SPELL to DOMINATE my HUSBAND: The most important spells

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

So that your husband I respected you, be faithful to you and be affectionate with youit shouldn’t take a miracle, however, if he fails at each of these 3 things, you must do something about it, regardless of whether you tried several things in which you still didn’t achieve results and you are about to give up, you still have There is one last tool to use, a SPELL TO DOMINATE MY HUSBAND. In this article you can read about different spells and prayers so that they can be as fond as they were at the beginning.

The spell to dominate my husband

This spell to dominate my husband is a powerful spell to dominate your partner, it will help you control it at your pleasure and keep it at your feet:


  • white candle
  • Pin or needle
  • 1 hair of your husband.


  1. You have to wrap the hair around the pin and before sticking it in the middle of the candle, you have to light it thinking about your husband. You have to say the following sentence afterwards:

    “I (your full name) ask the spirits of dominion to help me dominate (full name of the other person) to come to my feet surrendered with love, passion and desire, to always and at all times be thinking of My name is (your full name). I (your full name) dominate (full name of the other person) by the power that the spirits of dominion give me, by the 7 powers and because that is how it will be.”

  2. Finally, let the candle burn itself out and while you keep your mind on it, keep what is left of the candle in a bag that is red (it can be any other color if you don’t have red) and wait 3 weeks. Let’s see the results, if the answer is negative, try again with great faith.

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Spells to dominate your husband

Next, you will read some spells to dominate your husband in different ways, with different effectiveness and different from each other:

Spell to tame my husband

This ritual, as the title says very well, is a spell to tame, Therefore, you must be aware that the result you will obtain is that the person will be calmer, reduce your levels of anger and aggression.


  • A Gentle Lamb Perfume.
  • A red pepper.
  • A Parchment Paper.
  • A bit of sugar.
  • A red candle.
  • Foil.


  1. You must start by writing the person’s name horizontally 3 times, then open the pepper from the top and remove all the seeds. You fold the parchment a few 3 times Taking care that the person’s name remains horizontal, you proceed to insert the paper into the pepper and add 3 tablespoons of sugar while saying the following phrase: “It is not a scroll that I sweeten; It is the living spirit, judgment, thought and will of (your husband’s name).”
  2. Later you add 3 tablespoons of Manso Lamb and say: It is not a parchment that I calm with this perfume; It is the living spirit, judgment, thought and will of (your husband’s name).”
  3. Now you cover the pepper with the part that you cut previously, you must wrap it in aluminum foil and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator. The pepper must be left in the freezer for as long as you think necessary and if you have to remove it, you have to repeat the spell again from the beginning.

Shoe spell to dominate my husband

Surely you not only want your husband I LISTEN TO YOU AND LISTEN TO YOUbut you also want me to obey you, this powerful spell to dominate my husband will help you with that, leaving him at your feet (you can also get these results with the shoe spell to dominate):


  • Any piece of paper.
  • Sunflower or jojoba oil.
  • Rosemary or cinnamon herb powder.
  • The left shoe.


You take the paper and on it you are going to write nine times the name of the person you want to dominate, in this case yours. husband and you anoint it with the oil and then with the herbal powder, then you proceed to put it in the left shoe and stomp your foot nine times while repeating the words “I dominate you.”

Spell to dominate your husband with urine

This spell is one of the most powerful, so if you don’t pay attention to the previous ones, this spell to dominate with urine (you can find more spells to drink urine to dominate) is your secret weapon:


  • Photo of the person you love.
  • Hand mirror.
  • A pink candle.
  • Container with your own urine. (It should be as fresh as possible, maximum that same morning.)


  1. You must wait for a night that has a full moon and a completely clear sky before even thinking about doing this spell. You must take into account performing this spell in the middle of a forest or a park, in which you are surrounded by pure nature, due to that this spell is white magic and it is enhanced by nature.
  2. You will have to adhere the photo of the person you love to the middle of the mirror and look for a star in the sky that catches your attention, then look for that star to be reflected in the mirror. Light the pink candle and while you put a few drops of urine on the photo and keep the star reflected, you must continually repeat this phrase during the procedure:

    “I will put all my faith and trust in the stars, they will make the man I want so much fall in love with me and we will never be separated again and it will only be for me forever.”

  3. You must wait next to the photo until the candle burns out and when it is reaching that point, place a few more drops of urine on the photo. You have to keep the candle near where they sleep, for example, a nightstand or under the bed and you will soon see the results.

You must be careful, because if they have a urinary infection problem, it can bring illness to your partner.

Prayers to dominate your husband

In addition to spells, there are a series of Strong prayers to dominate that will serve your purpose, here is the link.

Side effects of a spell to dominate my husband

These spells to dominate my husband should only be used if you see them as strictly necessary, such as when your partner is very sexist or unfaithful, otherwise it can affect your partner’s distance from you, affect your health and even in some cases. cases if the spell is very dangerous, in your own life, so you must be very careful how you do it and when you apply it.