What do the runes on Sirius Black’s wand mean? –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Are you intrigued by Sirius Black and his wand? I have to admit that his wand is definitely the most impressive to look at among all those other wands belonging to the other characters in Harry Potter’s magical kingdom!

I decided to write this article to reveal the meaning of the runes on Sirius Black’s wand to see if they can be useful in knowing a little more about this fascinating wizard, his powers and his history.

Let’s see then what the runes on Sirius Black’s wand mean.

Sirius Black’s mysterious wand

Created by Garrick Ollivander, Sirius Black’s wand is shrouded in mystery. Unlike the wands of many other wizards in the Harry Potter saga, information on Sirius’s wand is patchy and incomplete.

According to most sources, its origins are unknown, as are the materials used to make it. However, according to other sources, the wand is made of Truciolo wood with a phoenix feather core.

The Story of Sirius Black’s Wand

Belonging to a pure-blooded wizard, Sirius Black III, known to the world as the Teddy, godfather of Harry Potter, is a very powerful wand, but also very difficult to use. Perhaps that is why it is believed to contain a phoenix feather, the rarest material used to make the core of magic wands.

The phoenix feather, while giving the wand extraordinary powers, makes it very difficult to tame. It is likely that, during the First Wizarding War, Sirius used a different wand and that he obtained it after escaping from Azkaban. But these are just hypotheses. In the absence of certain data, it is only possible to formulate conjectures.

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Working with runes requires skill and patience and is not recommended in most cases. I provide these do-it-yourself articles for educational purposes, but it is highly recommended that you consult a divination expert like Mystic Amber and let us do the work for you.

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According to the events narrated by JK Rowling’s books, it is unknown what happened to the wand after Sirius’ death. However, in the film adaptation, the wand breaks when Bellatrix kills Sirius.

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What do the runes on Sirius Black’s wand mean?

The runes on Sirius Black’s wand are a transposition of his tattoos. It is unclear if these are convict tattoos or if he had them before, other than the one on his neck that matches his prisoner number. No official statements have ever been made about the meaning of the symbols.

These symbols are, at first glance, without apparent meaning, a mixture of several alphabets. The symbols on the sternum are reminiscent of ancient Futhark runes, but also those of the Northumbrian and Anglo-Saxon runic alphabet.

The one above is reminiscent of the alchemical symbol of amalgam (alloy of mercury and metals), while others are reminiscent of the planets. It would be interesting to understand if the symbols actually make sense and relate to Sirius’ story, or if they were created just to reinforce the (somewhat stereotypical) idea of ​​the prisoner.

The link to the planets makes sense since it is a reference to their name. One of the things that fascinates me most about Sirius is, above all, the name.

I’ve always loved the way JK Rowling has created explanatory names for her characters; It is enough to mention some obvious ones: Remus Lupine, which refers to Romulus and Remus, sons of the wolf, and Lupine, obviously linked to his condition as a werewolf.

Or Dolores Umbridge, whose first name clearly represents her annoying character character, but sounds similar, and ‘umbrage’, which in English means ‘annoying’. Perfect, since we are not talking about a good person.

The examples could go on for many pages and not just for proper nouns. I will not dwell now on this fascinating aspect of the saga, nor on the related Italian translations or part of the four-volume compendium. As mentioned, this article will be about Harry’s godfather, who actually has one of the most fascinating explanatory names.

Sirius is the brightest star in the dog constellation. The name of the star derives from the ancient Greek Σείριος, Seirios, which means precisely ‘to illuminate’ and in Greek mythology Sirius was the hunting dog of Orion (Sirius’s father is also called Orion).

We can also venture a connection with Norse mythology: Sirius was known as Lokabrenna, the ‘flame of Loki’, the God of Deception. This is very clear in the Marauders, for example; Sirius is an animagus, that is, he is capable of transforming into an animal, precisely a black dog.

Padfoot, Felpato in Italian, is the nickname he uses with his Marauders friends. Canuto is also the term used, in Yorkshire, to indicate a ghostly dog ​​typical of English folklore. He is a dog that usually appears at night and is a harbinger of death.

This is a very clear reference to the Gram, which Harry believes he sees close to home. We will later discover that it was a transformed Sirius who was hanging around Little Whinging so he could see his godson once he escaped from Azkaban.

The black crest, with two black dogs.

It is interesting to note that Padfoot is indeed a terrifying dog, but also capable of offering kindness and gratitude when treated kindly. In short, he is a being who presents himself as evil but not necessarily evil.

Did I say black dog? In fact, black immediately refers to the surname, ‘Black’ in English, and the family crest, which includes black dogs. Sirius was born in November 1959 and in the Chinese zodiac it was the year of the dog.

Another wonderful thing about this name is that it represents an opposition: Sirius is the brightest star, Black refers to darkness. Light and darkness.

Doesn’t this sound familiar to you?

“We all have light and darkness within us. What matters is which side to be on. That is what we are.

It’s a quote from Sirius that is a small summary of his entire character. I love this!

Basically, the runes on Sirius Black’s wand are not as easy to interpret as it was for Dumbledore’s wand, as we know less about this wand and its origins but, if we dig deeper like we did here with this article, we can! See how symbolism, runes and special references are absolutely important to know more about one of the best characters in the Harry Potter saga!

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