Here’s How to Use Black Salt for Protection [una receta incluida] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

You’ve probably heard of black salt, also known as Witches’ Salt. This article is intended to be an easy-to-follow guide to learn to better understand the power of this incredible magical tool.

Let’s see how to use black salt for protection by learning what it is and how to do it.

What is black salt in magic?

First of all, a little clarification, when we talk about black salt, we must remember not to confuse this magical practice tool with the black salt used in cooking.

Everyone now knows Cyprus black salt, Hawaiian black salt and Indian black salt recommended for the preparation of many dishes in the culinary field.

Without a doubt, this type of salt has good virtues, which can be used not only in the culinary field but also in magical and spiritual practices.

However, the black salt that witches use is completely different, it is a tool created by a witch and is born from the union of salt with other ingredients that benefit from the energetic processes implemented during its creation.

Also read:
Does salt keep spirits away? (4 Powerful DIY Methods)

Learn to Use Magic to Master



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Here’s how to use it for protection.

  1. Divide the salt to draw a straight line in front of the windows, doors and gate of your house.
  2. A sachet of black salt placed on/on a desk absorbs negative energies and eliminates workplace gossip.
  3. A handful of black salt under the bed takes away nightmares.
  4. Putting a pinch of black salt in the water to wash the floors will protect the house.
  5. Throwing it after an unwanted guest will keep it away from your house.
  6. Can be used to create circles of protection.
  7. It can be placed in the corners of each room to eliminate negativity and a circle of protection in that room, it is a great practice for bedrooms.
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I was honored when Court TV producers recently asked me to consult on a case.

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Origins of black salt

The origin of black salt is largely unknown. Many attribute the birth of this practice to popular tradition, other sources claim that it originated from the Hoodoo tradition and then spread through the practice of Voodoo and Santeria, some sources still believe that the practice of salt black was already known by the Ancients. , especially in volcanic areas. Whatever its origin, in any case, black salt has always been a great ally of the witch in protection practices.

From ancient times to contemporary times and through the Middle Ages, great power has always been attributed to salt. Already in the Neolithic, men realized the great virtues of this natural element and over time it has been used to preserve food, preserving it from deterioration to season dishes, to heal wounds, to purify the body and also to destroy .

Today, research has shown what the Ancients have known for some time, that all the trace elements and minerals necessary for the survival of humanity and that can preserve our physical and energetic balance are contained in salt. We are talking, of course, about natural salt and not industrialized salt.

In Greece, salt was used in rites of atonement and purification. The Romans, on the other hand, smeared some in a baby’s mouth to ward off evil spirits and give it wisdom. Similar stories are found in almost every culture around the world, but have you ever wondered where these customs come from?

The answer is very simple: as we have mentioned previously, salt has been used to preserve food and to prevent its deterioration, thanks to its antibacterial and disinfectant properties.

Salt, in fact, can kill germs and bacteria, promote healing, and disinfect wounds. In other words, it can purify. As with many other natural elements, bioenergetic and magical properties can be derived from manifested properties. For this reason, the Ancients have always used salt where purification and healing rituals were required.

Black salt symbolism

Black salt has always been considered a symbol of wisdom since it is connected with all the elements, it is contained in sea water, in the wind that brings the sea breeze, in the earth from which it is extracted and, in ancient times, it was He thought that it was also related to the fire element due to its ability to dry out the earth and burn the roots of plants and its ability to dehydrate.

This last belief does not seem so strange, in fact, it leads us to explore another reason why salt has been used for a long time to eliminate negative presences and energies. Its dehydration capacity is strictly related to the absorption of water and, consequently, in ancient times it was thought that this capacity was strictly related to the power to absorb negative energies, removing them from a body or object on which the salt was spread.

This logical analysis does not serve to diminish its energetic and spiritual properties, but rather helps us understand it better.

Salt also maintains its characteristics unchanged over time, it does not spoil, it is incorruptible and due to its resistance it acquires even greater power in the context of purification and protection rituals.

But why black?

The color black is both linked to both life and death and this ambivalence of meaning reminds us that life and death are two different sides of the same coin, two petals of the same flower, transition phases between a way and another.

Black is the color of the night and in most ancient cultures it is the color linked to the absolute, to the concept of emptiness, and at the same time to creation. Black is the color of darkness, the darkness in which the fetus grows inside the womb, in the protective embrace of the mother who defends it from the dangers of the world to allow it to grow and develop.

This implies the deep sense of protection and security that we all love from black salt as a protective magical tool. Black is also the color associated with the womb of the earth, which protects the seed, nourishes it by helping the sprout grow, and then cares for the roots of the plant, keeping them close to itself.

Black is, therefore, the color linked to the womb and protection, to Mother Earth, and to the mysteries of creation and birth. This is the color of the moon in its dark phase when the New Moon prepares us for the beginning of a new lunar cycle and protects us in its darkness, hiding us from the sight of spirits linked to chaos.Thank you

The color black is therefore a deeply sacred color, closely related to protection. Not in vain, it is said that black stones are capable of absorbing negativity like sponges, filtering them and then transforming them into creative energy, just as the earth absorbs death, transforming it into food.

Taking into account all the elements analyzed so far, we should have acquired enough knowledge to become aware of why the black belt has this great power in itself.

A recipe to make black salt.

The best time for creating our black salt is the time corresponding to the New Moon phase, as we can take advantage of the energy that this lunar phase gives us, which favors creative processes and also allows us to take advantage of its great protective capacity.

The New Moon recalls the symbolism of Mother Earth’s womb and her immense protective power. Furthermore, the New Moon carries the great power of purification and healing, so it will also help us if we want to use our salt for purification rites.


  • Salt
  • Coal
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • incense ash
  • A mortar and pestle


    Grind the pepper and charcoal into a fine powder. Add the salt little by little, being careful not to add too much. Burn a handful of incense and then add it to the mixture.

    Store the black salt in an airtight container (it should not absorb moisture).

    Testing your home for negative energies using black salt

    If you want to find out if a room is infested with negative energies, you should use this simple but ancient method. It seems that in ancient Rome there was a rumor that salt meant bad luck. In reality, it was not the salt that brought bad luck, but its waste.

    In fact, at that time it was customary to welcome guests with a pinch of salt (this further demonstrates its importance). Unfortunately, if this caused him to fall, it was a bad omen. Even in our times, it is said that throwing salt brings misfortune, although the reason is no longer known.

    The reason was that this precious commodity cost a lot and the trips to obtain it were dangerous. Wasting it was a real misfortune, but we can continue to understand how to reveal the presence of negative energies thanks to salt.

    My experience

    I recently did a test at home since my husband was 100% sure that…