Dreaming about Santa Muerte Negra: Spiritual and Biblical Meaning – – Spirituality Blog

In American culture there is a popular tradition of paying tribute to a skeleton dressed preferably in white, black or other colors, called Santa Muerte, which has a high connection with American syncretism that came from indigenous times. Despite this, in the Vatican this cult is considered a demonic act, but for Mexicans this is a respectable and admired ritual, since before this altar they ask for their wishes in order for them to be fulfilled.

What does it mean to have dreamed of the Black Santa Muerte?

If you have dreamed of this figure or others of great cultural importance, it may be due to the presence of this figure in your life in photos or memories that remain in the subconscious that appear when you sleep and if not, perhaps it is then that these characters want say something that needs to be attended to.

According to the website whatdreammeans.com, the way to interpret them is from the emotions they provoke during and after waking up, for example, if you are in front of Santa Muerte, try to remember how you felt no matter what happens and when you open your eyes.

Now, as this dream developed, it mostly means something otherworldly. It will manifest as it does in real life, as an affirmation after praying for requests. This character wants to deliver a message depending on the color it represents in your dreams and your beliefs, so it can vary between positive or negative.

Dreaming that you talk to the black holy death

The interpretation that should be made of this dream is in relation to the message, but much more to the feeling produced by talking with this figure. If when you wake up you remember a feeling of sadness, discomfort or fear, it means that things are happening around you that make you feel dissatisfied and unprotected, perhaps it is related to a negative feeling that you feel from others.

On the other hand, if when you wake up you feel calm and full of peace then that does not happen in your life, you are protected by the figure. And if you are or plan to make an altar for her soon, it is normal for her to appear in your subconscious to listen to your requests and ask about them.

Dreaming that you have a statue of the black Santa Muerte

If in the dream you find yourself in front of a black Santa Muerte, but it is dirty with dust, it means that you are free from the possible influences that you had around you and that occupied your life. Now, if you find yourself in an uncomfortable circumstance with your partner when dreaming about this figure, this has another meaning related to a bad omen: the breakup between you is desired as a kind of unexpected witchcraft.

Dreaming that you observe the Black Santa Muerte

In Mexican culture, black in Santa Muerte represents nothing other than circumstantial. You will receive protection in case of a nearby event. Therefore, it is important that you specify the circumstance that is causing you distress at this moment and this way you will know how this dream will affect you. If you are in the moment of asking for help, rest assured that help will come so that you can cope with what ails you.

Dreaming that you see Santa Muerte dressed in a wedding dress

If you see that Santa Muerte is dressed in a wedding dress, this clearly indicates that you are thinking of getting engaged or you will be asked to get engaged to someone who appreciates you. You should know that if this dream appears to you it is for a reason and it is not advisable for you to reject the request, since there may be consequences that you will have to face.

Dreaming that you are in a pantheon with the holy black death

That you have had this dream means that the time has come for you to reflect on all the good and bad things that happen to you. Everything that happens around you and affects you has to do with the decisions you have made. It is possible that these days you have decided something in your family work environment and this decision is causing you discomfort. This dream alerts you and you should pay attention to it.

Dreaming that you see the black Santa Muerte with golden details

This dream is commonly related to economic aspects, that is why those golden details appear in your outfit, which also represent material goods. But you can rest assured that it does not mean anything bad, on the contrary it is gratitude for the benefits you have obtained, which means a very important detail that also teaches you to be an image to be followed by the people around you.

Dreaming that you see the broken figure of the black Santa Muerte

If you have often dreamed of a statue of Santa Muerte, which is also very deteriorated and dirty, do not be scared because this has a positive connotation, it means that you have managed to leave your problems behind, however, it indicates that you have in mind to serve you as an experience.

The rite of the altar

Dreaming that you build an altar of the black Santa Muerte

Events that announce changes are about to happen in your life, since having made an altar in real life or in a dream is a sign that new things will happen. This is the intention of carrying out this activity, in order for the requests to be granted. Therefore, your subconscious is alerting you or preparing you for what is coming, but in a good way.

Dreaming that the black Santa Muerte carries a candle in her hands

This is a sad dream and full of a bad warning. Basically it is an alert that you are about to lose a close family member, although she is and means protection for all living beings, this figure still represents the underworld and therefore also represents death taking a being. loved.

However, this dream has a positive side. If you made an altar before, this has to do with the fact that you have asked for their help to intercede in something in your life and what you ask for will be fulfilled because it is part of a spiritual world that listens to you.

Dreaming that you see yourself lighting a candle for the altar

When Santa Muerte lights up with lights around her in the dream, it means that she is influencing you in some way. It is advised that in your real life, when faced with a pressing situation, you do not decide to light candles for Santa Muerte since this may cause problems in the near future.

Situations with the black Santa Muerte

Dreaming that you are escaping from Santa Muerte

Dreaming that you are running away from this statue is an indication that you are certain that something bad will happen that will affect the economy in a surprising way. To avoid this, financial savings are always recommended to avoid feeling like you need money in any situation.

Dreaming that Santa Muerte is absorbing your breath

That you have dreamed something similar is something to worry about, since it has a negative meaning. The figure of Santa Muerte is looking for a way to feed on your energies of vitality, soon causing you a variety of anguish. After dreaming about these images, you must protect yourself. This means that you try to take a few days to be calm and, if possible, away from the environment that is generating the conflict.

Dreaming that the holy black death chases you and hurts you

Unpleasant things are happening in your life that don’t let you think clearly, what seem to be mixed feelings that haunt you. If what you remember in your dream is that the black Santa Muerte is behind you and does not let go, it means that you must move away from the bad events of the past and move forward to free your conscience.

Dreaming that the figure of the black Santa Muerte is lost from sight

If you are in the presence of the figure of the black Santa Muerte, but you notice that it is gradually disappearing, this indicates that your dream is a possible alert that you should follow in any type of situation. And if you have the same dream repeatedly, it is better that you be more careful so that nothing catches you off guard.

Dreaming that you mock the black holy death

Spiritual topics may seem like fun to us because we little believe in them. If in your dream you mock a statue of the black Santa Muerte then you reflect a skeptical attitude towards the subject. What you don’t know is that the spiritual should not be taken lightly.

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