Meaning of yellow candles: 7 benefits of lighting yellow candles – – Spirituality Blog

Lighting candles is a tradition followed by many Christians on good days. A lit candle represents hope and supports you during your darkest hours. However, in ancient history, candles have also been used for magical purposes.

To be more specific, different colored candles have been used during ritual performance to invoke spiritual awakening. Each color serves its purpose.

For example, the white candle represents peace and purity while the green candle represents growth and physical healing. So, each candle is lit for a particular purpose that allows you to gain energy during a divine ritual. Today we will talk about the yellow candle and how one can benefit from lighting it.

What is the spiritual meaning of a yellow candle?

Yellow is a bright color that helps brighten the room even on the darkest days. Lighting a yellow candle is done mainly to gain intellectual knowledge and acquire focus in life. The color yellow represents lightning.

By lighting the yellow candle, are you looking for wisdom.

During a ritual, a yellow candle is burned to gain spiritual awareness and focus on divine wisdom.

Yellow candles are most often used during meditation practice to connect with the spiritual energies surrounding the universe.

Dark yellow candle

Since a yellow candle is available in different shades, a dark yellow or gold candle is usually burned during a ritual to obtain divine wisdom, spiritual enlightenment and reach success in life.

Dark yellow candles are well known for attracting masculine energy, which means attracting spiritual energy connected to God. As a result, you are connected to the Divine energy that brings you prosperity, happiness and wealth.

Light yellow candle

A light yellow candle or a yellow candle in simple terms is used during rituals to expand your learning capacity by:

  • Memory improvement;
  • Discard any mental blocks;
  • Acquiring clarity that clears your spiritual path.

Lighting a yellow candle is known to help you gain foresight and become more creative as your brain gains new ideas and explores different spiritual paths.

7 day yellow candle

A 7-day yellow candle is lit during the week-long rituals. If you want to burn candles for long periods to create a long-lasting effect, 7-day candles are the right formula.

A 7-day yellow candle is lit to:

  • Solar rituals that worship the sun to gain spiritual knowledge;
  • Reach divine wisdom;
  • And improve psychic visualizations.

If you have trouble concentrating, light a 7-day candle It will help you gain clarity of thought and focus your energy at the core to improve your focus in life.

If you are going through some problems in life, lighting a 7-day yellow candle will help you banish any negative energy and surround you with optimism and motivation to face any obstacle.

A 7-day yellow candle also has hidden power that can help you connect with spirit guides during your weekly rituals.

7 benefits of lighting yellow candles

1. Helps you focus

Having a monkey mind rarely helps you focus during your meditation practice. If you are interested in meditating to achieve spiritual knowledge and awakening, constant distractions can hinder your meditation practice.

Lighting a yellow candle during your meditation can help you focus on the spiritual energy surrounding your body.

With deep focus, you can also connect with universal spiritual energies. A yellow candle lit during meditation practice will help you absorb the spiritual energy of the universe and connect with your higher self.

2. Open a Divine Communication Matrix

Lighting a yellow candle during prayer helps you tap into the energies that connect you to the spiritual realm. These are divine energies that are connected to the Almighty and you will gain focus, clarity and optimism.

You can light a yellow candle and say your prayer while focusing on the candle flame and feel the divine energy surging through your center during the ritual. It is possible to establish a spiritual communication matrix by focusing your energy on the candle flame.

You will receive a Holy response when the candle begins to melt. This divine communication array is difficult to establish. With concentrated energy and focus, one can establish a spiritual communication matrix. This will connect you with the Almighty and his Guardian Angels.

3. Invoke psychic powers

The yellow candle is known to help you gain mental clarity and increase your concentration during meditation practice.

However, You can also light a yellow candle during psychic rituals. The yellow candle helps you attract energy that helps you with your psychic abilities and tarot readings.

This energy will help make your reading more efficient and clear. The color yellow represents communication. Lighting a yellow candle can help you establish a spiritual communication matrix with the spiritual realm.

4. Communicate with guardian spirits

Since yellow is a color that represents communication It becomes even easier to establish a spiritual bond with your guardian spirits in the spirit realm.

Connecting to a spiritual realm can be very cumbersome, especially if you lack concentration. In this case, lighting a yellow candle will help you establish a link with the spiritual realm that will help you communicate easily.

As you connect with your guardian spirits, you may feel at ease. With the help of the magic of yellow candles, you can permanently create a bridge of communication with spiritual guides that will help you in your difficult moments.

5. Negative energy cleansing

Many people suffer mainly from the negative energy that surrounds their being and affects them deeply.

Sometimes It can be difficult to clear negative energy in your environment.. In this case, you may end up performing an energy cleansing ritual that allows you to banish pessimistic energy.

Lighting a yellow candle during an energy cleansing ritual will help you obstruct dark energy that affects your emotional and physical well-being.

To make this more effective, You can light a yellow candle every day for an hour for an energy cleansing ritual that will banish all the negativity within you and your environment.

6. Draw energy into the third chakra

Our body has eight chakras, of which the third chakra is located between the navel and the chest. This chakra is known as the solar plexus.

Lighting a yellow candle It will help you attract the energy in the third chakra that helps strengthen your character and self-esteem and fills you with transformative power that can change your life.

Focusing on your third chakra during meditation practice along with lighting a yellow candle during a ritual will help you connect with your higher consciousness. This will help you achieve divine wisdom.

7. Yellow Candle Magic Spells

Beyond rituals and meditations, yellow candles are used for magical spells. You can perform a money spell during a yellow candle ritual that will help you build your wealth and attract abundance.

During your down days, a yellow candle spell can fill you with vital energies that can help you feel better during the day.

A yellow candle magic spell should be performed between 12 and 1 pm, when the sun is at the highest point in the sky. You can administer your yellow candle spell on Wednesdays and Sundays to ensure you get the best results.

Yellow candles and zodiac energies

If you are a firm believer in astrology, then yellow candle magic is used to attract different energies of the zodiac.

Your candle magic will work based on different zodiac symbols. Four signs of the zodiac highlight the color yellow. They are the following:

  • Leo (The Lion) – Ruled by the Sun, it represents the energy of fire.
  • Virgo (a maiden) – Ruled by the planet Mercury, it represents the energy of the earth.
  • Gemini (The Twins) – Ruled by the planet Mercury, it represents air energy.
  • Sagittarius (The Archer) – Ruled by the planet Jupiter, it represents the energy of fire.

Depending on the various signs of the zodiac, a specific ritual can be performed that will reward them with prosperity and success.

Finally, you should follow the tips that will help you during your magic with yellow candles:

  1. You should make sure to never leave your candle unprotected as it can burn down your room or even your house.
  2. Try doing candle magic on specific days that represent the color yellow, for example, Wednesday or Sunday to get maximum benefits.
  3. To attract more energy, be sure to perform your candle magic during the day when the sun is at its highest point (12-1 pm).

What do you think about the spiritual meaning and spell of the yellow candle? Please leave your comment below!

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