How to get rid of a mirror without having bad luck? – – Spirituality Blog

If you are a superstitious person by nature, then you should know that breaking a mirror brings bad luck for seven years. We see mirrors that reflect our image and when we break them they take away a part of our soul.

Therefore, we may end up having our souls trapped in the mirror.

A broken mirror that shows a distorted image can affect our lives in other ways.

For example, in a broken mirror, we see our own broken images that can affect our relationships and health in different ways. Hence it is believed that having a broken mirror can bring bad luck to our lives.

Looking back in the ancient age, you could find the use of mirrors for various purposes.

It was once a means of predicting the future. Magicians also used mirrors for magic tricks. Therefore, mirrors are symbolic and mystical.

Some religions and cultures associate mirrors with the soul. For example, in Judaism, one must cover mirrors when someone has died. Prevents the spirit from being trapped in the mirror.

Other cultures use mirrors to bury the dead. It ensures that the spirits will not come out of the grave.

On the contrary, the Chinese think that mirrors will bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. Likewise, other cultures also try to relate the mirror with prosperity and love.

I broke a mirror and I’m scared! Is it a bad sign?

If you have a broken mirror, then you may think you will be cursed with bad luck. This belief can become even stronger if you start to see that nothing is going right in your life.

The story also talks about the same things when it comes to broken mirrors.

The Romans first associated broken mirrors with seven years of bad luck. They believed that your life changes and takes a new form once every seven years.

So if there is something that is broken in your life, It will be fixed in seven years.

Therefore, if before breaking a mirror you saw your reflection in it, you will have to suffer for seven years.

Once the years pass, you will regain good luck in your life and you can get rid of all bad luck.

But, there are also ways by which one can eliminate this bad luck from one’s life to avoid its consequences. Doing these things will help put you in a position where you can avoid bad luck.

This way, you won’t have to suffer for seven years and wait for good luck.

How to get rid of a mirror without bad luck?

In case you break a mirror, then to avoid bad luck, it is better if you do not throw away the glass pieces.

You can take the pieces and then grind them. After they turn to dust, you can scatter them in the wind.

Another thing you can do is take a piece of glass and select the largest piece. Once you have made a selection, you can look at the full moon and look at it.

This will help you eliminate any form of bad luck that comes to you because of the broken mirror. You can then bury it in the ground or keep it with you, but avoid throwing it away.

Can I throw the broken mirror in the trash?

If you throw away a broken mirror, then it can increase your chances of suffering bad luck. Therefore, you’d better not throw the broken mirror into the trash.

You can cover it with bubble wrap or newspaper and give it to a charity.

But, if you need to throw your broken mirror in the trash, don’t keep it near your house.

You can put it in your trash can on Thursdays, sprinkle a little salt on top of your floor, and then you can take it outside.

Plus, you can keep it near the trash can and let the workers get rid of it.

So, you shouldn’t have a broken mirror in your room. It not only symbolizes bad luck but also causes accidents to anyone in your house.

It is best to grind the mirror into a fine powder. It will prevent you from seeing your reflection if it is broken and damaged. But, you must be careful when doing so. There are several ways to do it.

It’s always safe put on a pair of glasses to keep your eyes safe.

Some artistically minded people like to reuse their broken glass and make a craft. Be more creative and find DIY solutions for your broken mirror. Broken glass creates a beautiful effect and adds a sparkle to any decor.

Is breaking a mirror bad luck?

A mirror reflects the soul of a person. When you’re breaking a mirror, You are breaking a person’s soul.

For, in the process of breaking a mirror, you break the soul of a person or yourself to whom the mirror belongs or is ultimately reflected; curses you or its owner with bad luck.

The Greeks further believed that spirits resided in the reflective surface of water. From here arose the belief that mirrors reflected people’s bad luck.

Other cultures, such as Chinese, American, and Indian, also had the same notion.

When a mirror breaks, it breaks into several pieces. Therefore, a broken mirror brings disorder to your life just like breaking pieces of glass.

As a result, your life will never be the same if you break a mirror for the next seven years.

To prevent such a thing from happening, what can be done is to take the broken pieces of glass and bury them under the moonlight.

But it is not proven that it effectively eliminates bad luck from your life in the form of death of a loved one, etc.

What happens if you break a mirror? 4 Spiritual consequences

One of the main reasons why a mirror breaks is because it is old. It has not been annealed properly. Additionally, temperature fluctuations can cause the mirror glass to crack. Still, some of us try to find the spiritual symbols related to the broken mirror.

1) Misfortune

If you break a mirror, then the main consequence It will be a disgrace for the next seven years. So, it does not matter whether you are in good health or bad health, as breaking the mirror will bring misfortunes to your life. As a result, you will be suffering from poor health.

The Romans believe that after seven years of bad luck due to the curse of a broken mirror, your life will be rejuvenated.

Therefore, you will begin to feel healthy and physically fit once again, as long as you try to stay strong during the seven years of bad luck and misfortune.

You will begin to notice the changes in your life. For example, you will suddenly see that your health is greatly improving.

2) Deception

Mirrors usually reflect light. The lights symbolize wisdom, consciousness and enlightenment.

For this reason, mirrors symbolize truth. If you break the mirror, then you will experience bad luck in a way that will unintentionally invite falsehood into your life.

Therefore, falsehood can manifest itself in your life in different ways. For example, you may have a close friend in your life who lies to you or cheats on you.

Similarly, you may have a family member or colleague who cheats on you. This will also trigger a series of bad luck in your life that can haunt you emotionally for a long time.

3) A negative self-image

A broken and damaged mirror symbolizes that you are going to lose your positive image. You may also have the possibility of underestimating yourself. You will not be able to appreciate your good qualities.

4) Lack of responsibility

Another meaning of broken mirror It is the lack of sense of responsibility.

It indicates that you are not careful with valuable things. Some people break mirrors frequently and it becomes a bad habit. Thus, breaking the mirror represents your bad personality.

How do you reverse the bad luck of breaking a mirror?

Put a little salt on the shoulders:

If you put a little salt on your shoulder, then you can regain your good luck.

It is one of the best ways through which you can prevent bad luck. Salt will allow you to blind the devil, who is responsible for bringing bad luck into your life from a broken mirror.

With the help of this, you can avoid any negative effects or bad luck that can arise from a broken mirror.

Wait for the full moon:

You can take a piece of broken mirror and keep it with you until the full moon. It will help you avoid bad luck. Besides, you can select the largest piece and then keep it with you.

Blacken the mirror:

You can flame the broken pieces of the mirror and blacken them. You can then bury it after a year to get rid of any type of negative energy. the broken mirror then it will take away all the darkness of bad luck from your life.

Turn it three times:

To remove the misfortune that comes as a result of a broken mirror, you can turn it three times counterclockwise. It is the best way in which you can take control of your luck and regain confidence in your life.

Last words

A broken mirror symbolizes bad luck. It is a curse that can last up to seven years. Furthermore, it is a belief that different cultures have. Due to so much bad luck, many misfortunes can happen in your life.

For example, mirrors symbolize truth. Therefore, Breaking a mirror can pave the way for falsehood in your life.

However, you won’t have to worry as there are several ways to eliminate bad luck. For example, you can sprinkle salt on your shoulders, wait for the full moon, turn it three times and blacken the mirror.

So, do you already know how to get rid of a mirror without bad luck in your life? Please feel free to leave your comments below!

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