Letter A (part 1) – What number does it play? Lottery Luck


dream about an abacus, play the 31

the dream of abacuses means good undertakings


dreaming of being abandoned by someone, play the 02

dreaming of abandoning someone, play the 99

dreaming about the action of abandoning means fear, despair


dreaming of a fan (a fan), play the 71

the dream of fans means deception


dreaming of going to a supplier, play the 27

dreaming of working in a supplier, play the 84

Dreaming about suppliers means abundance. This is a dream of good luck.


dreaming of seeing a bee, play the 27

dream about a honeycomb, play the 55

dream of bees means a good future


dream about a drone, play the 28

dreaming about drones means unexpected visits


dream of an abyss, play the 81

dreaming of an abyss means anxiety


dreaming of a lawyer (a notary), play the 40

Lawyers dream means bad news


dreaming about fertilizer, play the game 00

dreaming of fertilizing the field, play the 19

dreaming about fertilizer, about fertilizing, means good news


dreaming of an aborigine (an indigenous person), play the 36

dreaming about aborigines means tranquility


dreaming about aborting (having an abortion), play the 92

the dream of having an abortion means infidelities


dream of a hug, play the 69

dreaming of hugging a stranger, play the 13

the dream of hugging means disappointment


dream about the month of April, play the 78

dreaming about a specific month of the year means temporary tranquility


dream about our grandmother, play the twenty-one

dream about our grandfather, play the 48

Grandparents dream means happiness. This is a dream of good luck.


dreaming of seeing someone suffering from abuse, play the 07

dreaming of suffering abuse from someone, play the 33

dreaming about abusing someone, play the 25

The dream of abuse means grief, fear, discomfort


dream of a cliff, play the 04

the dream with cliffs is associated with forgiveness, with forgiving


dream about mites, play the 64

dream of mites means illness

To camp

dream about going camping, play the 43

dreaming about camping means hope


dreaming of seeing an accident, play the 30

dreaming of suffering an accident, play the fifteen

dreaming about accidents means disappointment


dream about oil, play the 66

dreaming about oil means evil, bad acts

More dreams related to oil


dream about olives, play the 03

dreaming about olives means misfortunes


dream about steel, steel materials play the 88

the dream of steel means revenge


dreaming about annatto or annatto plays the 75

dreaming about annatto means joy


dreaming about acid plays the 27

dreaming about acid means bad business


dreaming of seeing someone with acne plays the 07

dreaming about having acne plays the 18

dreaming about acne means future problems


dreaming of an accordion plays the 66

dreaming of playing the accordion plays the Four. Five

dreaming about accordions means good news


dream of an acrobat, play the 10

dreaming about acrobats means freedom


dreaming of a film or television actor, play the 53

dreaming about actors means deception, old lies


dreaming of a film or television actress, play the 76

dreaming about actors means deception, old lies


dream about an aquarium, play the fifteen

dreaming about aquariums means making profits. This is a dream of good luck.

Slim down

dreaming that we lose weight, play 72

dreaming that we see someone lose weight, play the 43

dreaming about losing weight means bad news


dreaming of a fortune teller (a witch), play the 37

dreaming about a fortune teller means being careful


dreaming about adoption, play 07

the dream of adopting means improvement

afro (hair style)

dreaming of having an afro, play the 05

dreaming of seeing someone with an afro, play the 88

dreaming about an afro means details


dreaming about having a canker sore, play the 36

the dream of thrush means guilt


dream about the month of August, play the 04

dreaming about the months of the year means temporary tranquility


dream of seeing a farmer, play the 44

dream of being a farmer, play the 09

dream about farmers means kindness


dream of clean water, play the 85

dream about dirty water, play the 42

dreaming about water means good friendships


dream about avocado, play 19

dreaming about avocados means wealth. This is a dream of good luck.

More dreams related to avocados


dreaming of a downpour (a heavy rain), play the 96

dreaming of rain means fun

Fresh water (drink)

dreaming about «sweet water», drinking it or making it, play the twenty

dreaming about sharp sweet is associated with distance, with distance


dream about an eagle, play the 64

the dream of eagles means adventures

More dreams related to eagles


dream about a needle, play the 40

dreaming of sticking a needle in yourself, play the 75

dream about needles means gossip


dreaming of a godson or goddaughter, play the 46

Dreaming about godchildren means stability


dream of drowning, play the 63

dreaming of seeing someone drowning, play the 91

dream of drowning means bad sign, bad luck

More dreams related to drowning


dream of saving, play the 56

The dream of saving means a good future. This is a dream of good luck.


dream of playing chess, play the 89

dreaming of chess means being cautious, being careful


dream about garlic, play the 56

dreaming about garlic means betrayals, bad friends

Axolotl (amphibian)

dreaming of an axolotl, play the 29

dreaming about axolotls means strength


dreaming of a scorpion, play the 43

dreaming about scorpions is associated with future problems


dream about a wire, play the 12

dreaming about wires means bad sign, bad omen


dream of hearing an alarm, play the 55

dream of alarms means anxiety, worries


dream about basil, play the 75

dreaming about basil means health

Construction worker

dream about a bricklayer, play the 23

dream of being a bricklayer, play the 71

Dreaming about bricklayers means prosperity. This is a dream of good luck.


dream about a sewer, play the 94

dreaming about sewers means something we overcome


dream about alcohol, play the 60

dreaming about alcohol means unfulfilled desires


dreaming of seeing someone with an allergy, play the 99

dreaming about having an allergy, play the Four. Five

dreaming about allergies means memories


dream about a pin, play the eleven

dream about pins means misfortunes


dreaming of a new carpet, play the 39

dreaming of an old carpet, play the 76

dreaming of a dirty carpet, play the 80

dreaming about carpets means bad news


dream about seaweed, play the 12

dream of seaweed means dirt


dream of white cotton, play the 37

dream about cotton candy, play the 49

dreaming about cotton means responsibilities


dreaming about an alien (extraterrestrial), play the eleven

the dream of aliens, aliens, means fear, worries


dream about an almanac, play the 46

dream of almanacs means lasting happiness


dream about a clam, play the 91

dreaming about clams means customs


dreaming of a soft pillow, play the 23

dreaming of a hard pillow, play the 85

dreaming about pillows means peace of mind


dream about aloe (aloe), play the 10

Dreaming about aloe means well-being.


dreaming of a lark (type of bird), play the 26

The dream of larks means future wealth. This is a dream of good luck.


dream about renting (rent), play the 29

the dream of renting a house means breakups, breakups


dreaming of being at a great height, play the 36

dreaming of great heights means anxiety


dream of seeing the sunrise, play the 52

dreaming of dawn means very good news


dreaming of a poppy plant, play the 79

dreaming of poppies means happiness


dreaming of loving our current partner, play the 55

dreaming of loving someone from our past (ex-partner), play the 38

The dream of loving means joy. This is a dream of good luck.

May you have very good luck!