Choosing a Candle Color for the Exam (Daily Magic) –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Are you studying for an important exam and want to rely on a specific candle color to get the most out of it? This article is here to help you find the best options available to get great results for this important challenge ahead! Let’s start.

What color candle should you use before exams?

The best colors for exams are yellow, white, orange and blue! You can choose the color of your candle based on what you would like to achieve with the exam and your energy type.

Why these colors?

When preparing for an exam, it is essential to promote concentration, energy and attention. Rather than a single color that would be monotonous, it is advisable to opt for combinations designed ad hoc.

Yellow stimulates the mind and is perfect in combination with green, which helps concentration. White organizes thoughts and communicates a feeling of coldness and estrangement that does not help in the long run.

You should always intersperse it with spots of contrasting dark colors, such as indigo, which has a calming effect, or violet, which is the color of creativity. Orange is for those with memory problems, which is also useful for improving communication. Combined with more delicate colors such as beige or apricot, it promotes harmony of the mind and human relationships.

On the other hand, blue has a calming power, relieves unnecessary stress and focuses attention where it is needed most. Furthermore, in this case, we should not go overboard, with white or yellow it is also perfect from an aesthetic point of view.

How to use them?

  • Cast a spell to pass an exam.
  • To meditate on your goals
  • Sing a prayer to pass an exam.
  • To ask a deity for guidance and support during the exam

An effective meditation with candles

It is also known as thetreata technique.

It is a yoga exercise and can help you concentrate and learn to focus your attention on work.

In the dark, light the candle of your choice and stare at it for a few minutes trying not to blink. When your eyes are tired, close them and you will see that you will continue to see the image of the candle.

Relax by looking at the image in your head until it dissolves and you open your eyes again. Your mind will be free of negative thoughts and ready to focus on studying.

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Other magical tools that could help you

To improve your luck and your chances of success during an exam, you can use the candle color associated with studying and concentration however you want, but you know what? There are some magical tools you can add to your practice to increase your focus, concentration, and commitment. Let’s see them together, and don’t forget to choose what best suits you and your craft.

A Rune: ISA

The Isa rune is a powerful rune for concentration, and keeping it with you or using it during spells or rituals can increase the energy around you and within you.

You can draw it on a piece of paper and carry it with you while you take the exam or keep the rune if you have one in your pocket while you take the exam.

a sigil

A sigil made by you is a magical tool to consider to improve your focus, commitment and luck in the exam. You can create your sigil by starting with an affirmation like:


You can draw the sigil on a piece of paper or a stone and keep it with you as an amulet.

Also read:
5 excellent examples of a sigil to study [+Guía de bricolaje]
5 Excellent Examples of a Confidence Sigil [+Guía de bricolaje]

A Tarot card: Eight of Pentacles

The Eight of Pentacles is a card about learning and mastering your craft. Carry it with you when you need it, or keep it visible in a place special to you so that it can function as a daily reminder of the skills and potential you have deep inside that you just need to spread throughout you and your life.

A Crystal: Tiger’s Eye

Tiger’s Eye is the stone of will because it instills tenacity, courage and stability in those who wear it. It instills strength, and therefore seems to relieve panic and anxiety. It is for hypertensive people who do not see reality with adequate clarity. Tiger’s Eye helps overcome moments of difficulty and increases self-confidence. Gaining confidence allows you to be stronger to defend yourself from overwhelming situations or negative people. It is the stone of judgment because it helps you find the right path.

It is for people who have little initiative and are inconsistent and unable to follow a path. It allows them to be clear and handle difficult situations with wisdom and clarity. Thanks to its flow of energy, tiger’s eye allows you to increase concentration and attention in meditation.

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