Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

One of the home witchcraft practices is the use of FREEZING SPELL TO MASTERthese are easy to carry out because requires few materials for its implementation, because by using a few elements you can perform an effective and functional domination spell, also with permanent results, if you need to perform the spell periodically. The effectiveness of the freezing spells for domination are so effective that Even powerful witches and spiritualists who have much deeper tools in their hands, still prefer it for domination practices and simple bindings.They even refer to the fact that these can be done without the supervision of an experienced witch.

Freezing spell

The freezing spells They are rituals White magic Therefore, doing them at home is not dangerous, they are used to keep a person’s bad actions at bay, to keep away someone we don’t like, or to dominate a person who is angry at us and who doesn’t let us move forward. in a specific environment, such as a teacher or a boss. The freezing spells They differ from each other depending on the purpose, whether it is a freezing spell to dominate, to fall in love or even for separate two peopleHowever, freezing spells do not focus on harming someone because let’s remember that we are talking about white magic, unlike black magic to dominate.

Learn to Use Magic to Master



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Freezing spells to fall in love

If what you are looking for are freezing spells to master, I will leave you here THE BEST What you can use:

Freezing spell to master

This is one of the most common practices of all those recited in this article; Freezing spells to dominate are used to counteract bad energies, envy and to tame to a person who opposes us.


  1. A personal item, better if they are hair because they are the ones who have the most energy significance by the method of obtaining which is cut or torn, therefore denoting a domain energy.
  2. A plastic cup.
  3. Some water.


  1. We place the hair in the glass and cover it with water, at that moment we have to define the intention of the spell, we must think about what we want to happen, the type of domain we want to work on, and the purpose of the procedure, we have to think phrases that indicate our superiority compared to the other person.
  2. Finally we place the spell in the freezer and leave it for as long as we want to maintain the effects.

Freezing spell for love

This freezing spell focuses mostly on stopping love, it is widely used by those people who want to forget someone, or for those who have an admirer who wants them to forget them.


  • Two photos, yours and that person’s.
  • A white candle.
  • A black bag.


  1. First you offer the photos to a white candle, the photo of that person turned upside down and yours normal, and you give the intention to forget the procedure.
  2. Then you take their photo, place it in a black bag and put it in the freezer, giving the intention of freezing what you feel.

Freezing ritual to separate two people

This is a special variation of the previous freezing spell.



  1. For this we will then use a photo of the couple.
  2. With the scissors we will cut it into two pieces, we will flip the photo of the person we want to separate and we will do the entire procedure already explained.