7 Powerful Revenge Spells for Every Situation [Cómo hacerlo] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Revenge spells have been used by witches throughout the centuries. Many times, we are unfairly harmed in situations and all we want is to have justice for ourselves and our happiness. This is when these spells can be extremely useful.

What is a revenge spell for?

Whether it’s a relationship, a job, or any other situation, there are times when we’re not happy with how certain things have ended. In those moments and although we know that it is not entirely right, we want revenge.

  • Your boss may have humiliated you at work
  • Your partner may have been unfaithful to you
  • Or maybe an ex-partner is making your life unbearable.

In these cases, the best way to get revenge and give them what they deserve is with a revenge spell.

How and when can a revenge spell be dangerous?

A revenge spell can be dangerous if your driving force is anger and negativity and you are blinded by anger and dark energies and forces.

In my opinion, when negativity takes over, things can get a little dangerous. You must try to forgive and forget, try to maintain a high positive spirit and focus on reclaiming your right to happiness and clarity, those feelings that your enemy stole from you, try to be a better person.

Each spell can backfire or you could be exhausted by all the negativity growing inside you. Don’t let all this ruin your life, but use it as an opportunity to find a new way of perceiving your life and prioritizing your happiness.

When to cast a revenge spell?

A revenge spell should be cast when there is a full moon, it is there to support us with its incredible and powerful energy to banish pain, anger and discontent from the past.

However, if you need a quick manifestation and don’t want to wait for the full moon, you can cast it by following the spell’s requirements and advice or simply doing it when you feel the need.

When you have a little time to focus on your vision and are ready to claim what’s yours, go for it!

Despite being black magic spells, the revenge spells shown below are not intended to cause great harm to people. They will serve to give us a little warning.

Did you know?

I was honored when Court TV producers recently asked me to consult on a case.

You can see the clip below. This case is a great example of why I don’t cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a professional spell caster, I work with clients from all over the world and it is important for me to stay grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so I can help as many people as possible.

Casting your own magic spells requires skill and patience and is not recommended to do alone in most cases. I provide these do-it-yourself articles for educational purposes, but it is highly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster like me and let me do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone with experience and knowledge, and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

Casting Custom Black Magic Spells

I can cast a powerful Black Magic Money spell in less than 24 hours.

This is a custom black magic spellcasting, which is a premium spellcasting that requires higher quality materials and also manifests earlier than other spells.

What you can expect from me:

  • Private and personalized approach.
  • Casting done in less than 24 hours
  • Only the best ingredients and tools.
  • Free consultations before and after spell casting

One of my client’s testimonials:

I have helped hundreds of clients over the years and would love to work with you too.

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My 7 favorite revenge spells

Impotence spell to get revenge on your ex

This is one of the most popular revenge spells among women. With a simple ritual you ensure that your ex does not enjoy the relationship with her current partner or the sporadic encounters that may occur.

You can also use it if you think your partner is being unfaithful to you and you suspect that he is with his lover.

Difficulty: Expert Witch
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need

How it is made

You should do this a few hours before you want it to take effect.

Light the black candle and engrave the word helplessness on the candle.

Bring the water to a boil in the saucepan.

Carve the name of your intended target on the carrot and throw it into the water.

Let it boil for 10 minutes.

Take it out and burn the sharp end of the carrot with the candle flame.

With this ritual you will make it impossible for them to have sex that night.

Spell to return damage

If what we want is for someone to feel the pain and damage they inflicted on us, this revenge spell will be one of the most effective we can perform.

If a person humiliated you, cheated on you, or did something that hurt you in any way, you can easily pay them back.

Difficulty: expert witch
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • A photo of the intended target.
  • a red marker
  • Tape

How it is made

Using the red marker, write on the photo, saying what you want the person in the photo to feel.

Stand in front of a mirror that shows the photo.

Recite the words you wrote on the photo and then say the following:

“You will receive what you gave me. In the same proportion and measure. From this moment until I decide that enough is enough.”

Tape the photo to the mirror, with the written part facing the mirror.

The effects will last as long as the photo remains attached to the mirror. This spell should not be abused or maintained for an unfair amount of time. It is about returning the damage received in the same measure.

Warning: If you use it excessively, the effects may backfire.

Spell to make someone sick

Let’s not be fooled by the title of this spell, it is not a spell that will cause great illness to a person. If you want that, then you’ll have to look elsewhere.

This spell will cause slight discomfort to someone. They may have an urgent need to go to the bathroom or we may have a slight toothache. Nothing more serious.

Difficulty: Expert Witch
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need

  • a cigar
  • A jar with a lid or bottle
  • A photo of the intended target we want to get sick.
  • black thread

How it is made

Take the photo and put it in the jar.

He lights the cigar and takes 13 puffs. Blowing the smoke from each puff into the jar.

Close the lid of the jar and tie a knot around it with the black thread.

Keep the jar under our bed for a day.

The next day the person in the photo will not be well and we will have carried out our revenge.

Spell to take revenge on a man with salt

Did a man hurt you? Does he disrespect you in any way and you want to get back at him?

With this spell you will ensure that nothing goes well for him for a while. Each of your decisions will be wrong and you will have no luck in any of the things you undertake.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 4/5

Things you need

  • Vinegar
  • two pins
  • A photo of your target or a piece of paper with their name.
  • Salt
  • A glass

How it is made

First of all, we will cross the photo with the two pins. One in each eye.

Then put the photo in the glass and fill it halfway with salt.

Fill the jar with vinegar.

Then we will recite the following:

“Luck will leave you. Nothing you do will turn out as you expect. Everything in your path will twist in the opposite of your desires. This is my revenge. So be it, so it will be.”

Put the glass in the freezer.

As long as the glass remains in the freezer, all the effects will continue to be present in the life of the person in the photo.

If at any point you want it to end or you think your revenge must end now, take out the glass and burn the photo.

The Witch’s Bottle of Revenge

This spell requires a special bottle filled with powerful ingredients.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need

  • a glass bottle
  • A handful of rusty nails
  • A handful of blessed soil from a cemetery
  • a handful of sage
  • a black candle
  • A photograph of the person who made you suffer.

How it is made

Before casting this spell and before creating the witch’s bottle, meditate on your target and visualize the person you want to punish being cursed.

When you’re ready, put the photo of the person who made you suffer inside the bottle.

Then add the nails, sage and soil.

Insert the black candle into the neck of the bottle and light it.

Recite this magic formula thirty-five times:

«I am right. I am right. You (target name) will no longer find the light. I curse you and send you to hell. I command the darkness you will not like me. “

Let the candle go out.

Bury the bottle near the house of the person you want to curse.

Simple revenge spell to make someone pay for what they did

You only need two ingredients to cast this spell.

Difficulty: Advanced
Effectiveness: 3/5

Things you need

How it is made

Carve the name of the target on the black candle, from top to bottom.

Light the candle and recite this:

“Because of the harm you have caused me (name of the person to be cursed), I appeal to the spirits of time. You who keep the fortunes and misfortunes of human action. Guardians of the indissoluble law. Ministers of destiny and lords of future. For the harm you have caused me (name) I appeal to the spirits of justice. An instrument of power only in the hands of those who have known the future. The indestructible meter of those who for the good of others have never remained silent. I invoke you spirits of time and justice, I invoke you out loud. May your divine soldiers now break the lines and cover (name) with countless bad luck.”

Let the black candle burn out and bury the remains near the house of the person you want to curse or near a cemetery.

7 day revenge spell

This is one of the strongest revenge spells I have on this list.

Difficulty: Expert Witch
Effectiveness: 5/5

Things you need

  • A black candle with a human figure.
  • dried blackberry leaves
  • A piece of black cloth
  • black cotton thread
  • a sewing needle
  • A hammer
  • A shovel (you will need it to dig, obviously not to bury a body)

How it is made

The spell must be started on Saturday.

Prepare everything you need at your fingertips.

Take the human-shaped candle and engrave the name of the enemy, sprinkle it with the dried blackberry leaves and wrap everything in the piece of black cloth, which will act as a sack. Sew everything well with black thread.

Now you need to take all the hate, anger and resentment and focus on channeling it into the…