What do rats mean in witchcraft? [Simbolismo y Sueños] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

What do rats mean in witchcraft? This creature is usually linked to witches for many different reasons and we can find it in various settings. Let’s see what rats mean in witchcraft.

Popular beliefs behind rats

In general, we know that witchcraft has to do with tradition and beliefs. We find different approaches to the rat and its meaning in each culture. The symbolism of the rat varies substantially from one continent to another.

For Asians it is an emblematic sign related to good luck. For Europeans it symbolizes the opposite, that is, a bad omen. In some areas of Japan, it is associated with deities, related to wealth and entertainment, and the rat is a symbol of success, personal and social achievement.

In other parts of the Far East, the rat is valued in one way, since the absence of this animal is considered an alarming and worrying sign of bad things to come.

Some Eastern symbolists interpret the fact that rats dig in the ground as an act of symbolic content and, in this sense, the rat would be an emblematic sign related to moderation and integrity.

Many Europeans consider staying in certain places that the rats themselves have just abandoned, such as houses, houses and boats, as a great sign.

During the Middle Ages, it was believed that the rat was an incarnation of the devil, summoned by wizards or witches, and the spread of this species was considered a plague that divinity had sent as punishment.

For the inhabitants of the Indus Valley, the presence of the rat was part of the myths and legends related to the cavalcade of the deities and, in this case, it is said that Ganesha, the god of destiny and wisdom, who is represented With the head of an elephant, he rides on a rat, which was a demon that he had defeated and condemned to that form.

For the Greeks, the rat is an animal with characteristics like other animals of dark ancestry that live underground or in inaccessible places, such as the mole and the snake.

Among some African tribes, the rat is considered a taboo animal and is used for the practice of deception and divination.

In some areas of northern Europe, the rat takes on magical characteristics and even serves as an amulet.

Are you curious about the spiritual meaning of an animal, particularly the rat?

First of all, we must keep in mind that the symbolism of the rat is closely related to an endless number of practices, and if we get a common message from all of them, we will talk about success both in the professional and personal spheres.

However, the spiritual meaning of the rat goes beyond what we imagine. Behind them walk containment, determination and serenity. It is an animal that, contrary to popular belief, has nothing to do with clumsiness. This is something that many cultures over time have been able to identify, treating it as a symbol of good luck, innocence and even fertility.

Therefore, the spiritual interpretation of the rat may vary in different parts of the world. But its spiritual meaning has some aspects in common that we are going to talk about below. Read on to find out.

I have rats attacking my house. Is it a sign of black magic?

Of course, it might depend on your culture and how you feel about this creature. If you feel a sense of negativity spreading throughout your house, if you are afraid of them and feel that there is something wrong with their presence, someone may have cast a black magic spell or curse on you.

That’s because insects and animals like snakes or rats are often considered a bad sign for many witches. But I advise you to trust your intuition on this matter.

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What if I’m a witch and I dream about a rat?

Having dreams is normal. We always dream, although many times we do not remember them. Sometimes we can have repetitive dreams, this is not a coincidence, but there is a reason behind this. The meaning of dreams can help us decipher our interior, what our mind and emotions are like.

Therefore, the interpretation of dreams is a great ally to know our inner self a little better, especially when it comes to magic. The types of dreams can be very different since they can be made by ourselves, by strangers or even by animals, such as rats.

But what does it mean to dream about rats?

One of the most common dreams is that of rats starring. This animal has been associated with darkness for centuries, in fact, ancient mythology considered rats as one of the symbols of the night.

They are also associated with the destruction of crops, being pests and the spread of diseases. Therefore, rats represent dirt, disease and death in many societies.

This has increased superstition around this animal in some countries, such as England, since if a rat bites the furniture, it is an omen of death. However, this does not mean that the meaning of dreams about rats is deadly. Different interpretations of rats will vary depending on the type of rat that appears and its actions.

If you have dreams in which rats appear, there are several possible meanings:

Dreaming about rats means regret

When a rat appears in a dream, it means that we are hiding something important, and doubts, guilt and envy accumulate within us.

Dreaming about rats represents rejection

Since rats are associated with repulsion, disgust and rejection, when we dream of a rat it means that someone around us disgusts us after an unfair and harmful action.

  • Guilty feeling
  • Envy
  • Shame
  • Dishonesty
  • Repudiation

Perhaps, as a witch, you are working with negative energy and are too driven by resentment to allow the universe to help you create your vision and achieve your witch goals.

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