Things that only women can do and that make us unique

we share 10 things only women can do and they make them unique beings; some of them are even proven by science.

There are things that only we can do, for example, put on makeup while driving. We get up early, prepare breakfast and pack the lunches for the children and our partner; We go to work, study and at the end of the day, we still have time to share with the family with a big smile and 100% energy. There is no doubt that we are heroines. girlpower!

10 things only women can do

1. We are “a mother”

Although motherhood defines us less and less, as evidenced by Amparo Grisales, Margarita Rosa de Francisco and other famous Colombians who decided not to be mothers, this is still a valuable feat; however, what makes us unique is how we do it: simultaneously being moms, babysitters, nurses, teachers, referees, mess cleaners, etc.

2. Where we put the eye, we put the bullet

Some may rightly say that we are stubborn, but beyond stubbornness, the truth is that when we really want something, we are capable of insisting until we reach our goal, no matter what it takes.

3. We catch it on the fly

We have the ability to understand everything without the need for a context, because our sixth sense allows us to intuit what others feel; for example, it is not necessary for your daughter to tell you the whole story, you know perfectly well what happens to her when she comes home with that face.

4. We also graduated from «the university of life»

Many times in our work environment it seems that we must show more than we really are, because we have the ability to learn from experience, beyond the titles that we can boast.

5. Few are able to put on our heels

Girls, you more than anyone know what it’s like to dance until 6 in the morning with 12 centimeter heels; that is why we applaud anyone who puts themselves in our high shoes.

6. We live longer

A study conducted by a University of Southern California revealed that, since the 20th century, women have lived longer than men because we suffer from fewer cardiovascular diseases.

7. We are better communicators

Researchers at the University of Manchester found that women use a wider variety of words in social situations compared to men.

8. We have a tremendous maternal instinct

Dads of course also go out of their way for their children, but a mother’s maternal instinct far outweighs it and is a trait we share with other animal species.

9. We are scientifically multitasking

A study from the University of Pennsylvania, conducted through a powerful scanner, determined that our brain makes us more apt to execute multiple tasks and find group solutions.

10. We are always in touch with our feelings

Partly because of our genetics and partly because of cultural customs, most of us find it easy to express our emotions, something that for many men can be quite a challenge.

Finally, we know that there are also many men who are «like a mother» and who teach more than one by example. how to be a single parentWell, it is not an easy task, as Roger shows, whose story we tell you in an article dedicated to dads like him.

What do you think? Do you feel identified with one or some of these 10 things only women can do? Write what you think in the comments of this note, and share it on your social networks!