What does scissors above the door mean? –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

What does a scissors hanging above the door mean? This practice, although it may seem strange, is very common in the esoteric field. It has a deep meaning and is used as a form of protection. In this reading we will discover the meaning behind this practice and how it can help our lives.

A scissor above the door is an esoteric practice commonly used to protect oneself from negativity, bad energy and bad intentions. It is believed that a pair of scissors placed above the door of a house acts as a magical shield to keep evil away. It is believed that by placing a pair of scissors near a door, a line of protective energy is created that repels any malice that might try to enter the house. It is a practice that dates back to ancient times and is still used by many people today.


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Discover the Meaning of the Symbolism of a Scissors Above the Door

The meaning of the scissors symbol above a door is a message of good luck. This tradition dates back to ancient Egypt, where scissors were used as a way to protect the family from evil spirits. The scissors were placed at the top of the door to cut off evil spirits. This belief has continued through the years, and it is also believed that the scissors above the door can bring good luck to the family.

Additionally, the scissors above the door are also believed to represent the power of work. This tradition is considered a way to honor the hard work and effort it takes to be successful. The scissors symbolize the cutting of the rope, which is associated with freedom and prosperity.

Scissors are also associated with fertility. Scissors are used to cut ribbons and ropes in baby shower ceremonies, symbolizing that the baby is wished a happy and prosperous future.

In some cultures, scissors are also used as a way to protect loved ones from bad luck and evil spirits. By placing a scissors on the top of the door, it is believed that evil cannot enter.

Finally, some believe that the scissors above the door means that the family is united. The scissor is a symbol of love and loyalty, and the presence of a scissor at the top of the door symbolizes commitment between family members.

Discovering the Symbolic Meaning of Open Scissors

Open scissors are a symbol that dates back to ancient times. They are associated with power, freedom and creativity. In Western culture, open scissors also represent the cut between the past and the future, between good and evil, between life and death, between the beginning and the end.

The open scissors can serve as a reminder that there is always a choice. This option can be a decision, an idea, a solution or a different path that can be taken. This is reflected in the popular saying «it is never too late to cut the road and take another one.»

Open scissors are also associated with balance. This means that there is a harmony between what is within oneself and what is outside. They represent two sides of the same thing, such as life and death, the past and the future, good and evil.

Additionally, open scissors can also represent change. This means that there is a transition from one state to another. This can be a transition from novice to expert, from past to present, from one situation to another, or from one idea to another.

Lastly, open scissors also symbolize perspective. This means that you can look at a situation in different ways and make decisions based on this. This also relates to the concept of “two sides of the same thing” since all the nuances of a situation must be taken into account before making a decision.

How to Use Magic Scissors for Witches? All Answers Here

How to Use Magic Scissors for Witches? All Answers Here
The magic scissors for witches They are powerful tools used to perform magical rituals and ceremonial magic. These scissors can be used to cut a variety of materials such as herbs, candles, papers, bowls, etc. These scissors are used for cut the magical materials necessary to perform the rituals and to help focus magical energy.

To use magic witch scissors, before starting the ritual, you need to prepare the scissors. This means that you must focus your intention on the scissors. You can say a prayer or invoke certain gods or spirits to help you. Once you’ve done this, you’re ready to start using your magic scissors.

The first thing you should do is cut each of the magical materials needed for the ritual. This may include herbs, candles, stones, etc. This will help focus the energy of the materials so that it can be used for the ritual.

Once you have cut all the necessary magic materials, you can use the scissors to help focus the energy of the ritual. You can use the scissors to make circles around the magical materials or to draw energy lines between the materials. This will help focus the energy towards the ritual and help ensure that the ritual is successful.

Once you have finished the ritual, you must clean the scissors to release the energy that was used during the ritual. This can be done by cleaning the scissors with salt water or burning certain herbs to clean them. This will help release the energy from the scissors and ensure it is ready for the next ritual.

In short, magic witch scissors are powerful tools used to perform magical rituals and ceremonial magic. These scissors are used to cut the magical materials needed to perform rituals and to help focus magical energy. To use the scissors properly, you must prepare them before beginning the ritual, cut the magical materials needed for the ritual, and use the scissors to help focus the energy of the ritual. Once you have finished the ritual, you should clean the scissors to release the energy that was used during the ritual.

Discover the Hidden Meaning Behind the Tradition of Putting Scissors Under the Bed

The tradition of putting scissors under the bed is a very old custom that has been passed down from generation to generation. This belief dates back to ancient times and is related to protection against evil. The idea is that by placing scissors under the bed, it makes it difficult for evil spirits to enter. It is believed that the evil spirit cannot pass over a scissors, so the scissors act as a protective barrier.

According to some theories, the scissors can also be used as a magical protection tool. This belief comes from the idea that the scissors are a symbol of cutting out evil, and that by placing it under the bed evil can be avoided. Scissors are also believed to be a magical tool to break evil spells and protect people from negativity.

In ancient times, it is also believed that scissors served as a tool to help good spirits enter the house. In this way, the scissors would act as a door for good spirits to enter the house and protect the family.

Today, many people still practice this tradition. Some see it as a sign of good luck, while others see it as a way to remember the importance of spiritual protection. No matter the reason, the tradition of putting scissors under the bed remains common practice.

In conclusion, scissors placed over a door are an ancient symbol that has been used for centuries to protect homes from negative energies. This tradition symbolizes safety, protection and good luck for those who live within. The scissors have become a sacred symbol for practitioners of esotericism, who see it as a form of protection and as an invocation for good luck. Although the practice of placing scissors over the door may vary between cultures, the meaning and intention are the same.

A scissors hanging above the door is a traditional amulet used in the esoteric field to protect the house from negative energies. The cutting of the scissors is believed to eliminate the flow of strong energies and contributes to the creation of a safe space. This practice has been used for centuries to improve the lives of people living in a house. This belief has spread far beyond traditional culture and has become a common practice in many cultures. Lovers of magic, witchcraft and astrology have also adopted this ancient practice to protect their homes from negativity.