How to activate a sigil? [Más de 10 opciones] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

Previously, we were able to learn how to create a magical sigil according to the occult doctrine of Chaos Magic, but we still have one step left. In fact, in this post, we will focus entirely on the last step, how to activate a sigil?

So after creating a sigil, we have to perform a small ritual to banish the sigil to Chaos, where Magic takes effect.

Why is it essential to activate a sigil?

Activating a sigil is essential so that our intentions are truly heard by energy and the universe and to achieve what we want.

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How to activate a sigil?

First step: Create a relaxing environment and calm the mind

Isolate yourself in a nice room. You can light candles, light incense and play suggestive music if you need it. This is not due to any particular reason.

If we remember, according to the current of Chaos Magic, the use of accessory utensils is more due to the fact that they are an aid to focus the will, rather than being effective in themselves.

Sigil: I am a father

Some tips that can be overlooked and ruin the climate of mysticism: turn off your cell phone, turn off the lights and disconnect the landline.

If you have any major issues to address, ideally leave activation for another time. But if you need to do it even then, keep in mind that this is a quick method that won’t take more than a few minutes of your time. It is important to achieve a calm environment.

Surely this is the reason why all the magical ceremonies of folklore are performed at night, because it is the time when the World is calmest.

You can place objects near you that remind you of the purpose we will breathe in the magical sigil.

All of this has the sole purpose of relaxing the mental voices and quieting the mind. You can meditate beforehand, although it is not strictly necessary to do so in a meditative state.

Simply close your eyes and inhale and exhale several times from the diaphragm.

Second step: light a candle

Prepare a candle and bowl to burn the magical sigil. It doesn’t hurt to make sure there is nothing flammable nearby.

Third step: invoke the magical sigil and focus on what it represents

By summon, we simply mean picking up the paper design of the magical sigil.

As an optional step, some suggest that redrawing the same sigil on another paper helps bring back to your mind the emotional energy we put into its creation, so if you find it necessary, you can duplicate the sigil and burn it twice.

Once we have it ready, we have to focus completely on it. We must concentrate on him until we engrave the image of him in our minds while evoking the meaning of him.

Fourth step: Gnosis. Free Chaos Stealth

This is surely the most complicated and confusing step. It is probably due to ignorance of the term »gnosis».

Within Chaos Magic, the term “gnosis” differs quite a bit from any mystical or religious connotation it may have outside of these circles.

By “gnosis” we simply refer to a semi-meditative state in which we leave the mind completely blank. According to Chaos practitioners, it is a kind of altered state of consciousness.

We can summarize the concept of gnosis as “one-point concentration.”

There are two ways to achieve this method:

The so-called inhibitory methods, which seek to silence the mind by focusing it on a point or an object. In this way, concentration remains constant in stealth.

These methods vary from keeping your eyes fixed on the sigil (or a specific point) for a long time, to fasting, not sleeping, etc.

Methods that use excitation. With this, we overstimulate the mind while keeping our attention floating in stealth.

The most used procedure is sexual arousal, which consists of reaching orgasm with stealth in mind. However, any strong emotion such as fear or laughter can be used instead.

Methods related to dance, or singing at half-volume, are also used. In short, any method in which we can induce a strong emotion in ourselves will be useful, in a way that over-activates our mind.Sigil: sigil loves me

Once gnosis has been achieved, one must observe the magical sigil one last time and light it in the candle flame. Let it burn in the bowl.

It is very useful to imagine how the energy that fills our intention in the sigil and the idea it represents takes a new form, becomes light and heat. And how then these universal forces release the sigil from its physical paper form and are fired into the entire Universe, launching the order you have programmed.

Fifth step: Forget

Although it may sound contradictory, you must now forget about stealth. The controlling rational mind will seek to remember the magical sigil. It is necessary to let go of all importance and let Chaos work.

Let go of the stealth, trusting that it will work. Plain and simple, the process has begun and no longer needs your attention.

Take a few deep breaths and say thank you. And… congratulations! Now you can call yourself «Chaos Wizard» and this was your first spell.

Different types of activation processes.

Once your sigil is activated, you are done and your wish – INTENTION – will begin to work, all you have to do is not think about it anymore… just wait for the results that will come to you.

Passive vs active sigils: activation processes

Ways to activate passive sigils

In the passive activation of the sigil, the energy is usually released, in a very moderate and controlled way. This method is done while maintaining its stealth so that it can continue to function and release energy when necessary.

This allows this sigil to not use all the energy at once, but instead continue working for a long period of time, or only when activated.

  • Put the sigil on a sheet of paper in the corner of the house that is always visible as you pass.
  • Draw the sigil on your body.
  • Get a sigil tattoo on your body.
  • Carve the sigil on a candle and light the candle.
  • Carve sigils in soap and wash your body with the soap.
  • Place the sigil on your computer or the background of your phone.

Ways to activate active sigils

This is a faster way to activate a sigil. The energies released here are much stronger and work faster.

  • Put the sigil on a piece of paper and burn it in the fire.
  • Place the sigil on a sheet of paper and soak it in water until it dissolves.
  • Put the stamp on a piece of paper and tear it in half.
  • Draw the sigil in the sand on the beach and let the sea wash it away.
  • Draw the sigil in the air with your energy and push it through a black hole to destroy it.
  • Burn a sigil to ashes, then blow it up to destroy it.
  • Create the sigil in your mind and then imagine it destroyed to activate it later.

The collection of sigils I use personally

There are a whole series of sigils that I usually use for different occasions. An example? Over the years I have explored all the various options to attract success, power and money, but also to work with the magic of Saturn, the occult and the moon.

Here are some I created:

You can find them all here: Magical Gear (scroll down to the section on sigils).

Have you ever activated a sigil? How was your experience? Which activation method do you prefer? Write it in the comments and share your experience with us!

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