Goddess Lilith: prayers, symbols, books and more [Guía] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

In pop culture, Lilith is one of those intriguing characters who brings some mystery between the sacred, the mundane, and the pagan too! What is the truth about Lilith? Is she a goddess? Is she a demon? Let’s find out with this article about Lilith.

Who is Lilith?

Lilith is the female demon associated with storms, believed to be the bringer of misfortune and death. The figure of Lilith initially appears in a group of demons and spirits linked to the wind and the storm, as is the case of the Sumerian religiosity of Lilith, around 3,000 BC.

In ancient Jewish and Islamic traditions, Lilith was the first wife of Adam, who was expelled from Eden and replaced by Eve because she refused to submit to his authority, even in a sexual sense.

Lilith (1887) by John Collier.

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The myth of Lilith

In the Bible, there are two versions of the creation of man. In the first chapter of Genesis, it is written:

“God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

Therefore, it is clear that man and woman were created together. However, at another time, in the second chapter, it is said that God, after creating man, became convinced that he was not well alone and caused him to fall into a deep sleep.

At that moment, from his rib he would give life to Eve, the companion who would later eat the famous apple that generated original sin and that would mark humanity forever.

Lilith and Adam

Kabbalah, to explain this contradiction, suggests that Adam was a being that represented both sexes joined at the back. When God realized that the situation was not exactly what he wanted, he divided them.

In a text from the 10th century, however, a different interpretation appears that supports another thesis, that, in reality, Eve was not Adam’s first companion. This is where Lilith comes in.

Lilith, the first woman and controversial figure

The testimony of Lilith’s existence would be found in the Alphabet of Ben Sira, an anonymous text that narrates a different version of creation. Here it is written that:

“God created Lilith, the first woman, as he created Adam. From the same earth, he created there, but for Her it was an exception, he also used earth and sediment and not just hard dust.”

The first woman, therefore, would have been made of a different and more “dirty” mixture than the man. This version would “justify” her attitude, which was not exactly that of the good housewife.

Adam grabs a child in the presence of Lilith, the child thief.
Filippino Lippi, 1502

In fact, as reported by the Ben Sira Alphabet and as written in other texts such as the Sefer ha-Zohar and the Book of Splendor, Lilith did not accept being forced to procreate, remain silent, and be Adam’s companion. . On the contrary, she wanted to stand up to him and dominate him:

“She said, ‘I will not lie under you!’, and he said, ‘And I will not lie under you, but only above.’ “It only suits you to be at the bottom, while I am made to be at the top.”

Adam’s attitude provoked the indignation and fury of Lilith, to the point that she decided to invoke God, pronouncing his name out loud: this was considered disrespectful, especially if it was done by a woman and led to the immediate punishment of the woman. first woman, who was expelled from Eden.

Lilith outside Eden: Asmodeus’ companion

There are at least three versions of Lilith’s fate outside of Eden: the first tells that she was confined to the caves of the Red Sea, where she would still live dedicating herself to pagan rites in full harmony with nature.

On the other hand, the second version says that she was the mistress of all the demons in the world: in essence, once she left the Garden of God, she would have slept with the demons present on earth to prove that she did not need divine grace. . .

This version, however, would be forced and is not very valid for the followers of Lilith, who point out that since there are only two human beings in a still pure land, there certainly could not be many demons.

A third version says that Lilith could be allowed to return to Eden as long as she became the protector of all newborns. Lilith, however, saw it as an affront: caring for children other than her own would be a punishment. Therefore, it seems that she went far away until she encountered the demon Asmodeus.

Between the two it was an instant love or, at least, it was something that resembled it; It seems that they chose each other as companions and that Lilith gave birth to many Lilim, or demon children, also called jinn.

At this point, it seems that once again God tried to bring her back. He commissioned three angels, Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof, to look for her. The three of them did not use the correct strategy on her: they ordered her to return from her by threatening her with death, but she responded that she could not return to Adam after having a relationship with a demon and that she could never die because she became immortal. .

The figures of Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof appear here from right to left.

At that moment, the angels told him that they would kill all his children; She said that if that were the case, she would have reserved the same fate for any son of Adam.

Finally, he begged the three angels to leave, saying that he would live away from his former partner and that in the future just mentioning the names of the angels would be enough to appease his anger against any human descendants.

Lilith and Lucifer, legend and feminism

Yet another version, often taken from literature, television series and cinema, describes Lilith as Lucifer’s companion. Basically, it seems like Lilith at some point moved far, far away from the places she previously lived.

This wandering led her, by chance or destiny, to encounter a powerless, beautiful angel with apparently broken wings: it was Lucifer, fallen from heaven, sent by God.

It is said that at this point, the two healed their wounds and gave birth to a lineage of demons. However, it is impossible to define Lilith as a true villain. On the contrary, her figure is more an expression of the unconscious, of rebellion and female emancipation.

Although she was often seen as a negative figure (in the past, an adulteress or a woman repudiated by her husband was called Daughters of Lilith), neo-pagan religions and contemporary emancipatory movements are revaluing the figure.

Lilith, in fact, has become a symbol of femininity crushed by the macho patriarchal system and then has returned to being her own master, without restrictions and free to enjoy passions.

The figure of Lilith is often associated with a negative and dark principle. Some magical traditions place her as a protector of necromancers during invocations or as a guide on earth for spirits thirsty for blood vapors.

However, all this leaves a lot of room for fantasy and suggestion; Occultists, on the other hand, consider Lilith as an entity that influences human beings in their sexual-cerebral aspect, causing strong intellectual excitement and erotic hypersensitivity, both sometimes a sign of genius and recklessness, but also of sexual “alterations” such as sadism.

Leaving aside this first analysis, the image of Lilith is universally accepted as that of a bipolar force, capable of causing, through bivalent manifestations (feminine and masculine), phenomena of infestations, imbalances, disharmonies and, sometimes, self-destructive madness. .

Is Lilith a goddess or a demon?

Really, this is all about you. If your soul resonates with Lilith, she can be your goddess and even your spiritual guide. Sure she has some demonic traits, but it really depends on the perspective you see everything with, like her history and the myth of her.

A woman who cannot be tamed is a powerful woman and I can see in her actions a way to defeat the patriarchy and live her own identity fully, fiercely and completely.

If she makes you feel safe, supported and protective, she is your goddess and her dark undertones are just a means to give you the energy you need to be the best version of yourself. Honestly, to me, Lilith is a goddess!

What is Lilith a goddess of?

Lilith is a goddess of femininity, of the moon, but also of an ancestral force capable of bringing destruction.

How do you know Lilith is calling you?

  • If you feel like your femininity is taking control
  • When you feel the need to fight for women’s rights
  • When you feel drawn to the night
  • When you feel a stormy energy inside you

The best ways to connect with Lilith

Connect with the unknown and ask Lilith to be with you

If you want to explore the darkness and its creatures, ask Lilith to accompany you and guide your ship. She will be the perfect entity to allow you to attract any spirit or entities into your life. But be careful!

Invoke her when casting a sexual spell.

Its energy is definitely in tune with that required in sexual spells! Invoke it to enhance the effects of the practice and see how it goes.

Perform moon rituals

Lilith is strongly connected to the Moon, especially the Dark Moon. Perform a lunar ritual to let her know that you are on the same page and that her energy is ready to connect with hers as well.

How do you honor Lilith?

Prayer for Lilith

“Lilith, mother of women,
Show me the way,
be my guide to be unleashed, free, empowered
heart, body, soul and magic
so be it.

What are Lilith’s favorite offerings?

  • Chocolate: it is considered an aphrodisiac and Lilith, being linked to sex and the physical sphere, likes it a lot.
  • Roses: the rose is a symbol of passion, it is a great offering to Lilith.
  • Sigil: Create a sigil on your behalf. She’s going to appreciate it.

What are the symbols of Lilith?

In karmic astrology and therefore in the Zodiac, Lilith represents the Black Moon: the darkest sides of the human being.

Essentially it represents the eliminated, and therefore dark and hidden, part of each woman; That part is instinctive and wild, seductive and full of energy, unpredictable and unmanageable for men, but it’s not bad at all.

Lilith is associated with the Black Moon in karmic astrology. But the man is afraid of such a creature and, instead of integrating it into himself and his own culture, he foolishly fights it and pushes it back to hell.

The Black Moon also symbolizes the shadowy part of the human being in general, which necessarily slips into him when he comes into contact with matter.By: NASA

“Necessarily” because, without that area…