get a job.

To attract prosperity

If you want to attract prosperity to your home, place grated nutmeg and a good amount of ginger in an empty beer bottle.

Additionally, before leaving home, you can take a soak, to which you should add a little grated nutmeg.

See a list of herbs for prosperity.

for lottery

You must grate a whole nutmeg and then keep it in a yellow bag that you must carry with you every time you place a bet or buy a lottery ticket.

If you are playing the lottery, you must write down the number on a piece of paper and then place it inside the same bag. It would be better if you didn’t part with this bag when you sleep.

See a list of other lottery spells.

to attract a man

If you want to attract a man, you can also use nutmeg along with two tablespoons of almond oil and the petals of three red roses.

The rose petals must be squeezed into a container containing 1 liter of water.

Then add the almond oil and ground nutmeg, boil for 15 minutes, remove from heat and let cool. Bathe with this preparation just before meeting the man you want to attract.

See a list of call me spells.

for rheumatism

To make rheumatism more bearable (especially in the hands and feet), perform the following procedure.

With ground nutmeg, seven cloves, a bar of white soap (natural, odorless), three cups of orange blossom water, two tablespoons of brown sugar, the juice of one lemon and two egg whites.

Grate the white soap and place it in a pot.

Then put the rest of the ingredients in a pot.

Mix everything and wash your body with that mixture (focus on your hands and feet) early in the morning.

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