17 Signs that an Angel is in the House: Watching over you! – – Spirituality Blog

Have you ever wondered if God created someone to take care of you? There are many times in life when you feel alone and that no one on earth is with you. It is then when you have your guardian angel with you that you will need it most.

Angels are sent to protect and heal you. However, they cannot contact you directly and respond to your problems.

To keep giving you signs, all you have to do is pay attention, consider, and relate the signs to your recent situations. But what are those signs? Here are the 17 most common signs of an angel in your house. Besides, You will have more questions on the topic and you are in the right place for your answers.

Do I have a Guardian Angel? How can I know?

Everyone has a guardian angelwhich takes care of them and clears future obstacles and also helps you get out of the recent problems you are facing.

They keep giving you signs from time to time depending on your situation. They help you stay away from situations that may cause problems in the future.

The question is how do you know? You will know that your guardian angels are with you and are supporting and helping you when you begin to reach out to spiritual beings and your loved ones. You will know that you are worth more than ever and you will not back down from a challenge.

How to know if your Guardian Angel is with you?

If you believe in angels, you’ll have a hard time explaining why you feel them close. What is the source of this feeling?

The answer is very simple: your guardian angel! Your protector and guide can sometimes blind us to his presence; However, there are many signs that they exist. Do these 17 signs mean your angel is with you?

You can feel his presence

The first sign that your guardian angel exists It’s that you feel his presence. Sometimes it happens that we suddenly become aware of this presence.

We may not see anything or hear anything; all we know is that there is someone near us.

  • Maybe he just talked to us?
  • Did he encourage us?
  • Or maybe it just happened to us?

These signs are not always obvious, but we certainly feel the angel’s presence.

You are protected

A strong sign that your guardian angel exists and watches over you, It is your supernatural protection. You can be protected against accidents and disasters. We often think of our guardian angel as a child, and thinking like that we just want to hug him.

However, This is not the only function of our guardian angel.

Our guardian angel also protects us from all kinds of evil. With his mantle he covers us from head to toe, protecting us from all the evil that comes from around us.

So if you have the feeling that your guardian angel is with you in a protective way, The most logical explanation is that it is!

Divine interventions in our lives

The third sign that your guardian angel exists and watches over you It’s your divine intervention . When we are in trouble or need help with something, our guardian angel helps us without asking for anything in return.

It stands between us and bad luck; thus making miracles happen . If this has happened to you, the logical explanation is that your guardian angel is with you.

The ability to transform

The fourth sign is the transformation capacity of our guardian angel. He can make the impossible possible; He has divine authority over all material things!

If something like this has happened to you, it means that your protector exists and controls everything that happens around you.

You can feel his presence

The fifth sign that your guardian angel exists and is around you is your presence during feelings of joy . Have you ever felt sudden happiness when thinking about him? This feeling usually comes from the knowledge that our protector is close to us.

So if you have this feeling, know that your guardian angel is probably watching you very carefully!

You can feel his presence after waking up

Have you been looking for another sign that your guardian angel exists? You can feel his presence after you wake up .

It is one of our dreams to have an angel next to our bed while we sleep. But you can also have this feeling when you wake up! If you are filled with the feeling of being watched, it means that your guardian angel is close to you!

Something supernatural is happening

Every time you see some strange coincidence, you can be sure that something supernatural is happening .This sign indicates that your guardian angel exists and watches over you! Have you ever noticed a strange sensation in scary situations? It may be that your guardian angel is trying to encourage us to stay strong and calm.

You are happy

The eighth sign that your guardian angel exists They are the unexpected bursts of happiness! Have you ever felt overwhelmed by inexplicable happiness? If it is not a mere coincidence, this means that your guardian angel is watching over you and letting you know that he is nearby.

You dream of your Guardian Angel

What about the ninth sign? This one has to do with dreams. : Have you ever dreamed of an angel? This indicates that your guardian angel is there. You probably want to convey a message of encouragement!


The tenth sign is the presence of premonitions. If you have this feeling, it means that your angel is giving you important information. : something big and significant may happen soon! You can rest assured that he is right there watching over you!

So if you have experienced some of these signs, it means that your guardian angel is near. He exists and cares for us deeply!

17 signs that a guardian angel is watching over you

If you are curious about the signs by which you know that an angel is watching over you, Keep scrolling for the next 17 signs:

1) White feather

Any other feather may not be a sign, but if you find a white feather in your house, you can consider it like a calling card from your guardian angel.

Plus, you can make a note if you find it in an unexpected place. Like in your bag or bathroom or room. It is a message of tranquility and encouragement.

2) Find pennies

If you have found a dime or penny in an unexpected place, it is a sign from the angels that They are with you, they love you and support you.

However, it can also have personal meaning if you have been in deep chaos lately in your life or if you have a very important decision to make. As to what they mean you can think about what you were thinking when you found it.

3) Flashes of light

This may be another sign from your guardian angel. You can see a flash of light in many different ways.

You may have a flash of light in the side of your eye and you may have an unexpected streak of light in your photograph or a streak of light on your face when there is no sun around.

4) Rainbow

When a rainbow appears, especially when it hasn’t rained, it is often considered a sign from an angel. The rainbow is a sign of hope. It reminds you that if you wait, and don’t give up.

You will soon succeed and get out of this situation. These are also symbols of strength, success and wisdom.

5) Direct message

Spiritual message on a poster

It is believed that your guardian angel You can also give you a direct message for your problem in written text or voice .

For example, you may see a quote or saying somewhere in your book or board that will give you a direct solution to your problem.

However, other times you may meet a person, one of his words or lines may provide you with a solution to your problem or make you feel relieved from your problems. It is your guardian angel who is watching over you.

6) Goosebumps or chills

Sometimes in the presence of angels, You feel sudden chills, tingling, your foot goes numb, and you get goosebumps.

This can usually happen when you are feeling low and lacking confidence. It is believed that angels do this to raise your energy and confidence level to theirs. This is a sign that what you are currently feeling or doing is correct and on the right path.

7) The feeling of being touched

Angels communicate with you by touching you. You may feel someone patting you on the back, hugging you, or touching you on the face or neck. Additionally, you may feel sudden warmth while praying. This means that your guardian angel is close to you.

8) Images or symbols in the sky

Many people say that angels use clouds to send messages to humans as they are impressive to look at and easy to make.

They can also message you from other objects that are easy to reshape. Like tea leaves, foam and shadow. These are signs of love for you from heaven and its angels.

9) pleasant smell

Angels like to make you feel their presence with pleasant smells of food, flowers, perfumes, etc.

In the cases when something pleasant suddenly smells and he doesn’t know where. When you notice an unfamiliar smell, you think about the person you are friends with and what will happen next.

10) Touching your ear

This may be another sign of having an angel around you, as angels often speak to us touching your ear with his sacred hand. It may be a light or strong blow, but it is always good news for you from above.

11) You hear something

This is another way your guardian angel uses to communicate with you. There will possibly be heard things while sleeping or while awake. Like some music, the sound of an engine, vehicles, etc.

These are signs from the angels who want to tell you something important. You should always pay attention to what you hear right now and relate it to your recent situations.

12) Seashells on the beach

There are many times that you have walked on the beach with your loved ones. And you’ve seen seashells everywhere but you haven’t given them any meaning.

Such Maybe they are meant for you as an angel of death or a deceased loved one can communicate with you through these symbols.

13) Letters

Angels often leave letters near you whether in your mailbox, books, walls or your closet. Letters from heaven are a clear sign that an angel wants to communicate with you. You can also see them as stars, words on the ground, a name in the sand, etc.

14) The feeling of being watched

Sometimeswhen you feel that someone is taking care of you and watching over you, That means that guardian angel is protecting you from unknown obstacles that you might also face in the present or in the future. This can be a good sign that things will improve soon.

15) Coincidence

If you have Been trying to do something for so long and now it’s suddenly done in an unexpected way. This is nothing more than a sign that your guardian angel is watching over you and eliminating as many problems as possible.

16) Angel number

If you have been seeing certain numbers or sequences over and over again . It is a sign that your angels are…