What are mandalas for? A hobby that many love

If you are one of the people who do not know what are mandalas forwe tell you that this drawing and painting technique has become a true therapy for many people.

Surely you have seen women, men and children painting their books with figures of many colors. On many occasions, mandalas are the perfect way to distract yourself, pass the time or even comply with psychological therapies. If you are a lover of this form of art, we want to tell you more about it and how it could help you in many aspects of life.

If you want to know the oximeter, what is it for?, or know for sure why mandalas are quite an interesting story, we invite you to read this article that will teach you a couple of things that you may not have known :

What is a mandala and what is it for?

Let’s start by knowing its origin. The word mandala comes from Sanskrit and means circle. They are recognized as symbols of sacred art in ancient cultures and traditions such as India and Tibetan. These representations that for them show the interior of people and their relationship with the world, are used as an extra resource to achieve meditation and mental expansion, as well as a formula to calm and silence the soul in moments when it feels restless. In cultures such as the Buddhist, it has an application more linked to healing, uniting and integrating the body with the mind.

What are mandalas for in children?

Many scholars of the cerebral and psychological relationship have studied these figures to understand how they could benefit children who practice mandala coloring. Some of them have found that they are important to encourage children to foster more comprehensive behavioral habits, while developing technical and psychomotor skills. Also, it is known that other benefits of this activity in children would be:

  • It would encourage your attention and focused concentration for longer.
  • It would be able to reduce stress and anxiety.
  • It would help the minors to review basic geometric concepts.
  • It would stimulate your aesthetic sense and your understanding of color and shape theories.
  • It would develop their fine motor skills, while sharpening their eyesight.

What are mandalas used for in adults?

Not only children have fun and learn, adults can too. Through the painting of mandalas, the largest of the house could enter a Zen state, since it would be an alternative for those who do not achieve meditation through conventional techniques. This would turn out to be an ideal therapy to eliminate stress and even to create habits of dedicating time to creative activity to stimulate the brain, while, according to experts, you could visit your interior to find the expression of personality in colors .

What are mandalas for in psychology?

The mandalas are recognized by many psychologists as a therapeutic tool since through them, individuals can represent their transformations and achieve the assimilation of unconscious aspects. Also, it would be important for the specialist since it would be part of the cognitive stimulation that would favor the study of the performance of the patients, in addition to knowing through these figures the fears, fears or problems that people may have. All this could be achieved just by seeing the lines or the colorimetry they use and that would indicate aspects of their personality.

And you, Do you like to paint mandalas? Tell us your opinion and remember to share each of our content with the entire Vibra community through social networks.