Here’s how to do voodoo magic [loas, deidades, muñecas, libros] –

Black Witch with knowledge of more than 20 years in red magic and domination spells; main editor at MI SPELL POST, EZEQUIELASMODEUS.COM and creator of SPELLS TO DOMINATE ORG. He is willing to help you solve your problems in a simple way through witchcraft.

In this article, we will cover the aspects of voodoo magic that will prepare you for the actual practice of this art. So let’s take a look at the essential parts of voodoo and also how to do voodoo magic safely and properly.

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I was honored when Court TV producers recently asked me to consult on a case.

You can see the clip below. This case is a great example of why I don’t cast any spells that have harmful intentions. As a professional spell caster, I work with clients from all over the world and it is important for me to stay grounded and stay ‘in the light’ so I can help as many people as possible.

Casting your own magic spells requires skill and patience and is not recommended to do alone in most cases. I provide these do-it-yourself articles for educational purposes, but it is highly recommended that you consult an experienced spell caster like me and let me do the work for you.

This way you know it’s being done by someone with experience and knowledge, and I’m also always here to answer questions about your casting and provide follow-up at no additional charge.

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This is a custom black magic spellcasting, which is a premium spellcasting that requires higher quality materials and also manifests earlier than other spells.

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What really is voodoo?

If you don’t know what voodoo is, let’s quickly cover that part first.

Voodoo derives from the African term “vodun” which means “spirit”.

Voodoo is associated with the Yoruba population, who lived in the present-day areas of Benin, Nigeria and Togo in the 18th and 19th centuries. Voodoo in West Africa

The roots of this religion, however, date back to 6,000-10,000 years ago. Voodoo is practiced in the areas of Africa where it originates, as well as in Haiti and some areas of Louisiana in the United States of America, taking different forms depending on the areas.

Voodoo beliefs and practices are very different from what you see in the movies and are based on a spiritual structure.

I have written a much longer article on voodoo magic in this article.

Learn to Use Magic to Master



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Understanding the spiritual structure of voodoo

Believe in a supreme deity

Although Voodoo is considered a polytheistic religion, it actually worships a supreme divine entity that dominates natural and supernatural forces.

In the tribes of Benin, the deity is called Mawu, while in America he is known as Bondye or Bon Dieu.

However, unlike the Christian God, the supreme deity of voodoo is seen exclusively as a transcendental figure who does not interact directly with his devotees except through his intermediaries, that is, the spirits (voduns).

  • This supreme being also receives other names, which vary depending on the divinity to which it is addressed. As a creator, Mawu/Bon Dieu is also known as Dada Sêgbo. As a personification of life, he is known as Gbêdoto, while as a divine being he is known as Sêmêdo.
  • According to other sources, “Mawu” is the name of the moon, which together with the sun (Lisa), form the pair of twin children of the creator called Nana Baluku.

Recognize the two forms of voodoo magic.

Voodoo is a religion of dualism with forces representing happiness and sadness, good and evil.

Consequently, voodoo takes two forms: “rada” and “petro”.

  • “Rada” is good or white magic practiced by a “houngan” (priest/king of voodoo), or “mambo” (priestess/queen of voodoo). Scatter magic, which is the predominant form of voodoo, is characterized by devotion to healing through herbs or faith, but also includes dream divination and prediction of the future.
  • “Petro” or “congo” is evil or black (or more correctly red) magic. This form of magic is practiced by a “bokor” (witch doctor). “Petro” magic is characterized by orgies, death curses, and zombie creation. “Petro” is practiced less frequently than “rada,” but it is the form we often see in Hollywood movies.

Venerate the “loa”

The “loa”, also spelled “Iwa”, are the spirits.

Some loa are the descendants of Mawu/Bon Dieu, while others are the spirits of the believers’ ancestors.

Good loas are roughly equivalent to archangels and saints and can be worshiped using the Christian symbols they most resemble. While the bad loa are the equivalent of demons and devil.

I have listed the main praises below.

Some are more important to African voduns, while others play a more predominant role in the voodoo practices of Haiti and New Orleans.

  • Sakpata is the eldest son of Mawu/Bon Dieu, he is an “ayi vodun” or spirit of the land. Sakpata is the leader of all diseases, and his children represent diseases such as leprosy and skin conditions and pain.
  • Xêvioso (Xêbioso) is the second son of Mawu / Bon Dieu, he is the “jivodum” or the spirit of heaven and justice. Xêvioso manifests with fire and lightning and is often represented with a ram and a double axe.
  • Agbe (Agwe, Hu) is the third son of Mawu/Bon Dieu, he is the “tovodun” or the spirit of the sea. Agbe is considered a source of life and is represented by a snake (also known as Damballah/Dumballah and Le Grand Zombi).
  • Gu (Ogu, Ogou, Ogoun) is the fourth son of Mawu/Bon Dieu and is the spirit of war, iron and technology; Furthermore, he represents the source of evil and criminals.
  • Agê is the fifth son of Mawu/Bon Dieu and is the spirit of the forest and agriculture and reigns over the animals of the earth.
  • Jo is the sixth son of Mawu/Bon Dieu and is the spirit of the air. Jo is invisible.
  • Lêgba is the seventh son of Mawu/Bon Dieu and is the spirit of the unpredictable nature of life, and for many, he is also the guardian of the worlds of life and death, similar to Saint Peter. The “petro” counterpart to him is Kalfu. Lêgba is often depicted as an old man, although in some cases he is depicted as a young man.
  • Gede (Ghédé) is the spirit of sex, death and healing, often depicted as a skeletal clown-like figure with a hat and sunglasses. He may be identical to Legba.
  • Erzulie (Ezili, Aida Wedo / Ayida Wedo) is the spirit of love, beauty, earth and the rainbow. Her ability is to predict the future from dreams, and she is famous for her kind and loving personality. Erzulie can correspond with the Virgin.

Some loa names are used as surnames by loa groups. Among these, Erzulie/Ezili, Ghede and Ogou.

Respect your ancestors

The voodoo religion includes the worship of ancestors, whether they are recently deceased or the founders of the clan (the Toxwyo) to which the living belong.

  • Voodoo practitioners believe that each individual has two souls. The most important soul, the “gros-bon-ange” (great angel), leaves the body immediately after death to present itself to Mawu/Bon Dieu before going to Ginen, “the island under the ocean.”

    One year and one day after the death of “gros-bon-ange”, the person’s descendants can remember him and put him in the “govi”, a small clay bottle, according to the ritual of sacrificing an ox. or another precious animal (the Congolese term for “gros-bon-ange”, “nbzambi”, is at the origin of the word “zombie”).

  • The lesser soul, the “ti-bon-age” (little angel), is more or less the equivalent of consciousness and is believed to remain in the body for up to three days after death.

    During this period, it appears that a “bokor” is able to convince the “ti-bon-age” that the body is not dead, encouraging it to animate it into zombie form.

Embrace Voodoo Ethics

Remember that the basis of animism is naturalism and tribalism.

The ethical expression of voodoo is manifested with moral rules to maintain the community, a community ethic of honor.

Defamation, denigrating one’s own family, clan, stealing another’s wife, or unjustly preventing someone from cultivating the land, among other aspects, always linked to nature, the tribe and the celestial-terrestrial unity, are punished.

Learning the truth about voodoo dolls

The use of the voodoo doll as a method of torture is very famous. However, the doll can also be used to bless a person using different colored needles.

It can also be used to make a person fall in love with you by using hair or pieces of clothing that belong to that person.

The voodoo doll is part of the talisman called “gris-gris”. It is a piece of cloth or a leather bag on which verses from the Quran are engraved containing numbers associated with the person who will use it.My own voodoo doll.

This method is used to attract luck, ward off the evil eye and, in some cases, to prevent pregnancy.

This method is often used in Louisiana.

Consider the consequences

As with all types of magic, always consider the consequences of your rituals, spells and ceremonies and keep in mind that the type of energy you create is essential for a spell to manifest and, above all, consider that magic always has a price. This is especially important when it comes to black magic.

First steps for witch babies

If you are new to Voodoo, educate yourself enough to know everything you need to perform spells and rituals safely.

Voodoo is a powerful type of magic and if done wrong it can easily create problems and negativity around you.

My favorite books on voodoo magic

I always read a new book before diving into topics I’m not familiar with.

That is why, especially if you are a beginner when it comes to voodoo, you should take some time to learn as much as you can before you start practicing it.

So if you want to dive into spells and rituals, The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook by Denise Alvarado is a great choice, especially since she grew up in New Orleans, the modern birthplace of this fascinating craft!

If you are more of a theoretical witch and just want to learn more about the history of voodoo and its origins, the manual of…