What does it mean when a bird poops on you? Is it good luck? – – Spirituality Blog

Have you ever wondered what it means when a bird poops on you? Is it really a sign of good luck as many people believe? Or is it just a huge inconvenience and a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Bird poop is one of those things that happens to all of us. Crow poop is a common phenomenon. Although poop seems pretty gross considering, it is slimy and leaves a certain smell behind. But many people have considered bird poop to be very lucky.

If you get bird poop on your clean car or on a shirt, don’t be surprised, as it can bring good fortune. Today we will talk about what it means when a bird poops on you.

Is birds pooping on you considered good luck?

Since ancient times it has been believed that if a bird poops on you or one of your belongings, then it is a sign of good luck. However, this lucky bird poop is a pretty prominent superstition.

‘Bird poop brings good fortune’ is a phrase that originated in Türkiye.

Many Turkish comics talk about bird poop being lucky. One of the comics highlights that the bird poops on a man who is going to play the lottery in the hope that he will win. Then yes, having a bird pooping on your head is considered pretty lucky.

Although, the modern world believes that it is just a myth, as bird poop is quite disgusting and disgusting.

What does it mean when a bird poops on you?

Poop is related to the digestion of food. Having enough food leads to the digestion process which in turn causes the bird to poop. In other words, having food also means having good health and abundance.

So in other words, bird poop is the Universe’s way of transferring good fortune to you. In ancient times, birds were messengers that helped in communication. Therefore, bird poop may have a much deeper meaning than people may realize.

Spiritual Meaning of Bird Poop

  • In a spiritual sense, the bird pooping on you means that the Universe is becoming aware of your existence. If you are a spiritual person with the epitome of kindness, bird poop is God’s way of appreciating your efforts in life.
  • Facing some struggles in life often makes it difficult for us to sit back and reflect. In such cases, bird poop means you should take a deep breath, slow down, and reflect on your choices in life.
  • When you get bird poop in your car or on your clothes, your immediate reaction is to clean it before it leaves a stain. In other words, bird poop also means you need to do a spiritual cleanse that can help transform your inner journey and guide you to a better path.
  • Lastly, we all know the prominent meaning of bird poop. It means that you will be blessed with some good fortune that will bring prosperity in your life.

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The symbolic meaning of bird poop

Birds are not ordinary creatures created by the forces of nature. They are mythical creatures that have often appeared in ancient tales. Odin, the predominant God in Norse mythology, had two ravens named Huggin and Muninn who are well known to be his messengers.

In Greek mythology, the goddess Athena had an owl that represented wisdom and knowledge. Considering her connection to the gods, Birds have a deeper meaning than they seem. It seems that even bird poop has some spiritual definition.

Since birds also derive their power from the gods, their poop is considered to have deep spiritual meaning. Many mythological tales describe the meaning of bird poop. One of the old stories said that when the sailors found the bird poop on the ship, They refrain from cleaning it.

Washing poop meant erasing the good fortune granted by the gods. Therefore, poop must be washed away by any natural circumstance, such as rain.

Bird poop in the car: is it good luck?

It is a famous belief that if a bird poops on your car, then you will have good fortune and prosperity coming your way.

A study in England also found that birds have a color preference when defecating on cars. Red cars are the number one target of these bird species, followed by black and blue ones, even eco-friendly cars have been a target.

The point, though, is that birds poop on cars just like they poop on your clothes and your head. In other words, the next time you see a gross looking dried poop stain on your car, just consider it as a sign that the Universe will bring you good luck.

7 spiritual messages from bird poop

1. Spiritual enlightenment

If bird poop bringing good luck is a myth, then bird poop giving you spiritual enlightenment will sound stupid. However, strange as it may seem, bird poop brings spiritual awakeningespecially when it falls on your head.

The forehead is known to have the crown chakra which gives you wisdom and enlightenment. Since birds are mythical creatures with a spiritual connection, Pooping on your head is considered a sign that you should seek spiritual enlightenment.

2. Divine Messages

Birds not only served as messengers for humans, but they have also been messengers for the gods. Hence, bird poop are spiritual messages sent by the Universe.

Every time you have a bad day and somehow bird poop falls on you, you should consider that it is a divine message sent from God telling you that it will get better. bird poop It is also a spiritual message sent by your guardian angels if you are looking for some answers within yourself.

3. Earn money

We already know by now that bird poop brings good luck. This means that birds can poop on you. It can also be seen as a sign that you could earn some money in the future.. Even if you are going through some financial problems, bird poop is a source of hope that symbolizes that money is on the way.

You may end up gaining some of it in the most unexpected ways. Turks consider bird poop to be a sign that encourages them to play the lottery and helps them win some money.

4. Trust and loyalty

Bird poop can also be a sign sent by the Universe stating that you crave loyalty from your relationships with different people.

If you are in a relationship or married to your partner, bird poop is a sign that you should remain loyal to your better half and maintain your level of trust. If a bird poops on you while you’re in a toxic relationship, It also means that you need to make changes in your life and behavior.

5. Lucky day

Are there some days when you feel like luck is on your side? Well, bird poop could be an affirmation that today could be your lucky day. Although, having disgusting and stinky poop may say the opposite, Don’t pay attention as it is a sign that the Universe is on your side.

You must do the best you can and continue to trudge along the path laid out for you. It also means that you are destined for this job and you must move forward without stops in between.

6. Find a purpose

Experiencing the gloomy and dark days does not make you any better than the bird that has defecated on you. However, you should not worry. Take this as a sign that the Universe wants you to find your purpose in life.

Standing at a crossroads, one often feels confused about choosing one’s path. However, bird poop is an affirmation from the Universe that you should follow your instinct and choose the path that is meant for you. In other words, you must serve your life’s purpose by finding it along the way.

7. Dreaming about bird poop

People have all kinds of strange dreams and luckily, bird poop is one of them. A bird shitting on you in your dream is a good sign. It usually symbolizes that good luck is on the way. Dreaming about bird poop also means that positive changes will occur in the future.

Since bird poop occurs so frequently, you must be wondering what it means. Hopefully, with the help of this article, you have understood that bird poop is definitely not a bad omen. It is a good sign that positive things are on the way and that you should have faith in the Universe.

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Last words

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